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August 2024: Books I Read Last Month

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Written by Graeme

A bit of a quiet month for me in terms of reading. Part of it was how busy I was, and the other part is I read a few books I just plain didn’t enjoy so that affected how much I read.

The Midnight Feast by Lucy Foley: An author once on my “blindly buy” list, now promptly removed. I didn’t enjoy The Paris Apartment but I put that down to it being more of a domestic suspense novel than a thriller. This one though – I just hated so much about it. I try not to be negative on here so I won’t rant on about it. But I thought it was horrible.

A Noise Downstairs by Linwood Barclay: Plot involves a man who gets gifted a typewriter and then he hears it at night typing away.

It was alright with one big negative and one big positive. The final act opened with a twist that literally stunned me – I was listening to this one as I ran, and i had to stop and re-listen to it, to make sure I heard it correctly. Unfortunately there was a whole bunch of silliness at the end of the book which dragged the rating down considerably.

Identical by Saskia Sarginson: Never read this author before but a reader recommended it. Cool idea for a plot: twin sisters who are estranged, and one replaces the other for a week with her family. Unfortunately I didn’t enjoy this book. The big “twist” was something which seemed obvious from early on.

That’s all I read last month. Got some new books on the go right now so hopefully get some better quality in there!

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2 Responses to “August 2024: Books I Read Last Month”

  1. Karen Mahoney-Wilson: 3 months ago

    In reading your comments; you’ve mentioned “predictable” to describe books which you haven’t necessarily enjoyed. I find that word popping into my mind on occasion and now feel vindicated when I stop a book which is too predictable. I go onto more satisfying books!

    • Graeme: 2 months ago

      Yeah a lot of it depends on the book I find. I don’t mind if its predictable if it’s still handled in a satisfying manner.


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