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John Marrs Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Wronged Sons / When You Disappeared(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Welcome To Wherever You Are / The Vacation(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Good Samaritan(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Her Last Move(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
What Lies Between Us(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Keep It In The Family(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stranger in Her House(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Killed Me First(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The One Universe Books

The One(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Passengers(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Minders(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Marriage Act(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Family Experiment(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
These books take place in the same futuristic universe.They're standalone novels but I would advise reading them by their publication date.

The British journalist and writer John Marrs is well known for creating unique and engaging contemporary fiction with an element of science-fiction speculation. With all his novels grounded in reality though, he has really managed to create a distinctive and idiosyncratic voice all of his very own. Coming from Northamptonshire in the United Kingdom, he has made waves within the literary industry of late. Having spent over twenty years in the entertainment industry, interviewing celebrities for high-end publications such as ‘The Guardian’, he comes with an already well established brand behind him. Largely focusing on thriller novels, he has a gift for suspense, as well as speculation, putting forth ideas that examine relationships and human behavior. Using a style derived from his days as a reporter and interviewer, he writes in a way that is immediately accessible to his audience, going some way towards explaining his mass popularity and appeal as an author and writer of modern fiction. Not focusing on any series as such, Marrs prefers to write singular stories with a clear message, opting for brevity in his approach to the format. With more titles to come in the future, he has definitely marked himself as an author to watch in the following years to come.

Early and Personal Life

Born in Northamptonshire, John Marrs grew up in the United Kingdom, as he was raised with a keen passion for both reading and writing. Inspired to write stories about real people in real situations, he would take in ideas and inspiration from the world around him whilst growing up. Continuing this love of literature throughout the years, he would carry on honing and refining his voice during his education and learning. Interested in people, he would go on to become a major interviewer of celebrities, something that would come to shape his career in the years to follow. This could be seen reflected in his work, as his stories would concentrate on characters, with protagonists who would come to life off the page.

Working as a freelance journalist for over twenty years, Marrs would go on to interview a large number highly famous celebrities. It was this practice that would allow him to hone his voice as an author, whilst also learning how to write for a large mass audience as well. Transferring his skills learned here, here would also build a brand name for himself over the years too, allowing him to become a reputable name in the industry prior to becoming a full-time novelist. Now living between Northampton and London, John Marrs continues to write to this present day, putting out work at a regular and consistent pace. Showing no signs of stopping anhy time soon either, it appears that he will be carrying on into the foreseeable future for a long time yet.

Writing Career

Bringing out his first novel in 2013 with his debut title ‘When You Disappeared’, also known as ‘The Wronged Sons’, he would make his first entry onto the fictional literary scene. This would come to make an impact in the subsequent years to follow, allowing him to build his reputation from there onwards. Whilst he would create any long-running series, he would come to largely be known for personal and intricately woven stories. Telling stories about actual people, he creates stories that are easy to relate to, as they resonate with their readers on an emotional level. His characters speak for themselves in unique and idiosyncratic ways, as they stay with the readers long after they’ve put the book down.

An experienced writer, John Marrs would manage to create a style and tone from his background, giving him material to work with throughout the years. Relating mysteries, he would also manage to create a writing career that would keep readers constantly guessing throughout each and everyone of his novels. Combining exciting plot twists with unique and engaging characters, he would create something entirely new in the process. Highly vocal about his craft at a number of different events, he also maintains a strong presence both online as well as off, interact with his many fans on a regular basis. Setting himself up as a writer to watch in the years to come, he is definitely a novelist who will carry on growing from strength-to-strength.

The Wronged Sons

Initially brought out by John Marrs himself, this would first arrive on the 5th of September in 2013 to much acclaim. Working entirely as a stand-alone novel, it would set-up a self contained thriller mystery, whilst exemplifying what Marrs had to offer as an author of the genre. Asking questions about family and loss, this looks at the relationships people create and exactly what they mean in their day-to-day lives. The characters themselves would also be extremely well drawn, as he would build a fully three-dimensional portrait of their lives. Using its locations well too, it really evokes as stylized sense of atmosphere and ambiance too, really making the most of its concept and ideas.

Living a comfortable life as a housewife with her husband Simon, mother-of-three Catherine’s life is thrown into full disarray when disappears one day. Vanishing Simon goes traveling, avoiding telling anybody he meets on the road what he’s really running away from. Then, twenty-five years later, he meets his wife once again, as the two of them speak to one another in what will be a final confrontation between the two. Why did he leave? What secrets are they hiding? Who are the wronged sons?

The Good Samaritan

Coming out through the ‘Thomas and Mercer’ publishing outlet this time, this would also provide another stand-alone novel for John Marrs. Released on the 1st of December in 2017, this would see a development in his career as an author and writer. Creating a thriller novel focused on character driven drama, it would provide more of the quality many had now come to expect from the author.

Featuring the ‘End of the Line’ as a call-center dedicated to helping those in need of help, it features someone who is less that willing to provide assistance. Bitter that her life hasn’t gone the way that she originally wanted, Laura is working at the call center, and she wants the suicidal callers to die. That’s when Ryan discovers what she’s doing after he lost his pregnant wife following a suicide pact she entered into with a stranger. Will he put a stop to Laura’s actions? Can he learn what really happened to his wife? Who is the good Samaritan?

Book Series In Order » Authors » John Marrs

One Response to “John Marrs”

  1. karl Lauritzen: 3 years ago

    just finished The one…terrific


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