Sheila Holm Books In Order
Book links take you to Amazon. As an Amazon Associate I earn money from qualifying purchases.Publication Order of For The Sake Of America Books
For The Sake Of America | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
For The Sake Of America II | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
For The Sake Of America III | (2018) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
For The Sake Of America IV | (2019) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
For The Sake Of America V | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books
God's Storehouse Principle | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
God's Currency | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Nation Restoration | (2014) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
In One Accord | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Always Speak Life | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
A Peculiar People | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Christmas | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
It's A Faith Walk | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
A Wake Up Call | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
In Search of Wigglesworth | (2017) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
A Warrior's Battlefield Strategy Devotional | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
A Trumpet Call To Believers | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Sheila Holm
Sheila Holm is an author and internationally recognized conference speaker. She has been living supernaturally for over 25 years by this point.
Sheila’s a business coach the Lord has sent forth church to church, business to business, nation to nation on every continent, except for South America. She was in Australia for a total of 7 weeks before flying off to Fiji and on to the Kingdom of Tonga. Then Sheila was home under 24 hours before a trip was arranged to Norway, Denmark, Sweden, England, and Scotland.
Seven trips to London for the next 12 months while meeting pastors during one week for this coronation of this King in Ghana, West Africa. Travel was arranged to Kuala Lampur, Malaysia during Ramadan without even knowing anything about Ramadan. Extended and then invited to Shanghai, China with extension time for this invitation to Shenzhen, China.
Her focus is America and doing everything that she can in order to unite together as believers For the Sake of America.
“God’s Currency” is a non-fiction book that was released in 2016. Sheila has fully surrendered to God’s plan for these days. God sends her business to business, church to church, and from one nation to the next. Many confirm that she walks in the five-fold ministry. She doesn’t use any title since God does all the work as He sends her as an apostle and prophet and He orchestrates all arrangements for her to teach, evangelize, and preach.
God’s urgency for her to release God’s Currency is because of the fact that if we lived as though we are the Church and the Body of Christ operating per God’s Currency it wouldn’t matter if world currency ever collapsed, we’d not be affected since God’s Currency would be enough to sustain us.
God’s Storehouse Principle establishes this cycle of blessings that gain momentum once we stand firm in the truth and live blessed and blessing one another through God’s Currency. God’s own desires is for us to know Christ is in the midst once two or more fellowship together and the resources God makes available through us are to be shared the way He directs so no one leaves the fellowship lacking particularly the widows (without husbands) and the orphans (without dads).
“Nation Restoration” is a non-fiction book that was released in 2017. At long last, a book which not only gives the answer up front but also offers clearly laid out options to deal with the out of control crime of identity theft.
Sheila’s experienced the most extreme case of identity theft on record. She provides some details regarding the fraud strategy that has been the business plan of all the illegal aliens that use the Social Security numbers of legal citizens.
Sheila proves why we’re not able to just turn this financial debacle around on our own, or even as a small group, however, once we come together we’ve got the ingenuity, the ability, and the strength, and now, the urgent need to ‘get the job done’.
“A Wake Up Call: It’s Restoration Time!” is a non-fiction book that was released in 2017. Providing the truth to all of the believers, so all that know the truth already can unite in a single accord and complete upon the Lord’s true plan and purpose for these times.
“Always Speak Life” is a non-fiction book that was released in 2017. Prayer. Pray with authority and power. Our own words have power. Always, in every situation, as we face all circumstances, speak life. We’ve got a choice every time that we open our mouth: speak blessings or curses, speak about life or death. Always choose to speak life.
Often Sheila is asked to ‘not build up hope’ but hope as well as a future is what we’re promised. Being humans, we might not realize even what we ask the Lord to do what we want, since we want what we want as we might not know what the Lord’s even got ‘in store’ for us.
In order to align with the Lord’s plans for our life, start by speaking life into every single situation and request for the truth is life in Christ is what we’ve got on earth as well as in heaven.
“For the Sake of America” is a non-fiction book that was released in 2017. Word and vision the Lord gave to three internationally recognized prophets that cried out to the Lord. They gave the facts to people that they trusted and God arranged for each one to find and release them to Sheila. She realized that the Lord was serious when the 3rd message was shared by the Bob Jones contact following a wedding May of 2015.
One three week trip in October of 2013 was extended a few times already. Just God knew the extension of time would be required to reveal such a deep truth for America. The Lord confirmed in this specific vision that He sent her to Georgia since she asked for this assignment. Since Georgia wasn’t a part of her conversations with the Lord she was quite surprised up until the Lord reminded her of her own words every time she witnessed the flow of the body of Christ in other nations that He sent her to all around the world.
She was hoping that the Lord would send somebody to bring the truth to the body of Christ in America. Once the Lord reminded her of her own heart’s desires, she realized in that very moment that He sent her to Georgia to be available during such a critical time in our nation for His promise, purpose, and plan to be made known to the people. The Lord promised all of the prophets and Sheila if His people that are called by His name will stand in faith, humble themselves, and repent for what He reveals to the body of Christ from Macon, Georgia all the way up to Moravian Falls, North Carolina then His truth is going to restore the people in Georgia and all across America like some mighty flood.
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