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A.P. Bateman Books In Order

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Hell's Mouth(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Most Dangerous Game(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

A.P Bateman is an American author who majors in writing crime, and mystery thrillers. He has served as a bodyguard and a private detective where he vigorously trained with ex-policemen, ex-military, and special forces. During his training, he got an exposure to weapons and tactics that enabled him in the creation of his incredible thrillers. Bateman I also a family man and spends a considerable amount of time with his wife and two children in their rural Cornwall home.

Bateman has authored some books which have featured on Amazon top 100. His experience while training and work are seen in the publications that he has made.

The Ares Virus

The Ares Virus introduces the rob stone series. A super virus is created at a military facility, and the same has been upgraded, but some people are out to use the research for their gain. But Isobel Bartlett is out there to stop this from happening. The big question is, will she manage to prevent the treacherous people from using it for their own advantage?

At a military facility, a super-virus is manufactured, but in the course of its conception, it helps in furthering medical research by decades. Releasing the virus will mean billions in profits to the manufacturers. Isobel has been working at the facility and knew this but knowing the potential that the virus carries, runs away with details that can assist in culturing the virus. Her only help is a contact at the FBI as her decision to free from the facility with such critical information means putting her on the spot with the rogue government officials.

Robe stone works with the secret service and is tasked with unraveling a failed assassination attempt. His investigations lead him to the same research facility that Isobel is fleeing from, and they both get into the same trap of being hunted. The two are hunted mercilessly by the officials responsible for the manufacture of the virus and antivirus for their benefit. An assassin is hot on heels after the two as they have information that could bring down the plot of those responsible for the assassination and the intention to cause a catastrophic event with the release of the deadly virus.

They are pushed all the way to the forest of Vermont, and it is at this moment that rob decides to take the war to the hunters. If they fail to stop the treacherous group, they could end up witnessing a catastrophe that could end up crippling the entire country and world at large.

This story is developed with a high level of creativity featuring great characters and lots of action, suspense and breath-holding moments that deliver an excellent read.

The Town

Next in the Robe Stone trilogy is The Town. In this Amazon #1 bestseller, Rob Stone is unconsciously drawn into a confrontation that is very deep and horrific. But the hunters are unaware of the kind of person that they are chasing getting into a hunt that leaves many of them wriggling in pain and loss.
Rob is on a climb to the mountains of Oregon, and while taking a break at a coffee shop, he sees a man being humiliated and steps in to rescue the man from the ugly situation. His actions are kind, but they end up sparking a confrontation that risks his life. A man tries to kill him immediately after his interventional effort, but this only sparkles the soldier in stone. Looking deeper into the affair, he discovers that a lot has been happening which is unthinkable and horrifying. Stone cannot stand this and immediately swings to action to put an end the unimaginable things that have been going on in this small town.

He is however outnumbered and forced into the dense mountain forest. Little do his hunters know that they have given Rob an advantage by chasing him into such an environment. He is like a lone wolf gunning its enemies one by one without their being prepared. The action becomes intense as the enemies are slowly overpowered by one man who is after stopping the evils that have ravaged the small town.

This is one of those reads that when you pick up, putting down will be impossible until you get to the end. The action, suspense, and tactics employed by the main character make it incredibly great.

The Island

Third in the Robe Stone Trilogy is The Island. Stone is used to outdoing his enemies, but this time things are different, he wakes up on an island naked and alone with no single memory of what led to such a happening. He has to try and construct his memories to understand what brought him to such a humiliating situation.

Stone had taken a break from his official task of guarding the presidents but his instincts draw him into investigating a case, and this is when things go against him one event leading to another until he finds himself helpless on an island. As he goes through his memory, he discovers that over time he has made lots of enemies and getting the one that sent him in this condition will definitely be a task.

The memories start trickling back and build a picture of who he is and what he does for a living. It comes to his mind that he is well aware of survival skills and is determined to live at any cost. Memories of a desperate journalist that was in need of his help, the dark web start trickling back, and he begins connecting the dots. He is rushing against time to remember his life before the island changed the person that he was some time back. As he goes deeper into his memories what he discovers is worth staying there as the unthinkable and unimaginable becomes a reality.

All through the book there is numerous action and twists and turns that keeps you rocked on the story page after page. It’s a story which makes the reader hold their breath as stone makes desperate and well-calculated moves to survive.

Book Series In Order » Authors » A.P. Bateman

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