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Alan Jacobson Books In Order

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Alan Jacobson is a National best-selling author with numerous critically acclaimed works within the thriller genre.


With an Arts Degree in English writing from Queens College in New York, as well as a doctorate from Palmer College attached to his name, Alan Jacobson first gained true prominence from his work as a medical examiner.

Eventually achieving the position of qualified medical evaluator in California, Alan’s career choices and experience as an expert witness proved critical in informing the stories of his many novels, an understanding of the intricacies of modern society through the lens of crime, such as the strengths and weaknesses of the justice system allowing Alan to craft plots grounded within a jarring sense of reality.

The majority of Alan Jacobson’s works rely heavily upon the training and experience he gathered over the years, having engaged in extensive research into law enforcement organizations such as the US Marshals service, SWAT, the Drug Enforcement Administration and Scotland Yard to mention but a few.

Many a critic have commended Alan Jacobson for the visceral life he brings into thriller projects, often approaching each project with the mindset of an investigative newspaper journalist, injecting surprising elements of realism into every facet of his works.

The quality of Alan’s books is such that not only do most of his novels feature in numerous ‘Best books of the year’ lists but five of his works have already been option by Hollywood for possible live action treatment.

Key to the success of Alan’s books is his primary protagonist, Karen Vail, a smart, tough and funny profiler whose character is modeled from a real life FBI profiler Alan Jacobson had the privilege of working closely with over the several years he spent with the Behavioral Analysis Unit of the FBI.

Alan has often spoken of those moments that most drastically impacted his writing career and the path it took, most prominent of which was his encounter with Mark Safarik, an FBI agent awaiting his opportunity to enter the Bureau’s Behavioral Analysis Unit; an encounter that proffered Alan the opportunity to tour the FBI academy and scrutinize the profiling unit.

It was this encounter that first attracted Alan Jacobson’s interest towards the world of serial crime. His extensive interactions with Mark safari and Mary Ellen O’Toole, his partner, allowed Alan to construct a knowledge base so extensive that he was able to utilize it to great effect in developing a litany of novels within the thriller genre.

Alan’s literary debut was rather explosive, with ‘The 7th Victim’ immediately savaging its competition to reach the top of many a national best seller lists, particularly because of the likeability of Vail, Alan’s main character, a woman facing great odds within a behavioral science unit geared towards men; bearing enough flaws to be relatable, constantly questioning her actions even as she works to hone her skills to accomplish the tasks before her.

Despite the attention the writer has received from Hollywood on several occasions, Alan, in many an interview has admitted that the potential live action adaptations of his best works hasn’t swayed him from his first love, which is books, and a focus to continue producing great stories with intriguing characters.

False Accusations

Doctor Phillip Madison is a very privileged man, with wealth, power and a comfortable life style; that is until his life comes crashing down around him. When a double homicide, a brutal accident that claimed the lives of a couple is placed at his feet, Doctor Madison is without appropriate defense, not when all the evidence is pointing at him.

False Accusations is an impressive thriller and most Alan Jacobson fans seem to agree; a solid read, the novel is difficult to put down from the very first page, especially in presenting the plight of Doctor Madison, with the evidence piled against him so damning that the idea of an acquittal seems ludicrous.

The confrontations between Detective Jennings and Madison are anything but boring; the dialogue provides great set up for each scene, with the story begging readers to root for Doctor Madison while making it difficult to side against Jennings and the effort the detective injects into uncovering the truth behind the mystery.

Opening the first page of False Accusations is like strolling into a trap; once the story sinks its hooks into you, which happens fairly early on, there is no letting go. Many fans have described a feeling of disappointment upon finally putting the book down, that irritation of coming to the end of a great book and the stunned silence that follows a breath taking finale.

Few novels within the thriller genre are as engaging as False Accusations.

The 7Th Victim

Despite her gifts as a truly talented profiler, Special Agent Karen Vail fares no better against the murderous brutality of the Dead Eyes killer than her comrades in the famed FBI profiling unit.

With considerably overwhelming baggage undermining her capabilities, this including the review of her assault against her ex-husband, the battle against Dead Eyes proves to be anything but easy.

Until the seventh victim, they key to finally unraveling Dead eyes and secrets that just might destroy the career Vail has worked to build.

Alan Jacobson shines best when he is bringing the cold brutality of the criminal mind to life; which he does with the 7th victim, utilizing meticulous research to add a realistic edge to the crime thriller genre.

As with all his books, Alan’s first Karen Vail book is a page turner; the likeable characters are truly likeable, while the villains are easily detestable. The twists and turns are well crafted and perfectly scattered across the novel.

And even the somewhat coincidental elements of the mystery solving machine behind Karen Vail allow for a sense of logic to prevail. There are romantic facets present but which do not attempt to overtake the mystery elements of the novel.

Karen Vail is easily the novel’s biggest success, smart, determined and tortured, the numerous complications of her life making for interesting reading, and just as engaging to follow as the mystery killer; especially in light of the role her baggage plays in inhibiting her abilities to solve the mystery.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Alan Jacobson

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