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Alex Berenson Books In Order

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Publication Order of John Wells Books

The Faithful Spy(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Ghost War(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Silent Man(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Midnight House(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Secret Soldier(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Shadow Patrol(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Night Ranger(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Counterfeit Agent(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Twelve Days(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wolves(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Prisoner(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Deceivers(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Power Couple(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Number(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lost in Kandahar(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Prince of Beers(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Alex Berenson Quotes(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tell Your Children(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pandemia(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Unreported Truth Books

Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns: Part 1(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Unreported Truths about COVID-19 and Lockdowns: Part 2(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns: Part 3: Masks(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Unreported Truths About Covid-19 and Lockdowns: Part 4: Vaccines(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Alex Berenson Biography:

Born in New York, but raised in Englewood, New Jersey Alex Berenson is the picture perfect all american boy. Ever since he was a child, Alex had an insatiable desire to uncover the truth behind any story. Berenson’s unrelenting drive and engaging persona drew him towards journalism.

After graduating from Yale University in 1994 at the age of twenty-one, Alex joined the Denver Post as a beat reporter. While at Yale University, Berenson double majored with degrees in history and economics. At the Denver Post, Alex quickly made a name for himself as he was promoted through the writing ranks to become a business reporter.

In his two years at the newspaper Alex published over 500 articles and was courted by some of the top news publications to work for them. Ultimately, Alex decided to join a new startup website called “TheStreet.” Created in 1996 by CNBC reporter Jim Cramer the website aims to provide journalistic excellence in the field of economics and business.

Berenson only spent two years working for Cramer before he was recruited to join the ultimate newspaper in the field of reporting: The New York Times. Despite his relative youth, Alex was tasked with reporting on the most critical of cases.

It was while working at The New York Times, that Berenson found his inner writer as he embarked on journalistic adventures throughout the world. While at the Times, Alex wrote on everything from Hurricane Katrina to the drug war in Columbia.

In every case, Berenson was not afraid to ask the questions that no one else dared or write about controversial topics. Soon, Alex found himself embedded with troops in Iraq where he served as a war correspondent. While in Iraq, Alex began formulating the ideas that led him to write his first novel entitled The Faithful Spy.

In 2010, Berenson left The New York Times to pursue fiction writing full time. However, he is a frequent editorialist and contributor to the paper. Alex lives in upstate New York with his wife and daughter. In his short writing career, Alex has written multiple fiction novels and a few non-fiction as well.

Berenson’s book have been met with critical claim as his first novel The Faithful Spy was the number one New York Times paperback bestseller in February 2008. Furthermore, each new release is met with critical acclaim from the press and thriller writers alike. Similar in writing style to Brad Thor and Vince Flynn, Berenson is the next in a long line of great thriller and espionage genre authors.

The names of Alex’s fiction books are (in order of publication): The Faithful Spy, The Ghost War, The Silent Man, The Midnight House, The Secret Soldier, The Shadow Patrol, and The Night Ranger. Not only have Berenson’s books been met with critical acclaim in the United States, but they have also been published in countries around the world.

Each Berenson novel offers a glimpse into the world of terrorism and covert operations. From the beginning, we are introduced to John Wells, the protagonist and hero of Berenson’s novel. Wells is your prototypical next door neighbor: handsome, charming, and polite.

However, Wells has one secret and its a big one: he’s a member of al Qaeda and a CIA operative. Since the early 1990s, Wells had been undercover in the al Qaeda terrorist group after infiltrating the organization. John was a natural fit for the assignment as his excellent language skills, extreme physical capabilities, and an unquestionable loyalty to the United States.

As the years go by, Wells is forced to fully indoctrinate himself with the organization. Overtime, Wells becomes a devout Muslim and begins to question the actions of the US towards the Middle East. In the months prior to the United States, John did nothing to alert the CIA of an impending an attack. However after the terrorist attacks of 9/11, John is left questioning his belief in human kind.

In the aftermath of the attack, the terrorist leaders who Wells has become embedded with recruit him to return to the US to carry out an attack against his country. As the novel continues, the questions about Wells’ loyalty continue and the US finds itself on the brink of an all out war.

After saving the nation from a devastating attack, John Wells returns Berenson’s next novel The Ghost War. In the aftermath of the failed attack, the nation is left reeling and the CIA is in turmoil. For the first time in two decades, John Wells finds himself back in an unfamiliar place: America.

After spending years living in Afghanistan as a devout Muslim, Wells must reintegrate himself into society. In this novel, we are introduced to Wells’ lover, Jennifer Exley a high level employee with the CIA. Exley and others at the CIA are attempting to extract a scientist from North Korea who is time sensitive information on his country’s nuclear capabilities and plans.

However, when the extraction fails and the scientist and the CIA team are killed signs begin pointing back towards Afghanistan. Unfortunately, only one man has the experience and know how to track the individual down in Afghanistan: John Wells.

As Wells races the clock to prevent a nuclear war he must defeat enemies on all sides. John Wells is the ultimate warrior as he combines unrelenting loyalty to his country and the physical traits necessary to get the job done at any cost. As the novels continue, Berenson continues to unveil the mystery behind John Wells.

Readers will witness Wells’ human side as his loved ones are killed as he hopelessly watches. However, Wells is consumed with a violent streak of revenge as he tracks down those responsibility for innocent violence and brings justice to the world. As each novel begins, a new threat is unleashed and only John Wells has the knowledge and expertise to save the United States.

Clearly, Alex Berenson is the next great thriller writer in a long line of successful authors. Stay tuned for more novels chronicling the adventures of John Wells.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Alex Berenson

6 Responses to “Alex Berenson”

  1. Ted Beemer: 10 months ago

    I tend to “get involved” in characters’ lives especially with an author like Alex Berenson who, as is said above, actually carries the story with some education thrown in. Would love to read more John Wells

  2. Susan: 2 years ago

    Thank you Alex I follow your posts about COVID and am glad to hear someone actually tells the truth God bless all that you do

  3. Moyra S Alayne: 3 years ago

    Just a P.S. about Alex Berenson and his John Wells novels.
    I discovered that the book I was reading was the last for Wells, and was actually saddened much to my surprise, yet glad that Wells finally found peace.
    Now that speaks far more than anything I can say about Alex’s talent as a writer when the reader becomes so ingrained in a fictional character’s ‘life’ that you are sad to see him go, yet cheer for him as well. That is a rare master writer’s talent indeed. Who knows, except Alex, maybe Evan Wells will show up one day to continue in Dad’s footsteps. I will applaud and follow his career as I have John’s.
    One can hope. Thank you Alex

    • Graeme: 3 years ago

      Yeah I really hope that he returns to writing the John Wells series one day. One of my favourite series for sure.

      • Steven: 2 years ago

        I hope he does, I prefer reading them over reading content such as COVID-19 materials and whatnot, we’re living COVID History, wait a decade and then write a book about it. I’m tired enough of the news that I’ll turn on the Kardashians than watch the news, I’ll read news from a local newspaper and check weather online, COVID-19, Trump, the 2020 Election mess, other news is beating a dead horse, it’s time to move on and get on with our lives with some normalcy.

  4. Moyra Alayne: 3 years ago

    Appreciate a writer that isn’t redundant in his creativity causing the reader to feel like editing or tearing out pages. Alex’s doesn’t aim for keeping a reader entertained, rather educates and broadens ones scope of present day events as well as intrigues to the point of researching for more. His books I keep. I thank him for being not only refreshingly clear, but painting his characters so vividly you can place yourself invisibly in the moment.


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