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Alexa Martin Books In Order

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Publication Order of Playbook Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Mom Jeans and Other Mistakes(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Better Than Fiction(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Next-Door Nemesis(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

The American writer Alexa Martin is well known for writing romance novels that really resonate with her readers worldwide. Using her own life to inspire her, she takes material from her own experiences and puts it all back into her novels, allowing them feel a lot more genuine in the process. It is her characters that really manage to strike a chord too, as many of them are well drawn and fully three dimensional, feeling as if they could leap off of the page any moment. This goes some way towards explaining how she has come to have the success that she has had over the years of her writing career. Witty and intelligent, she really entertains her readers too, making sure that they enjoy the journey along the way, whilst also saying something substantial in the process.

Creating a series as well, she has produced the ‘Playbook’ franchise which features stories inspired by her own life. Telling stories about the wives of NFL players, it sees the relationships from their own perspective, something which Martin has first-hand experience with. Coming a long way in a relatively short amount of time, there’s plenty more to come in the years to follow for Martin as an author.

Early and Personal Life

Living in Colorado in the United States, Alexa Martin has always had a strong passion for both reading and writing from an early age. Married to an NFL player, he now coaches at their childhood high-school where they first met, something which has come to influence her work enormously. Working as a stay-at-home mother, she has managed to become a full-time writer too, as they both look after their four children and German Shepard. It was a total of approximately eight years that she would spend as an NFL wife, which would be an experience that she would also write about. Continuing to write to this very day, she will carry on writing for quite some time to come, with more books expected to follow in the future.

Writing Career

It would be in 2018 that Alexa Martin would first turn her hand towards writing, publishing the novel ‘Intercepted’. This would also be the first in a series of books which would be titled ‘Playbook’, to be later followed up by ‘Fumbled’, this being the second in the series. Writing her novels with a great deal of passion and heart, she would infuse her own life experiences into the mix, allowing them to feel wholly real and authentic in the process. Winning a her a worldwide following of loyal fans and readers, many would look to her books finding something of themselves in them, regardless of their backgrounds or their knowledge of NFL. Maintaining a very strong presence both online and off, her writing career will carry on growing from strength-to-strength for many years to come.


First published through Berkeley Books in 2018 on the 11th of September, this would be the first in the ‘Playbook’ series. Whilst the titles would only follow on from each other thematically, they can be read casually as the reader feels most comfortable with. Showing an exemplary start for Martin as an author too, it displays a clear sign of things to come for her as a writer of great talent.

A fun and entertaining read, this is definitely coming from a very real place, as Alexa Martin writes about a world that she clearly knows. With characters that come across as fully three-dimensional and situations that seem wholly real, this really is a novel that definitely stands out for the reader. The world of the NFL isn’t something that readers need to fully know about beforehand either, as Martin really goes to great lengths to make everyone feel welcome. Giving her audience a guided journey almost, she writes about themes and ideas that relate on a universal level around the globe.

Marlee Harper has been badly burned by her partner of coming up to ten years, having dated an NFL star-player. Discovering that he’s been cheating on her consecutively behind her back, she soon realizes that their relationship has to come to an end. It appears that the new hotshot quarterback to the NFL team Gavin Pope desperately wants to show her that he’s nothing like her previous partner. It would also appear though, that the other NFL wives are less than welcoming, as gossip begins to spread around Marlee and Gavin’s potential new relationship. Will the two of them be able to survive it all? Can they begin a new relationship together and can Marlee trust again? Who will find themselves intercepted?


Another exemplary addition to the series, this carries on in a similar vein as before, taking the franchise forwards in a new and exciting direction. With an entirely new character and relationship, this focuses on Poppy Patterson in what is the second title in the ongoing ‘Playbook’ series of novels. Originally published in 2019 on the 23rd of April, it would arrive through the Berkeley publishing label to much acclaim and anticipation. It would feature an entirely stand-alone story, which, whilst following on thematically, would feature many of the elements that readers have come to know and love from the franchise.

At the young age of just sixteen Poppy Patterson made the big decision to uproot her entire life and move across the country after becoming pregnant. Working hard to build her own life as she sees it, Poppy is finally happy with the end result, showing how far she has come as a person and as a mother. That’s when she happens to meet TK Moore once again, her once high-school sweetheart, as the two of them never thought that they’d see each other again. Now playing in the NFL for the Denver Mustangs as the starting wide receiver, TK Moore is has a whole new life too, as they find all the lost secrets of the past catching up with them both. Will they become an item once again? Can they overcome the years spent apart? Who will find that they have fumbled?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Alexa Martin

One Response to “Alexa Martin”

  1. Heid Bulu: 2 years ago

    hello, I just finished reading Blitzed and I absolutely love it! read most of it in 1 day
    I plan on reading any and all of your books
    thank you for the lovely stories !!!!


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