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Alison Goodman Books In Order

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Publication Order of Eon Books

Eon / The Two Pearls of Wisdom / Eon: Dragoneye Reborn / Eon: Rise of the Dragoneye(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Eona / The Necklace of the Gods / Eona: Return of the Dragoneye / Eona: The Last Dragoneye(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Ill-Mannered Ladies Books

The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Lady Helen Books

The Dark Days Club(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lusus Naturae(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Days Pact(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Days Deceit(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Singing the Dogstar Blues(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Killing the Rabbit / A New Kind of Death(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Alison Goodman is an Australian author who was born in the year 1966, in Melbourne, Australia. Goodman is widely known for the novel, Singing the Dogstar Blue, which was not only her debut novel but also won her the Best Young Adult Novel Award at the Aurealis Awards. In the year 2007, her novel Killing the Rabbit was officially released and shortlisted for a Davitt Award. Her very first book in the author’s crossover duology, The Two Pearls of Wisdom was published in the U.K and Australia in the year 2008. Towards the end of 2008, the book was released in the United States but this time under a different name, EON: Dragoneye Reborn. Due to its immense success, this novel has been translated into more than ten languages and has won an Aurealis Award, and a James Tiptree Jr. Award. Overall, Alison Goodman has penned down numerous short stories for different anthologies.

Alison has a Master’s degree from the RMIT University. Upon completing her master’s education, Goodman began teaching creative programs at some of the leading local universities. Currently, Goodman resides in Australia with her spouse and their Machiavellian Jack Russell.

Eon Series

EON: Dragoneye Reborn is the first installment in the EON book series. Dragoneye Reborn is a brand new fantasy novel, which has been exclusively written for young adults; however, it still has a great crossover appeal for adults as well. In this installment, the author introduces the reader to one, EON, a young lady who is secretly undergoing a series of training and testing as a man. Eon’s master had seen great potential in her, thus went along with the ploy to win back favor, fortune, and power for his house. The gamble that he takes eventually pays off when EON is selected to be the year’s Dragoneye and also by the exceedingly mysterious Mirror Dragon to become its only Dragoneye. Thus, it does not take before Eon plunges into the world of politics, which surrounds the dragon and the emperor and rigorous training.

Overall, this is a well-written novel, which is exceedingly fascinating, entertaining and complex. One of the most fascinating aspects about this novel is watching the author combine the book’s universe with the one that we are currently living in by using the social and political systems. A great deal of the first half of the story has been spent on world building; nonetheless, it has still been done in an exceedingly unique and fascinating way, developing the character of the protagonist and those individuals around her. Dragoneye is the first novel in a two-part story, which has been set in a fictitious universe that the author created. The great thing is that the author was able to resolve enough, thereby was able to keep the readers fully satisfied and also make this novel entirely complete, while also in the process creating a cliffhanger.

With that said, this installment is full of smart political intrigue, satisfying character stuff, and nerve wrecking conflict. The book is preposterously well-paced hence extremely hard to put it down. When it comes to the characters, the author introduces a right amount of different characters, who have their unique struggles, are well rounded and also contribute something to the overall plot of the novel. Furthermore, all the characters were memorable and highly interesting.

Another great read in this installment is the Last Dragoneye, which is the second book in this series. For the very first time in more than 500 years, the Mirror Dragon finally returned and chose an exceedingly young girl as its Dragoneye. However, Eona is under the instructions of her deceitful master, who has a hidden agenda. When the brother to the emperor, Sethon and the ascendant dragon eye lord, stages a resilient coup, which resulted in the killing of all the remaining dragon eyes together with the imperial family, the protagonist’s true nature as a woman and duplicity is revealed. For the very first time in her life, the heroine must come to terms with her identity as a woman and also one of the three remaining dragon eyes.

Despite the fact that Eon has very little control of her unique powers, each and every person is more than determined to ensure that they control her, including Kygo, the rightful emperor. It does not take long before Eona realizes that her exceedingly unique powers also come with great responsibilities. Without any person willing to teach her, how to avoid the rage and grief of the lordless red dragon and how to control and channel her powers, Eona is thus forced to go to her bitter enemy, Lord Ido, who will assist Eona to harness her unique powers for the greater good. As Eona reunites with Lord Kygo once more, she realizes that she requires the guidance of Lord Ido, so that she will not only be able to defeat Sethon, but to also return the throne to the rightful ruler.

The resistance fighters must do all they can to free the power hungry but exceedingly humble Lord Ido, who should not be trusted at all. Furthermore, they should also gather all the forces so as to meet Sethon in battle. Nonetheless, the Dragoneye and the Dragon are exceedingly complex, and there is an exceedingly old story, which is still trying to get out in the open through Kinra, the protagonist’s ancestor, and also how the power of the Dragoneye came to be. With that being said, the author, Alison Goodman is a brilliant author. She has not only managed to construct a riveting story about war and honor, but she has also provided an exceedingly tense and spine-tingling plot in the process.

The characters in both books are exceedingly unique especially the supporting cast such as Kygo and Dillon. Most of the characters in both books are full of flaws, and that is what makes them realistic. Eona is an excellent protagonist who has faced intense struggles with an ever-changing personality and power. She is also exceedingly smart, however, the seduction powers many at times lead her to making the wrong decisions from time to time. Apart from Eona, Dela, Kygo, and Ryko are all an excellent addition to this novel. Ido, on the other hand, is exceedingly charismatic and full of amusing quips.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Alison Goodman

4 Responses to “Alison Goodman”

  1. DEBBIE: 1 year ago

    when is the next Ill-Mannered Ladies book coming Enjoyed it and cannot wait for the next

    • Betty Wagner: 3 months ago

      I really enjoyed The Benevolent Society of Ill-Mannered Ladies.

      Will this story be continued in a later book:

  2. Marlene S Johnson: 1 year ago

    I so enjoyed your new book “…Ill-Mannered Ladies”. Will there be another one/ones to follow? I hope.

  3. Elizabeth F Ramsey: 3 years ago

    I really enjoyed reading these books. I couldn’t put them down, it was like they were controlling me to continue to read them. It took me 2 weeks to read them.


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