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Alyssa Rose Ivy Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Afterglow Trilogy Books

Publication Order of The Allure Chronicles Books

Publication Order of Chronicles Tales Books

Publication Order of Clayton Falls Books

Publication Order of The Corded Saga Books

Publication Order of Court of Shifters Chronicles Books

Publication Order of The Crescent Chronicles Books

Publication Order of The Dire Wolves Chronicles Books

Publication Order of The Empire Chronicles Books

Publication Order of The Forged Chronicles Books

Publication Order of Ghostly Shadows Books

Publication Order of The Grizzly Brothers Chronicles Books

Publication Order of The Guardians of Eternity Books

Beware the Darkness(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
When Darkness Ends(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkness Returns(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Half Light Books

Publication Order of Hazards Books

The Hazards of Skinny Dipping(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hazards of a One Night Stand(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hazards of Sex on the Beach(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hazards of Mistletoe(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hazards of Sleeping with a Friend(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Heart Chronicles Books

Heart of the Wolf(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Heart of the Lion(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Heart of the Bear(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Lunar Academy Books

with Jennifer Snyder

Publication Order of Mixology Books

Shaken Not Stirred(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
On the Rocks(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Pteron Chronicles Books

Publication Order of The Triton Chronicles Books

Publication Order of Willow Harbor Books

Shifter's Fate(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Vampire's Descent (By: Jennifer Snyder)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hunter's Revenge (By: Juliana Haygert)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Triton's Curse (By: Sarra Cannon)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Siren's Song (By: Juliana Haygert)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Warlock's Embrace(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Witch's Mark (By: Sarra Cannon)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Raven's Sight (By: Jennifer Snyder)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Life After Falling(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Halfway Whole and Other Lies We Tell Ourselves(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Forgotten Wings: The Shifter Trials(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Full Moons and Mistletoe(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Full Moons and Candy Canes(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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An American writer, the novelist Alyssa Rose Ivy is a well respected writer who has been making an impact upon the literary industry for quite some time now, with a vast backlog of work that’s continually growing day-by-day. Generating publicity worldwide, she has managed to build an audience that is also expanding exponentially, with more and more discovering her work all the time. Interweaving both humor and romance, she takes a very down-to-earth look at what makes humans tick and what it is that motivates them individually. Writing genre fiction as well, she is no stranger to science-fiction and fantasy too, creating vast and expansive worlds that draw her readers in, keeping them there continually hooked throughout. Being the author of over twenty-five novels so far and counting, she puts out work at a rapid and ever consistent pace, something which has gained her a large following among both the critics and the general public alike. A creative powerhouse, she also mainly focuses on the Young Adult demographic, speaking to them in a manner quite unlike any other within her field, as she communicates in a style which resonates with them on an even deeper level. With a lot more novels set to come in the future, she doesn’t appear to be stopping any time soon either, as her writing career grows from strength-to-strength, on into the foreseeable future for some time to come yet.

Early and Personal Life

Born in New York City originally, Alyssa Rose Ivy grew up with a clear love of both reading and writing, always with her head buried deep within a book. Later attending law school, she would continue all the while to develop her craft and her style, allowing her voice to become far more prominent and pronounced. Later moving down to the south of America after studying in New Orleans for college, she would settle down with her husband and two children to write full-time, something which she continues to this very day.

Writing Career

Bringing out her first book in 2011, she would make her grand debut with the much appreciated title ‘Beckoning Light’ which would go on to become the first part of the ‘Afterglow Trilogy’. This would later be followed up by a whole selection of other novels and series that would also be equally well appreciated too. Winning various awards and acclaim, she would later come to be regarded as one of the foremost voices working in her field, as she continues to maintain a strong presence both online and as well as off.


Coming out through the ‘Createspace Independent Publishing Platform’, this was to be the much anticipated third novel in the ongoing series titled ‘The Crescent Chronicles’. Following on in much the same vein as before, it really works at developing both the characters and the world, giving the readers more of what they’ve now come to expect from it. That’s not to say that there aren’t plenty of twists and turns though, as this will keep readers guessing right until the very end, constantly wanting more.

Set firmly within the mold of the paranormal romance novel, this incorporates a whole range of fantastical elements into its narrative to thrilling effect. Using characters from the previous two novels, with Levi and Allie’s relationship at the heart of it all once more, it manages to develop their love for one another, whilst also taking a realistic look at the obstacles that face them both. Building upon the fantastical nature of the world as well, it really uses a sense of scope and breadth here, creating a vast and highly expansive landscape.

Whilst Levi might be an ethereal being with a great set of wings, as well as being strong and physically attractive, he still has issues with keeping Allie in the dark. Despite her love for him she is sick and tired of always being kept out-of-the-loop as to what’s really going on, as he doesn’t seem to be telling her anything in relation to the truth. She really wants to save her friend Jess, and it appears that it is only her that can manage it now, as it would seem that she can only trust herself in these trying times. Will she manage to rescue her friend? Can she repair her relationship with Levi? Who will find themselves found?


This time released in 2014 on the 20th of October, this title followed hot off the heels of the previous two novels, it being the third novel in the ongoing series titled ‘The Empire Chronicles’. Developing the arcs and narratives of all the characters involved, it really works at world-building too, allowing everything to have a natural sense of progression to it. It is also a must for any fans of the author Alyssa Rose Ivy too, as it shows how far she has come since the beginning of her writing career, marking her as a definite writer of interest to watch in the future too.

Set in a fantastical world, much like her other novels, this also incorporates a strong sense of romance for her audience of young adults. With heroic actions and deeds set at the heart of it, it also sees a relationship blossoming, whilst overseeing a crushing sense of burden placed upon it. Not only that, but the landscape throughout is highly detailed and expansive, creating a world that is both extremely rich and varied.

With him being the only hope of ‘The Society’, Jared realizes that he must finally do something, what with everything and everyone around him being placed in jeopardy. If he fails, he not only fails himself and the world around him, which will most definitely fall, but Vera as well, someone who he really can’t get out of his head it seems. Then there’s Casey and Toby who are deep in love, but there’s a magic that’s so powerful that Casey may not be able to contend with keeping her own mind under control. Will she be able to survive this ordeal? Can Jared save everything and everyone he loves? Who will stay?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Alyssa Rose Ivy

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