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Andrew Clawson Books In Order

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Publication Order of Harry Fox Books

The Arthurian Relic(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Emerald Tablet(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Celtic Quest(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Achilles Legend(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Pagan Hammer(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Pharaoh's Amulet(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Thracian Idol(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Antikythera Code(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Charlemagne Accord(2025)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Parker Chase Books

A Patriot's Betrayal(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Crowns Vengeance(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dark Tides Rising(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Republic of Shadows(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Hollow Throne(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Tsar's Gold(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Turn Books

Andrew Clawson is an American author that writes action-packed thrillers. Andrew isn’t the most prolific of writers. While he is pretty chatty on social media, you will also be hard pressed to pry any notable personal information out of him.

Such a personality rarely survives in the world in which Andrew operates. Self-published authors normally try to spend as much time endearing themselves to their readers as they possibly can. That means giving readers as much of a glimpse as they safely can into their personal lives with the aim of being humanized in their audience’s eyes.

Andrew Clawson isn’t a recluse. He has social media accounts but most of his posts revolve around his work as an author. You are more likely to find posts about his latest book release than pictures of his cat.

Despite the tentative approach Andrew has taken with regards to unveiling his personal life, the author has achieved more success than most as an indie author. Andrew loves action and adventure in his literature, which is why he has admiration for an author like Ted Bell and the James Bond Style protagonists he has created.

Since kicking his career off in the early 2010s, Andrew Clawson has garnered an admirable base of fans who have taken to his Parker Chase series with fervor. The books have been compared to the National Treasure movies starring Nicholas Cage.

They follow the exploits of a protagonist who keeps stumbling upon conspiracies related to the history of the United States. The books utilize historical elements and tools to bring to life an action-packed world filled with secret assassins and deadly cults, and they allow Andrew Clawson to manifest his love and passion for history.

The author has a duo aim when he writes his novels. Besides entertaining audiences, it is Andrew’s desire that readers leave his stories having learned something new about the world. Even in the Reed Kimble series, one can see aspects designed to entertain and educate readers.

Andrew isn’t fortunate enough to rely solely on his writing to make a living. The author has an actual day job, one that requires his full attention. As such, Andrew normally gets his writing done at night, where he is able to operate freely without the restrictions and interruptions of his day job.

The author tries to write at least a thousand words a day, though he doesn’t always hit this target. Andrew normally tries to plan his books out before he sits down to write. However, he doesn’t always have the most solid of plans, instead choosing to leave as much room as possible for new changes to emerge in his stories down the line.

Writing is easier for Andrew when he knows exactly what he wants to put on the page. Things only get tough when Andrew only has a vague idea of the scenes that must be written. On those occasions, it takes a lot of patience for the author to stay rooted in his chair until he finishes slogging through the one thousand words he has determined to produce each day.

Of course, Andrew would never complain about the opportunities he now has to get his stories heard, even when challenges arise. Andrew knows that not every aspiring author gets the opportunity to write and publish and sell their novels.

And even though he isn’t exactly exploding as an author, Andrew Clawson admits that he is constantly reminding himself to be grateful for his opportunities. Though, the author never minimizes the challenges.

According to Andrew, the most challenging aspect of writing is the loneliness. Writing is a lonely process. It requires a certain amount of isolation for one to succeed. But he admits that it is worth it. Andrew believes that every author is unique. Every would-be writer has a story in them that only they can tell, and if they do not put in the work to achieve their publishing dreams, they are depriving the world of the chance to consume words that no one else can ever reproduce.

Andrew always sits down to write with the knowledge that he is telling a story that no one else can tell. Keeping this in mind allows him to overcome the obstacles that come his way. For those aspiring authors that are struggling to even put the words of their story on paper for one reason or the other, Andrew encourages them to not only keep writing but to find support.

Andrew has found the writing process to be the most rewarding of his life because he has been able to find fellow writers and beta readers that have acted as cheerleaders, egging him on to keep writing, advising him where necessary and making sure that he accomplishes the goals he sets.

For Andrew, writing only becomes an unbearable chore in the absence of companionship. Companionship makes the journey to publishing success so much richer.

+The Crown’s Vengeance

Professor Erika Carr is in a spot of trouble. In uncovering an espionage report written by Paul Revere hidden in a cache of Alexander Hamilton’s private documents, Erika thought that all she had on her hands was a find of considerable scholarly importance.

She didn’t expect to uncover clues within the document, messages that pointed to a betrayal of the most unimaginable kind.

Someone is out to destroy America’s hard-won independence and that someone is following in the footsteps of a conspiracy that is several centuries old. Erika is determined to dig further but there is an international syndicate with murderous intentions on her trail.

To survive, Erika enlists the help of a friend as they attempt to stop the machinations of a seemingly invisible enemy.

+ A Republic of Shadows

When the long-lost letters of Queen Anne of Britain show up in an Irish Museum, the historian who makes the discovery falls prey to government sanctioned killers.

Parker Chase came to Ireland looking for a break. Running an investment firm is taxing. All Chase cares about is successfully proposing to Erika Carr. When Erika learns of the death of her former classmate and the discovery that possibly ended her life, she drags Chase into conflict with an Ancient English Order with a big secret to hide.

Unable to trust anyone, Chase and Erika decide to follow Queen Anne’s trail in hopes of discovering the secrets she hid in her letters.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Andrew Clawson

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