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Ang Pompano Books In Order

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Publication Order of Quincy Lazzaro Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Sanibel Slouch(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
When It's Time for Leaving(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Ang Pompano is a reputed American writer of mystery and thriller stories. He is particularly famous for writing his debut novel called When It’s Time For Leaving. Pompano says that he has been involved in writing mysteries for over twenty years. His first novel came out in 2019 and was nominated for the prestigious Agatha Award in the Best First Novel category. Before writing his first book, Pompano used to write short stories. Some of the stories penned by him have been published in anthologies all over the world, including Mystery Most Edible. The latest story written by Pompano is called Stringer and it is published in the anthology called Seascape, 2019’s Best Crime Stories of New England.

Besides writing fiction, Pompano also has an interest in writing academic pieces. He has written a few of them, including one on the method of detective fiction teaching. Author Pompano is a proud member of the MWA. He is also Sisters in Crime’s brother member. Pompano has received the Helen McCloy Scholarship given by the MWA in the past. He was awarded this scholarship for one of his novels in progress. Pompano has served as a board member of Sisters’ in Crime’s New England chapter for a long time. For 14 years, he has been a part of the Crime Bake Planning Committee of New England. Currently, Pompano resides in Connecticut, where he is joined by his beautiful wife named Annette and a couple of rescue dogs named Dexter and Quincy. His wife is an artist by profession and also provides a helping hand to him in developing his novels whenever he needs it.

The two have been married for over 46 years. Now, they enjoy their retired life together. People often refer to Pompano as Ang, which is the short form of his first name Angelo. Before deciding to take up writing as a career, he used to work as a teacher, while his wife served as an RN. Pompano feels there are several advantages and disadvantages to working from the comfort of their home. Pompano has been writing all his life. He used to be the one who stayed home and looked after the daily chores while Annette worked in the evenings. Usually, he used to write only after putting his children to bed as it ensured that there was no disturbance for him.

Pompano’s first short story was released in 1990 and his first full-length novel came out as recently as 2019. He claims to be an accidental privacy expert, having written a paper on privacy during the time of Yale-New Haven Teachers Fellow. This piece somehow got into the hands of the media, leading Pompano to be quoted in court trials and papers all over the world. Pompano has a hobby of playing the guitar. He likes to occasionally sit down with his guitar in his spare time and play romantic tunes for his wife. Author Pompano got hooked to crime novels at a young age and has been reading them ever since. As of today, the authors in his favorite’s list include Bruce Coffin, Hank Phillippi Ryan, Lucy Burdette, David Handler, Barbara Ross, Agatha Christie, etc.

It was his interest in mystery stories during his younger days that motivated him to think of writing fiction as a career option. This motivation first helped him to join the staff of the literary magazine and newspaper in high school and then become a writer of mysteries and short stories later. At that time, Pompano loved to write humor inspired by his idol, author Mark Twain. When he turned into an adult, his early stories ranged from literary fiction to humor. Pompano has built a special library for himself in his house. He likes to sit at his desk in the library and work on his stories. His wife practices her painting interests on the porch at a distance of 10 feet. This setup allows them to share ideas and help each other out. Pompano generally gets the ideas for his books from the suggestions of his wife or the experiences that he goes through. He finds writing and all of its aspects quite challenging. They always keep him on his toes. Author Pompano is happy with the way his career has shaped up so far and is hopeful of achieving more success in the future. Until then, he expects readers across the globe to go through his already published books and rate them well on literary platforms.

A book written by author Ang Pompano early in his career is known as ‘The Sanibel Slouch’. It was released in 2010. The book describes a coming-of-age story that takes place in the 1970s. Pompano has mentioned the primary characters in this story as Jack Esposito and Maggie. He has set the plot in Florida. Initially, it is mentioned that Maggie is twice the age of Jack Esposito and is a close acquaintance of his parents. He drives her to Florida for some work. When the car just crosses Connecticut, the two become more than just a driver and a passenger. The military deferment of Jack is at stake and he wrestles with his decision of quitting college to cherish his newfound love or to continue living the dream of his father by staying in school.

As soon as Jack comes up with a decision, he learns about important information that makes everything fall apart. He gets heartbroken and regrets his decision. Another excellent book penned by Pompano is entitled ‘When It’s Time for Leaving’. It was published by the Encircle Publication in 2019. The central characters featured in this book include Al Desantis and Maxine. Pompano has set this book in Los Angeles, New Haven, and Georgia. The book opens by mentioning that Al DeSantis is a police officer working for the New Haven PD. When he is dumped by his girlfriend and rammed off a bridge by a drug dealer, Al decides to quit the police department and relocate to Los Angeles.

Shortly after, Al comes to know that his father, who had abandoned him when he was small, has named him the owner of Blue Palmetto Detective Agency, located in Georgia, in his deed. Al makes up his mind to reach Savannah, sell off the agency, and head west. But, before he could do that, he comes across a dead body and an attractive and headstrong female detective, Maxine. Al DeSantis also discovers that his father is alive and suffering from Alzheimer’s disease. Al’s father shows an interest in becoming his new partner in solving the crime. He also asks him to trust Maxine as she is a good detective.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Ang Pompano

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