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Anna James Books In Order

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Publication Order of Chronicles of Whetherwhy Books

Chronicles of Whetherwhy: The Age of Enchantment(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Pages & Co. Books

Tilly and the Bookwanderers(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Bookwanderers(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tilly and the Lost Fairytales(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tilly and the Map of Stories(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Book Smugglers(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Treehouse Library(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Bookwanderer(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Children's Books

Hetty and the Battle of the Books(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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About Anna James
The British author Anna James is well known for imaginative and highly innovative children’s stories that she writes. Creating rich and immersive worlds, she takes the reader on a journey, allowing them to fully invest themselves in her stories. This has seen her become hugely successful with readers from all over the world, creating a style that’s quite unlike any other. Working as a journalist too, she has written extensively for numerous prestigious publications over the years too, establishing a strong name for herself.

Knowing her audience well at this point, she really manages to draw the readers in, writing in a style that’s both evocative and direct. Getting her point across succinctly, she writes in a manner that’s straight to the point, allowing her to fully articulate herself and her message. Always with something to say at the heart of her work, whether it’s a simple parable for children, or an article, she manages to deliver it in a manner that’s clever and incisive. Setting herself apart from other writers in her field, she really knows how to get her point across, which has seen her become a huge success worldwide.
Creating characters that are lasting too, she knows how craft a protagonist that’s fully three-dimensional to inhabit her worlds. These then resonate with readers from all over regardless of where they’re from, allowing them to find meaning in her words. She’s also well regarded for creating a number of series too, as she ensures that her readers continually come back for more. There’s plenty more novels to come in the future too, with plenty of titles planned on the horizon, carrying on into the foreseeable future.

Early and Personal Life
Continually interested in storytelling from an early age, the future author to be Anna James was always invested in both reading and writing. Immersing herself in countless different novels, she would explore new worlds, always looking for new and exciting ideas. This would continue for much of her life, as she’d build upon her style as an author, evolving her voice and her approach to writing.

Over time she’s created a style that’s all very much her own, working as a journalist prior to becoming a full-time writer herself. Working at The Bookseller Magazine where she was the Book News Editor, along with working as the Literary Editor at Elle UK, she knows the world of publishing inside out. Currently living in London where she continues to work as a journalist and writer, she continues to develop as an author, as her writing career moves onwards and upwards.

Writing Career
Starting with a short-story in 2018, Anna James would contribute the story ‘How Things Disappear’ to the collection ‘I Am Heathcliff.’ She would then later publish the novel ‘Tilly and the Bookwanderers,’ which came out in 2018, and this was her first children’s title. Working as a fantasy novel, it would feature adventures set around classical children’s stories, such as ‘Alice in Wonderland.’

Her first novel would then pave the way for her first series, as she’d follow it up with ‘Tilly and the Lost Fairy Tales’ in 2020, along with ‘Tilly and the Map of Stories’ that same year. These would make up her ‘Pages and Co.’ series of novels, as they would come to be beloved by many around the world. Gaining a lot of critical acclaim for her work, she continues to make a name for herself, with a lot more to follow still.

Tilly and the Lost Fairy Tales
Initially published through the ‘Harper Collins Children’s Books’ imprint in 2019 on the 19th of September, this would be the second book in the ongoing ‘Pages and Co.’ series. Continuing on from the previous book, this would provide a development of the world and the characters in it. The previous book was titled ‘Tilly and the Bookwanderers’ and was released in 2018 on the 18th of September through the ‘Harper Collins’ label.

Expanding upon the world, it jumps straight into it, wasting no time for the reader, as it delivers all the details straight away. The characters are familiar by this point, as their personalities are built upon, allowing them to essentially come alive on the page. This is something that expertly reflects the story itself, in that it’s an extremely well told story employing its creative premise with precision.

As a ‘bookwanderer,’ Tilly Pages has the power to travel through fantasy realms, as she transports herself magically into books and texts. Travelling through famous books, she meets the many characters there, but now it seems that havoc is happening in the magical fantasy realms. During a winter trip to Paris, Tilly and her friend Oskar find themselves in the land of fairy-tales, but it seems that everything’s getting mixed up, with the magic spilling over between the books. Will she be able to find out what’s going on? Can she solve and fix the many plot-holes and mix-ups that are happening? What will become of Till and the lost fairy tales?

Tilly and the Map of Stories
Originally coming out on the 17th of September in 2020, this was first released through the ‘Harper Collins Children’s Books’ publishing house once again. Setting up the third part of the highly acclaimed ‘Pages and Co.’ series, it features another adventure for all the returning characters. As a fantasy children’s novel it works extremely well, in what is a well paced story with plenty of heart and warmth.
Coming into Pages Co looking for a book, a man suddenly can’t remember it, and it feels as if the entire world is changing. It also seems that the Underwoods are furthering their control over bookwandering, as they’re focusing in on Tilly, as Tilly heads off to America in the hope of locating the legendary archivists. Discovering some deadly foes in the world of story, Tilly and Oskar must now contend with one of their greatest challenges yet. Will they be up to the task? Can they manage it and save their fictional friends? What will become of Tilly and the lost fairy tales?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Anna James

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