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Audrey Carlan Books In Order

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Publication Order of Biker Beauties Books

Publication Order of Calendar Girl Books

Publication Order of Falling Books

Publication Order of International Guy Books

Publication Order of Lotus House Books

Publication Order of The Marriage Auction Books

The Marriage Auction: Season One, Volume One(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Marriage Auction: Season One, Volume Two(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Marriage Auction: Season One, Volume Three(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Marriage Auction: Season One, Volume Four(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Marriage Auction 2 Books

The Marriage Auction 2, Book One(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Marriage Auction 2, Book Two(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Marriage Auction 2, Book Three(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Marriage Auction 2, Book Four(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Marriage Auction Short Stories/Novellas

Madam Alana(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Christmas Auction(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Soul Sister Books

Publication Order of Trinity Books

Publication Order of Wish Books

What the Heart Wants(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
To Catch a Dream(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
On the Sweet Side(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
If Stars Were Wishes(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Love Under Quarantine (With: Kylie Scott)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

Reaching the top of the bestseller lists on numerous occasion, the American writer Audrey Carlan is a smart and funny author of modern contemporary romance novels that spark and fizzle on the page, tantalizing the audience with her sense of wit and fun that’s both sexy and sweet at the same time, creating intoxicating novels that are almost impossible to put down, with their ever engaging characters and compelling story-lines that draw the reader slowly in, keeping them hooked throughout, right until the very last page. This has proven to be a winning formula for her over the years, allowing Carlan to become one of the most prolific authors currently working within her field to date, as she provides an entertaining and insightful look at modern romances. Taking the many tropes and cliches, she’s effectively turned them all on their heads, thus creating something entirely new in the process, something that really is all of her very own. Clearly understanding and knowing her craft she’s taken the format and shaped it into something that reflects her own voice and ever unique style, allowing it to be completely unique and idiosyncratic to her and her alone. This has not gone unnoticed by the critics either, as many reviewers have lauded praise on her, along with the many positive reviews of her peers and contemporaries alike. Managing long-running series, she’s also well known for maintaining a number of highly popular franchises too, ones which have amassed large followings of reader worldwide, all eagerly awaiting each installment with eagerness and anticipation, as they wait to see what comes next. This goes the same for her many highly popular characters as well, as she has a number of successful protagonists that are well drawn and resonate with her readers. Showing no signs of stopping any time soon, there seems to be a lot more to come from Audrey Carlan yet, as she has plenty more titles set to come into the foreseeable future.

Early and Personal Life

Growing up in America the writer to be Audrey Carlan always had a strong passion for both reading and writing, largely focusing her interests on that of the romance genre. This would grow throughout the years, as she would continue to nurture and refine her craft, allowing her to find her ever unique voice in the process, creating what was to be the backbone of her forthcoming career. With a good sense-of-humor she would find this worked much to her benefit, allowing her stories to come alive and speak to the reader on a more intimate level.

With a whole range of interests, she also has a wide variety of other passions outside of writing, including her teaching of yoga, as well as socializing with friends. All of this allows her to gain inspiration for her next hit novel though, as she manages to find plenty of ideas from the world around her, whilst feeding it all back into her work. Currently living in California she makes the most of her sunny climate, whilst always looking for the next big idea, something that she’s never short of when writing her ever popular brand of literature.

Writing Career

It was in 2014 that Audrey Carlan would bring out her first novel as she made her initial debut onto the literary scene with the title ‘Body’. This was to be the first in her series of ‘Trinity’ novels. Setting the template for her unique brand of romance, it really paved the way for what was to follow.

Creating other series too, she would also bring out such franchises as ‘Falling’ and, perhaps her most successful one, ‘Calendar Girl’. These would then cement her reputation as one of the leading figure currently working within her field to date. With a lot more to come her writing career continues to grow from strength-to-strength for many successful years to come.


Brought out in 2015 by Audrey Carlan herself, this was to be the third title in the long running and ever popular ‘Calendar Girl’ series of novels. With each title working essentially as a separate installment, this series is a must for any fan of the author, as each book leads ever closer to the final thrilling conclusion. Released on the 17th of March in 2015 each book was released in quick succession of each other, hence the title relating to the initially monthly release.

Heading the Chicago the young Mia Saunders is sent as an escort to pose as the wife for the wealthy restaurateur Anthony ‘Tony’ Fasano, supposedly a rich, handsome and successful individual. She is then left wondering why he would need such a service, but she needs the money to save her now comatose father from an ex-loan shark boyfriend who’s extremely dangerous. That’s when she sees Anthony Fasano for the first time, something which sets alight a flame from within her for the first time, igniting a passion she never knew was there. Will she save her father? Can she overcome her passion? What will happen in March?


Marking the third entry into the highly popular and extremely lucrative ‘Trinity’ series of novels, this followed on from the second, as it provided the thrilling conclusion to Gillian and Chase’s story. Whilst there were more books to follow on from this, they were to provide the story arcs of characters that were initially secondary in the original three novels. Released by Audrey Carlan herself once more, this was first brought out on the 26th of March in 2015, being released to much acclaim, giving the audiences more of what they’d now come to expect from her as an author.

Gillian is now on the run from a killer that wants to take her soul, despite her wanting someone else, having already given a piece of her soul to them. Attempting to overcome her past too, she and Chase are now on the run, as all those around her attempt to help her deal with the trauma of what came before. Dealing with themes of domestic violence, she has to come to terms with the horror of what came before, as she looks to break away from it all in this shocking finale. Can she get away? Will the killer strike? Who will own her soul?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Audrey Carlan

One Response to “Audrey Carlan”

  1. Donna Lawson: 3 years ago

    I have read 2 of your series. Calendar Girl and The Trinity series. They were absolutely amazing. I have 6 of your other series on my TBR list. I can’t do ebooks because of my eyes but I grab as many paperbacks as I can afford each month. I get used or new if I can. Being a widow and on a limited income I do the best I can. I’ve been an avid reader since elementary school. My late husband and daughters laugh about my SMUT book fantasy!! The SMUTTIER the better. Stay safe and keep writing awesome books!!


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