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Aunt Dimity Books In Order

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Publication Order of Aunt Dimity Books

Aunt Dimity's Death (1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Duke (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity's Good Deed (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity Digs In (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity's Christmas (1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity Beats the Devil (2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity: Detective (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity Takes a Holiday (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity: Snowbound (2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Next of Kin (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Deep Blue Sea (2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity Goes West (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity: Vampire Hunter (2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity Slays the Dragon (2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity Down Under (2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Family Tree (2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Village Witch (2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Lost Prince (2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Wishing Well (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Summer King (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Buried Treasure (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Widow's Curse (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the King's Ransom (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Heart of Gold (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aunt Dimity and the Enchanted Cottage (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Chronological Order of Aunt Dimity Books

Aunt Dimity and the Duke is a prequel to the series.

Nancy Atherton is a published American author.

From reading one of her books, you may be thinking that she is an Englishwoman of a gentle nature with white hair, gray eyes, a nice smile and a face softly set with wrinkles. She does not happen to live beside a brook in a thatched cottage in a corner of the Cotswolds, if that is what you are imagining.

Although it is certainly possible, she has yet to take tea with a vicar, although she admits that once she drank an Orange Squash with one. She does not have any plans of continuing to write after the time that she is allowed on the earth is done.

If you must think of her as an Englishwoman, Nancy wants you to keep your illusions and to cling to them at all costs. She is someone who happens to treasure illusions that are carefully nurtured. She also wants to keep you from the truth if that is what you want so do not continue reading if you would like to imagine that she is this person!

Nancy is actually an American with dark hair and a face that so far does not have wrinkles. She has hazel eyes and a smile that beams. She does not live in England but instead resides in Colorado in a regular house located in Colorado Springs. She has a large family with two sisters and five brothers, and while she enjoys having peace and quiet to herself she has to admit that she enjoys socializing just as much.

If you happen to attend a convention and you are keeping an eye out for Nancy, she advises you not to be on the lookout for a dame in a dress with flowers. You’d be more on the money with searching for a woman who is wearing simple jeans and sneakers, moving around with tons of energy. If you see her, she would love to meet you!

Nancy Atherton is the creator and the author of the Aunt Dimity series of fictional novels. The series started in 1992 with the release of the book Aunt Dimity’s Death. It then continued on for over two dozen installments and the twenty-fifth book was released in 2022, titled Aunt Dimity and the Enchanted Cottage.

The series is based around the main character, an American named Lori Shepherd. It follows her adventures and those of her family as it continues to grow as she takes on mysteries and resolves them with the help of her Aunt Dimity. Aunt Dimity may be deceased, but she talks to Lori from the spirit world through a writing journal bound in blue leather. The main setting is the made up village of Finch in England’s Cotswolds and includes the majority of the population in supporting roles, with other books set in different places abroad or in the United Kingdom. In addition, each of the stories has a recipe included for a pastry or a bread that is also a part of the story.

Aunt Dimity’s Death is the first book in the Aunt Dimity series of novels by Nancy Atherton. If you have been in the market for a new book to read and want something that is going to change things up a bit, check out this cozy mystery to find out what happens!

Main character Lori is in a time in her life where she is simply down on her luck. Then she finds out that she is on the verge of getting a huge estate. That is, if she is able to find the secret that happens to be hidden in a bunch of letters located in an English country cottage owned by her Aunt Dimity.

This story starts off as a fairy tale but quickly becomes something more. As the mystery starts, Lori is able to find that her aunt’s spirit helping to guide her might just end up showing her something more than she ever bargained for. Will true love be able to overcome everything, or is that just an impossible dream that is the true fairy tale? Will Lori be happy with what she finds? Read this book to find out!

Aunt Dimity and the Duke is the second book in the Aunt Dimity series by Nancy Atherton. If you liked the first book in the series, then be sure to check this one out too!

Main character Emma Porter is a woman who is forty years old who is all about gardening. She is also overweight and you could describe her as frumpy. When the lover that she has had for a long time decides that he would prefer a younger woman, he dumps her just like that.

Now Emma is having to escape the sympathy of her friends and family by getting out and going on a driving tour that lasts the whole summer of all of the beautiful gardens in England. A coincidence ends up taking her to Penford Hall in Cornwall, a huge Gothic mansion that must be seen in order to be believed.

There she has a stroke of good luck as she runs into a duke who is looking to track down a lantern that apparently is imbued with special powers. Emma thinks that there might just be more than one mystery here at Penford Hall that is to be solved. With that in mind, she takes the invitation from the duke to stay on and to try and put the chapel garden back to the beauty that it once had.

Emma’s suspicions are finally confirmed for her when she hears about the rumors around a rock star and the duke’s cousin nearly dying. This sets her, along with the guidance of her aunt, along the way to learning the secrets of Penford Hall and finding unexpected love along the way.

Will Emma be successful and find what she is looking for? Read this mystery from Nancy Atherton to find out, and continue on with the many other books in the Aunt Dimity series!

Book Series In Order » Characters » Aunt Dimity

2 Responses to “Aunt Dimity”

  1. Martha John: 4 months ago

    I have loved the Aunt Dimity books for a long time, partly in book form and partly on my kindle. I’m quite sure I’ve read all of the books (so far) at least twice and would REALLY love to have more Aunt Dimity books to read. Is there any possibility of more?

  2. Frances Edwards: 6 months ago

    I adore the Aunt Dimity books and I have caught up with you Nancy, cause now I am going back to start over untill such time as your next book is published. I can only pray I might have missed one , please .


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