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Ausma Zehanat Khan Books In Order

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Coming from a family of originally Iranian origins, Ausma Zehanat Khan was raised in the United Kingdom after her parents moved there from Canada. This much information is usually enough to inform the reader of the possible routes her work might have taken, and he might be correct in guessing that she has chosen the noblest and most humanitarian pursuit in the way she has chosen to portray and develop her stories. Having received a doctorate degree in International Human Rights Law, after which she served as adjunct professor in universities both in the United States of America and in Canada, she seems even better equipped to talk about the subject of liberty in a world torn by prejudice and discrimination. That her life has been filled with experiences that corroborate and enrich her perspectives and feed a rich well of knowledge on it is something the reader might also reasonably guess.

Not only does Ausma Zehanat Khan try to bring to the readership’s attention the issue of immigration and liberty of expression, but as a woman coming from a family rooted in a culture of ancient traditional outlooks, she has much to say about them as well. For anyone following the topic, this might seem like shaky ground to stand on, for any position that could be taken on these issues might seem provocative or even spurious. There is very little room for doubt and apparently no safe ground. Despite all of what has been here described regarding this danger, Ausma Zehanat Khan has achieved just what may seem impossible: to achieve a position that is both stable and safe by virtue of its universal humanitarian outlook and her defense justice rooted in a deep morality and tradition.

But even independently of whether someone agrees with a certain political stance that she may hold or not, no one can deny the talents as an author that Ausma Zehanat Khan has shown. Weaving enchanting threads that seem to magically bring sensitive topics imbued with centuries of sorrow and suffering to the foreground in a way that does not shock the reader yet inspires empathy. This empathy that Ausma Zehanat Khan foments in anyone who has the chance of reading her work, is not merely that of a contemplative type, and instead, creates a will that seems to have a life of its own and inspires towards action. Very little literature these days will inspire such kind of sentiments or create such will out of virtually thin air, yet somehow, Ausma Zehanat Khan manages to do that from a position that many today in the world would think of as disadvantaged or oppressed.

Ausma Zehanat Khan shows another preoccupation in her work that might give the reader pause for thought. This is her advocacy of a peaceful Islam that can be integrated into Western society. Those who have friends who practice this religion might readily point out that there is nothing inherently violent about them and that they are wonderful people. Such direct experience and knowledge of traditional peoples is what Ausma Zehanat Khan wants to refer to and allude in her defense within the fascinating narrative of her books. Furthermore, as a woman she has also attained an incomparable point of view that very few can boast of, even from within that traditional context. This puts Ausma Zehanat Khan in contact with the experiences of countless oppressed females that suffer not from a religion as many would think, but at the hands of ignorant beings that misinterpret and probably are emotionally disturbed. This ignorance and emotional disturbance will drive them to break the sanctity that we have correctly made of the International Human Rights Laws. To those who value these, a person like Ausma Zehanat Khan as an author, lawyer, teacher and person, is more than just a hero, she is a very real example of what each of us should be trying to do and achieve in the name of justice and the humanitarian ideal.

In The Unquiet Dead: A Novel (Rachel Getty and Esa Khattak Novels), Ausma Zehanat Khan writes a ravishing story of love and hate, of struggle and complacency, and of friendship that fights towards a goal that cannot be achieved without the most noblest of ideals being housed in the hero’s heart. Here we see detective Rachel Getty work alongside her boss, the intrepid yet not very expressive Esa Khattak, start off in an adventure that will take them far beyond the limits of anything they had previously imagined. Somehow, Ausma Zehanat Khan manages to skillfully weave the main topic of her doctorate thesis into The Unquiet Dead’s main theme. What started off as an investigation into the death of a Christopher Drayton, starts to reveal deep criminal roots and origins that end up having a lot to do with Srebrenica massacre of 1995. Our favorite author, Ausma Zehanat Khan, has the privilege at this point, of having direct access to an invaluable well of information that almost anybody else trying to write on this subject would not have. The tale spins as if spellbound but the heroes push through towards justice and the upholding of universal rights ideals.

Ausma Zehanat Khan has also written The Language of Secrets: A Novel (Rachel Getty and Esa Khattak Novels), which takes place in Canada and touches on the sensitive issue of handling the criminal cases pertaining minorities in the community. In this book, Ausma Zehanat Khan represents yet another secular ideal which we must pay attention to, and that is that minorities within our modern societies need special treatment. They need nurture and guidance because they have always been victims of a system that created their misfortune. So we see Rachel Getty fighting for justice and these righteous ideals that the Canadian government has certainly made the focus of their attention throughout their respectable history. Here, more than before, Ausma Zehanat Khan shows her colors and her personal experience and knowledge regarding these topics. It will not be a surprise to find her books as standard issue literature for American high schools, as they portray and enhance our understanding of these ideas from a point of view and simplicity that very young teenagers can relate to and understand. Herein lies the triumph of Ausma Zehanat Khan’s work.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Ausma Zehanat Khan

3 Responses to “Ausma Zehanat Khan”

  1. Brenda: 1 year ago

    Was there a novel in which character Alizah in the Waverly case where her sister was murdered part of the Kattak& Getty series

  2. Sara Tajeldin: 2 years ago

    Question:+ is the book no place for refuge 2019 the same as the dangerous crossing 2018. Does it tell the same story.
    Thank you,

    • Graeme: 2 years ago

      Yep they are the same book just alternate titles.


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