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Babylon Rising Books In Order

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Publication Order of Babylon Rising Books

Babylon Rising (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Secret on Ararat (2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Europa Conspiracy (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Edge of Darkness (2006)Description / Buy at Amazon

Author Tim LaHaye (who also wrote the “Left Behind” series, the “End” series, and “The Jesus Chronicles” series) writes the “Babylon Rising” series. He has called this series his most exciting series. It is based around Tim LaHaye’s lifelong study of prophecy in the Bible. The first novel of which he wrote with Greg Dinallo, and the rest of the books in the series with Dr. Bob Phillips, PhD.

The series began publication in the year 2005, when “Babylon Rising” was released. The fourth and final book was released in the year 2006, when “The Edge of Darkness” was published. The first two books were released in the year 2005, and the last two in the year 2006. It is from the adventure, action and thriller genres.

It stars Michael Murphy, who is a college professor and biblical archaelogist, and his quest to find a certain artifact that might be able to prove that the Bible is true. He is sent on this quest by a mysterious and wealthy guy that calls himself “Methuselah”.

Helping him on his adventures, is Isis Proserpina McDonald. She is a philologist, and she has helped him before. Throughout the books, they develop a romantic relationship with one another.

Along the way, he has to deal with an evil group (which are called “The Seven”) that is determined to create a world that has one religion, currency, and government. He also has to deal with a guy called Talon, who has a knife like fingernail on a fake finger. He works for The Seven and carries out whatever they order him to do.

“Babylon Rising” is the first novel in the “Babylon Rising” series, which was released in the year 2005. Michael Murphy is looking for all three pieces of The Brazen Serpent at Methuselah’s call. Michael’s wife is killed after a church gets bombed.

He is able to get the tail piece, but it is stolen by Talon for the Seven. He is then able to get the middle part, with Isis’ help, but loses the head while fighting with Talon and his Falcon.

Due to some high powered technology, he is able to find something extra archaeological that quite a few people would kill to get their hands on. It is the golden head part of the statue of Nebuchadnezzar.

Fans of the novel liked reading about Michael Murphy, the main character, as he sticks to what he believes, no matter what the circumstances are. The book hooks you right from the start, and stay good the entire way through. Some had to know if Michael would get the artifact he was after by the end of the book or not.

“The Secret on Ararat” is the second novel in the “Babylon Rising” series, which was released in the year 2006. Murphy and Isis are trying to find Noah’s Ark, so they can prove the truths in the Bible to the entire world. Talon steals from him some brass plates that hold secrets about the Philosopher’s Stone.

Murphy and Isis Proserpina McDonald are able to catch up to Talon while he is on a ship that is sailing on the Black Sea. Talon falls overboard when he tries to catch a sack that has the plates in them while it is going over.

Fans of the novel found that this had a bit of everything: romance, humor, and suspense. The book was tough to put down, with tons of adventure and quite a bit of action. Some enjoyed learning about Noah’s Ark, and found that this book is able to teach more about this part of the Bible than any other text some have read. The book has strong characters that readers rooted for, and wanted to find out what they got up to next in the story.

“The Europa Conspiracy” is the third novel in the “Babylon Rising” series, which was released in the year 2006. Things heat up when Michael Murphy goes to the ancient city of Babylon. It is so that he can chase down one of the most mystifying and famous of the prophecies found in the Bible. The Handwriting on the Wall, which appeared during Belshazzar’s feast.

The closer he gets to figuring out the real meaning of the ancient message Daniel left for these troubled times of modern day, the closer Murphy gets to a major confrontation with some forces of darkness. It is going to make the Earth shake.

Fans of the novel found that this is full of action, and is simply a thrill ride. The plot engrosses the reader, and there is a big scene in the middle that is written vividly so that the reader is able to picture all that happens perfectly. Despite being a work of fiction, some found the story to be quite plausible. This was quite a page turner, and it seems this series is becoming nothing but stories that keep the reader up late to see what happens next.

“The Edge of Darkness” is the fourth novel in the “Babylon Rising” series, which was released in the year 2006. This time around, Michael is looking for the Lost Temple of Dagon, as well as the dark secrets of the odd god that the ancient Philistines used to worship.

The quest he goes on is going to lead to the final showdown with one of his old enemies and reveal. It is also going to unearth a highly feared warning from the Bible, it is a prophecy about false messiahs, false miracles, and pure evil that is going to come true during our time. Even Murphy will be unable to keep it from happening.

Fans of the novel find that there is no one better at utilizing their skills to tell a great story and using their insight into Biblical prophecy than Tim LaHaye, especially in this great suspense thriller that is full of action. There is even a message meant to provoke much thought during these troubled times we live in. The book has a fast pace with a ton of information.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Babylon Rising

4 Responses to “Babylon Rising”

  1. Sheila: 6 months ago

    I just finished the 4th book, Edge of Darkness and I’m left with many unanswered questions. I wish there was a 5th book in the series. Loved the series!

  2. Gloria Caballero: 1 year ago

    Oh man, I just finished book four only to find out there is no book “5”?

  3. Carolyn Kime Wooley: 3 years ago

    The Edge pf Darkness leaves to many questions about
    Isis and Murphy, also Methuselah.
    I don’t see a fifth book. What happened?

    • Misty: 2 years ago

      I think due to Tim lahaye’s death the series will not continue. Sadly none of his co authors has said anything about completing the series.


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