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Beth Merlin Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Campfire Books

One S'more Summer(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
S'More to Lose(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Love You s'More(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tell Me S'more(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Breakup Boot Camp(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Last Phone Booth in Manhattan (With: Danielle Modafferi)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

A Native New Yorker, Beth Merlin is an author who loves Broadways, rom-coms and a great maxi dress. A friend whom she had met during a sleep away camp to her future husband first introduced Merlin. According to Merlin, the eight months that she spent at the sleep away camp were the most influential of her life. Beth’s debut novel is titled, One S’more Summer. After completing her high school education, Beth Merlin joined the George Washington University, where she was awarded a Creative Writing degree. Later on, she was admitted to the New York Law School, where was awarded a JD.

One S’more Summer

In One S’MORE Summer, we meet with Gigi, a lady who has spent several months being secretly in love with her best friend’s boyfriend. According to Gigi, she is the one who saw the boyfriend first, when they had met during summer camp. Everything appears to be going on track, until the day that Joshua and Alicia got engaged. It is at this point that Gigi finally accepts that she is always going to be the best friend. Immediately after the engagement, Gigi is released from her work. Between her professional freedom and a heartbreak, Gigi is in need of a reboot once again. Thus, she decides that she should head back to summer camp and reconnect with her childhood once again. However, what Gigi is not aware of is that the summer camp presents a veritable buffet of emotional landmines. Everything within the summer camp is connected to a series of memories, and each of this memory is connected to Joshua and Alicia.

From the look of things, it is impossible for Gigi to escape the emotional landmines. Furthermore, for how long is she going to take before she realizes what she wants to do with her life? At the camp, Gigi takes the Head of Counsellor position. According to Gigi, she believes that this position at the camp is going to bring her the joy that she had felt during her camping days. As time goes by, Gigi’s girls are more than determined to make her life a living nightmare. They are more than determined to embarrass her in front of the Boys Scout Head Counsellor. However, when she comes to the realization that she is not going to escape the present by trying to relive her past, she has no option but to re-examine her life and also find the real meaning of true love. However, is she going to be able to mend fences and forgive herself in the process?

With that said, author Beth Merlin has the ability to make the readers feel as if; they are right there at the Camp. She does an excellent job of blending the protagonist’s past at the camp with her presence at the camp. Through the flashbacks, the readers will understand why Gigi is so deeply in love with Joshua and always why she reacted so painfully to their engagement. However, Alicia happens to be the only character who was left undeveloped.

S’More to Lose

S’More to Lose is the second installment in the Campfire book series by author Beth Merlin. This book begins four years later after Gigi’s life-changing summer. In S’More we meet once again with Gigi, who now believes that saying goodbye to the Camp means welcoming a brand new life. At this point in time, Gigi Goldenstein is faced with a second chance at her career and life as well. Gigi is filled with so much hope that she has ever experienced before. The design house that she has created is taking the entire world by storm. It eventually catches the eye of one of the most fashionable British socialite, Victoria Ellicott, who from the look of things is the undisputed future king of England. When Gigi is given the opportunity of designing a royal wedding dress, she is more than happy that her career change is finally paying off. However, what she is unaware of is that she is once again going to meet with Perry Gillman, her ex-fiancée, who at the moment is one of the most successful composers in England. It does not take long before Gigi comes to the realization that Gigi, her ex-fiancée is dating Victoria’s sister, who not only rivals her in style but also in sophistication and looks as well. Her entire world begins to crumble down into pieces when she begins to develop a creative block, which is so debilitating.

She fears that she is not going to deliver a wedding dress of royal proportions. As she battles with her fears, she begins to fall in love with the extremely wealthy and handsome Viscount of Satterley. As time goes by, she realizes that the Viscount of Satterly cannot make her forget about Perry and also her inability to get over him as well. As the entire world gears up for the wedding, Gigi is about to give in to pressure of the failures of her past and the uncertainties of her future.

With that said, author Beth Merlin’s writing style is extremely unique. The readers are going to enjoy, how the narrative was well balanced out. Merlin was able to put all the fruits inside a blender and came up with a refreshing and well-mixed summer smoothie, which the readers will enjoy from the first page to the last. All the writing elements were brilliantly applied, with the organization, central idea, word choice, expression, and pacing. When it comes to romance, the readers do not have to worry about instant-love because it is not a part of this book. Between Perry and Gigi, the pacing of their loves towards each other was perfect. Additionally, it is important to note that this installment does not revolve around romance. It also focuses on friendships, dealing with gilt and the past, which had been eating most of these main characters.

If you never gone to a summer camp before, there is no need to worry because author Beth Merlin was able to brilliantly capture a perfect summer camp. The ideas that she presents forth are not only unique but also entertaining as well. The reader will definitely be entertained by Beth Merlin’s work of art.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Beth Merlin

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