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C.J. Bishop Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Cowboy Gangster Books

Publication Order of Lost Books

Publication Order of Cowboy Gangster: Regulators Books

Publication Order of The Innocent Books

Publication Order of Phoenix Club Books

Publication Order of Phoenix Club: No More Victims Books

No More Victims(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Victims No More: Daddy Dearest Ep 1(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Victims No More: Daddy Dearest Ep 2(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Phoenix Club Serial Thriller Books

Publication Order of Santiago Family Books

Guilty by Blood(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Soulscape Books

Publication Order of The Cowboy Gangster/The Base Crossover Books

with H.M. Wolfe
The Vanished (By: H.M. Wolfe)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lost Boys (With: H.M. Wolfe)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hunted (With: H.M. Wolfe)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Reapers (With: H.M. Wolfe)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Homecoming (By: H.M. Wolfe)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Dark Ages: A Cowboy Gangster Miniseries Books

Publication Order of The Porn Chronicles Books

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

C.J. Bishop is the pseudonym of gay, lesbian romance novelist A.M. Snead.

The author was born and brought up in Coos County Oregon. She has said that she loved living in the small town with its down-to-earth country folk and down-to-earth atmosphere.

As such, it was not surprising that she chose to live deep in the country woodlands as an adult. Moreover, living in such quiet and secluded settings with only her daughter and several domestic animals for company gives her all the time to write her novels.

What makes Bishop such a different author from her Christian contemporaries is that she is a huge supporter of the LGBT community. She writes most of her works in the gay erotic romance genre, in which she is one of the most beloved authors.

She has said that she hopes her novels will make people more accepting and loving of gay people. This she says would result in more understanding and compassion that she believes have been persecuted and misunderstood for the most part by the Christian community.

Bishop also hopes that her novels will comfort people who are different and that have been told God is angry with them.

Bishop began writing under the pseudonym in 2016 when she contributed to the fourth novel of the “Soulscape” series “Deadly Devotion.”

Her novels usually touch on difficult subjects that she does try to tackle with compassion and grace. She usually writes deeply emotional stories that will reach out to the darkest recesses of the human psyche.

Still, while she writes on difficult topics, what readers can always be confident of is a happily ever after ending.

As a Christian, she believes that God loves all people and that love is beautiful in all circumstances. She has said that she intends to debunk the vicious lies aimed at LGBT people that are told they are going to Hell because God hates them.

She believes God made all people as he wanted them to be and every one is precious. As such, this is the central theme in her novels and the main message she is always looking to put across.

“It Can’t Be You” by C.J. Bishop is a compelling romance novel that introduces Able Sims, a 19-year-old man as the lead. He is an attractive stripper and his red hot looks are what makes him so popular at the strip club where he earns a living.

He is employed at The Phoenix the home of several gay strippers that is frequented by members of the gay community. They come to the club as it is one of the very few places where they can be accepted and have fun too.

Ever since he was a child, family is not been something he had. The only blood relative he has is his sixteen-year-old sister Savannah. He has had a hard life but has finally managed to get a life off of the streets.

Even though his life revolves around the strip club, he has come to consider the club a second home and his colleagues like family. Still, his distrust of the streets remains strong despite the fact that he now has a relatively stable job.

All he wants to do is stay in a place where he can find safety. But then one customer gets too excited and Abel finds himself in the hospital. The last thing he would have expected was to meet someone while in recovery.

Devlin Grant is a handsome young doctor that makes him want to fall in love once again. But just when he thinks he could trust his newfound lover, he finds that the relationship makes him reach back into his nightmarish past.

C.J. Bishop’s novel “Hearts in Chaos” is a fast-paced drama that follows on from the explosive blockbuster that was the debut of the “Phoenix Club” series.
At the close of the debut of the series, Abel was down in the dumps as his sister was ill. But the silver lining was that he had gained the attention of a new love interest.

However, the doctor turns out to be not what he thought he was and he finds himself in trouble once again. Abel is devastated when he learns that the man he had killed in self-defense was none other than the brother of his lover Dr. Grant.

He had to do it to put an end to the abuse but he may now have to cut ties with the doctor to keep his secret. But it is not easy as he is heartbroken at having to break up with the doctor.

He is left with nothing but taking care of his sister and working at his job. He has been going through a very hard time but knows that his actions are probably for the best.

While he was prepared to move on despite the pain, the doctor refuses to leave him alone. Abel will have to decide if it is worth the risk telling him why he broke up with him. What decision will he make?

“Shattered” by C.J. Bishop opens to Able having left the country. He was invited on a vacation abroad by Horatio Kaplan, a man who cannot get enough of him.
Kaplan is a compassionate and genuinely caring man who is very understanding of Abel’s struggles. He had been crushed when Devlin his lover refused to believe him and flat out told him that he was lying about his brother.
With prison a real threat, there was no way he would have denied Kaplan’s invitation to go to Italy.
He believed that he had lost the love of Devlin and would never get it back. Ultimately, he decides to find comfort in Kaplan’s arms.
Slowly he is coming to realize that there is more to his new lover than meets the eyes.
The author draws you in and does a great job making his readers feel extreme emotions from extreme heartache to extreme joy.

C.J. Bishop is a published author of fiction. It also is the pen name used by A.M. Snead.

The author was born in Oregon and grew up in Coos County, a scenic area. She says that she enjoys the atmosphere of living in a small town along with the other country folk that live in the area that are down to earth.

C.J. has a daughter and also takes care of one horse, several dogs, and several cats all living out in the woodlands of the country. The slow pace of life and the way that living is out there gives the author the time that she needs in order to write.

Bishop identifies as a Christian. She is also a supporter of the LGBTQ community. When it comes to writing romance novels, she also tends to like writing gay erotic romance stories most of all. She hopes that the acceptance and the love that are part of her stories will help promote compassion for individuals that do not always come across the greatest amount of understanding and are even persecuted, most of all by Christians.

Bishop also hopes that her stories are able to comfort those that have come under the impression that they are hated by God for whatever reason. She has the belief strongly that there is a God and he loves everyone and it is strong enough to cover all.

C.J. Bishop is the creator and the author of the Phoenix Club series of fictional novels. The series kicked off for the first time in 2014 with the release of the debut fictional novel, which is titled It Can’t Be You. The second novel in the series came out shortly after and is titled Hearts In Chaos. There are several titles in this dynamic romance series to check out, so go see what so many people find so charming and enchanting about this fictional series that embraces love in all shapes and forms.

The scintillating first story in the Phoenix Club series is titled It Can’t Be You. If you’re looking for something that is going to wake your brain up, check out this very engaging romance novel from an author that loves love!

Abel Sims is the main character in this book, and he’s nineteen years old. He happens to be a stripper as well, and an attractive one at that. It’s safe to say that Abel is definitely hot, and his looks are part of what makes him such a popular draw at the strip club. He works at The Phoenix, a gay club where strippers do their thing and the guys and even the girls sometimes come to hang out and have fun and just be accepted.

Abel has never had much of a family. The only blood ties that he has really are to Savannah, his sister of sixteen years. He’s had a tough go of it trying to make a life for himself that doesn’t involve being on the streets anymore. Even though it’s a strip club, the people there have become like his family and the club itself has become just like a second home.

Even though he’s got a regular job, his time on the streets means that Abel does not trust the world at all. He doesn’t want to mingle with the exterior world and wants to just stay in the one place that he knows is safe. When a customer gets overzealous and it ends up sending him to the emergency room, it’s not his idea of a good time.

However, the last thing that he would expect would be to meet someone there. Abel is shocked when he meets a young doctor there. Devlin Grant is handsome and the second that he sees him, Abel knows that he’s attracted to this guy. But it also appears that his passion is a double-edged sword, as it begins to dredge up past nightmares.

This naturally makes him want to shut the things that he is feeling down for good. But he finds that avoiding this doctor is tough when his sister gets ill and then winds up being cared for by him. Abel thinks that his heart may end up being ready for love after all, but can he rely on being able to trust or will he find that the scars of the past are still working against him?

Abel’s finding that he is at a crossroads and isn’t sure what to do. But when he finds out something about this doctor that disturbs him, it may be that his gut instincts were right after all. Can Abel survive being crushed by another letdown, or is he too tough by this point to be affected? Pick up a story about love that will wrench your heart and have you feeling all types of ways as you read to the end!

Hearts In Chaos is the second novel in the Phoenix Club series by author C.J. Bishop. If you were into all of the fast-paced drama that came with the debut story, then check out this second installment as well!

When the reader last left Abel, he was dealing with his sister being sick as well as a potential new love interest. But when the doctor appeared not to be everything he appeared, trouble was afoot once more.

Abel is now devastated when he finds out that the man that he ended up having to kill to defend himself is Dr. Grant’s brother. Sure, it was to end the abuse and get him to back off, but this secret means that he will have to cut off any romantic ties to Devlin because of it.

Abel is struggling with his emotions and is going through a broken heart over the doctor. Now he’s got nothing except for his job and caring for his sister. The sudden turn of events has been difficult to go through, but he’s told himself that it is for the best.

But when the doctor will not go away, Abel must decide whether he can tell him why he has distanced himself. What will he choose? Read this book to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » C.J. Bishop

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