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C.J. Daly Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Academy Saga Books

The Academy(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cadet-in-Training(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
CAP & Gown(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Trial & Tribulations(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Awaken After Mourning(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

C.J. Daly

C.J. Daly is a fantasy writer best known for the Academy Saga series. The talented author grew up in New Mexico, where she spent hours behind haystacks reading after helping her siblings with various chores in the ranch. After high school, Daly moved to Dallas and got into college as she worked to get rid of her accent. She has an English Literature degree from cum laude with and taught for a while before delving full-time into motherhood and writing. The Academy Saga is the author’s debut series, and if it is anything to go by, Daly has a bright future in the fantasy writing world.

The Academy

The Academy comes first in The Academy Saga series. This story introduces Kate, a seventeen-year-old girl with a lot to deal with. Since she lost her mother, Kate has had to raise her brother alone since her father had checked out and was lost in her world. She also has school, not to mention a demanding job at the local diner. All Kate hopes for is something to distract her from the daily routine. She thinks nothing of the two mysterious guys who show up at her workplace until they later appear in a dark alley, only to disappear like they were never there. Who are these guys, and why do they keep appearing in Kate’s life? Could it all be a coincidence?

There is something about the two guys that bothers Kate, and while she knows that it is always good to trust her instincts, there are more important things to think about. Top on her list of worries is the elite military Academy keen to enlist her gifted brother. When a Cadet from this Academy shows up in school, he creates such chaos and also happens to be one of the strange guys Kate was worried about. This leaves Kate a little concerned, and she is not sure that the military Academy is the right place for her brother. Is there anything this loving sister can do to help her brother’s situation? Why does she feel like the strange men are too much focused on her and her family?

Set in New Mexico, this book explores the turbulence that comes with adolescence and the relationships between family. At times, these relationships get complicated, especially after the death of a loved one. The plot comes with startling twists, and the characters are so richly developed they will stay in your mind even after you are done reading this book. At the heart of the story is a heart-wrenching love triangle and an adolescent who is confused about what step to take. You can’t help but sympathize with Kate and admire her dedication to raising her brother and protecting the family. Will Kate let her brother go to the military Academy? What happens to this family now that things seem to be getting out of control?

The Academy is one of those stories that keep you turning the pages and curious to see what happens next. It is intense, suspenseful, and unique. Everything from the narration to pacing is done right, and some of the scenes will leave you speechless. The ending is surprising, and the cliffhanger will leave you scampering for the next book in the series. Fortunately, the second book is readily available and just as good as the first one.


Cadet-in-Training comes second in The Academy Saga series. This book starts with Kate in the psych ward with her hands handcuffed to her bed. It is still unbelievable that Ranger dragged Kate and her brother to the Academy that she hates with every fibre of her being. To make things worse, Ranger is responsible for her training, which means that Kate has no choice but to work together with the man who has betrayed her enough time. It seems like Kate’s destiny has already been determined, and there is little she can do to change it. The only good thing about being in the Academy is that Kate gets to see her small brother as long as she continues to cooperate with her trainer.

Now that she is a member of The Academy, Kate has to complete her CIT program. When General Weston gives Ranger a new assignment, he also insists that Kate must go with him. It is during this assignment that Ranger realizes that he has started to develop feelings for Kate. However, he is determined not to be like his father, a talented man who ruined his career because of a woman.

Kate also seems to care a lot about Ranger, but she cannot deny her feelings for Pete. Matters of the heart aside, Kate also has to focus on surviving this mission. Fortunately, she is gifted, and her talent shine everywhere she goes.

This second installment of The Academy Saga will leave you speechless. Everything is just perfect, and it is safe to say that this book is more intense than the first one. The characters continue to evolve, and it is refreshing seeing how they deal with new challenges as they resolve the old ones. Kate is still fantastic and remains that girl you would like to know in real life. On the other hand, Ranger is one character you will love and hate in equal measure, but his flaws also make him easier to identify with. There are a lot of layers and deep feelings in the story, so it is hard not to get emotionally invested once you start reading.

Cadet-in-Training is an exciting read. The plot is amazing, and it is fun following the characters from their small town to The Academy. There is a ton of action, pain, and love in the story, and the descriptions are so vivid they sound true. The pacing is perfect, and the well-placed twists will keep you reading to the end. This story will take you on an emotional rollercoaster. You will feel all types of emotions and hope the best for the characters you love. Most of the story is in Kate’s view, but you also get to hear from Pete and Ranger.

Book Series In Order » Authors » C.J. Daly

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