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C.P. James Books In Order

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Publication Order of Cytocorp Saga Books

Publication Order of Perfect Generation Books

Clockwatchers(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Perfect Generation(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Reassembly Books

Publication Order of C.P.James Standalone Novels

C.P. James is a writer of cinematic science fiction novels who is best known for the Perfect Generation, Cytocorp Saga, and Reassembly series of novels. Like many novelists, James has been writing stories ever since he was a kid and his mother still has many of these manuscripts. Since he lived in the country and was an only child, he developed a very creative imagination as spent much of his time in pretend roles. What is interesting is that most of his earlier stories had supernatural elements and took dark twists and these are still key elements in his fiction. He published The Perfect Generation his debut novel and the first of Perfect Generation in 2018.

Since he loved writing from childhood, he always dreamed of one day becoming an author. Nonetheless, he never thought his dream would amount to much since he lived in rural Wisconsin where no one had such lofty aspirations. In college, he took a creative writing elective taught by Robert Boswell the author. The man described one of the short stories he wrote as exceptional and told him he had real promise as an author. But C.P. James never took Boswell’s words to heart and never bothered to seek him out for some much-needed mentorship.

In 1998 while living in Denver he met a screenwriter who became a friend. It was at this time that he began thinking that he could one day write a script that would sell for six figures just like his friend M. Night Shyamalan who had sold one for $3 million. Soon enough, he penned a script that was inspired by Journey to the Center of the Earth by Jules Verne. While it was not the best script, his friend encouraged him and he ultimately wrote 8 full-length scripts. However, the bottom dropped out of the market at the worst time and when his mentor left to go write and produce plays in Denver, he became disillusioned and decided to leave the industry.

After C.P. James was laid off from his corporate gig, he picked up one of his abandoned screenplays and made it into a novel that never went anywhere. Still, he was determined to make something of his writing skills. While his new job as a corporate communications professional started taking too much of his free time, he was determined to become an author. Over about three years, he continued revising his draft and by the time he completed it in 2017, he had about half a dozen full drafts. He would then publish the novel in 2018 and he has never looked back since. James currently makes his home in Manta, Ecuador and when he is not writing his bestselling fiction, he is busy thinking about it.

C.P. James published Rocket Repo his debut novel of the Reassembly series of novels in 2021. It tells the story of Geddy Starheart the ace pilot who inhaled Eli an alien spore years back who has been living rent-free in his head for years. Working together, they finally built a ship that would take Eli home only for it to go missing on the eve of their departure. They go on a quest to find the ship only to unearth a conspiracy that could destroy everything in the universe unless they find their ship. For years all Geddy has ever needed were a couple of fingers of Old Earth whisky and a custom-made blaster. But ever since he caused a massive accident at the plant which resulted in the evacuation of the planet, the only person he has had access to has been Eli. In a desperate attempt to escape the planet, he lands on an ancient salvage trawler off the planet that runs one of the worst business models in the galaxy alongside a plucky crew. But he is glad to have any kind of friends and working together, he guides them as they traverse the universe trying to find their ship and save their world.

In 2022, C.P. James published Xeno Xoo, a story that once again follows the life and times of Geddy Starheart who has just been made into a captain by his childhood hero. His first challenge is to track down his missing crew and kidnapped girlfriend. Most people in his world deem the Zelnads saviors and unless Geddy can show them that they are wrong, the evil plan to put an end to the world will continue to unfold. He heads to a distant planet to answer a distress call and while there, he sees an opportunity to take out the Zelnads. However, there is danger in every dark corner which is worsened by the fact that he is forced to work with a frenemy. A risky play he decides to adopt could be the reminder he needs that trust had to be earned or maybe it could just expose the Zelnads. The trail ultimately leads to one of the most popular zoos in the world. What had started as R&R soon turns into an unplanned jaunt into the darkest depths of a Zelnad conspiracy. They soon discover some disturbing revelations that result in a daring escape.

C.P. James novel Fleet Feat has to be one of the most fascinating novels of the Reassembly series. After their fiasco in Xeno Xoo, Geddy and his men have been made leaders in the New Alliance. However, they do not have any enemies to fight until they locate the Zelnad base and since their fleet is in a very sorry state, maybe it’s better they not find it. But then, they meet an eccentric loner who gives them renewed hope, as he may know how to separate the Zelnads from their hosts. Still, there is the tiny, teeny problem of the seemingly impossible task of separating them without killing them both. Geddy learns a tough lesson when what he believed was a simple favor for his girlfriend goes bad. It is not long before he finds himself in a difficult situation with his former girlfriend. Geddy and his team also find themselves in great danger following a daring escape. Will their new friends help them out or could they have already lost the fight for their civilization?

Book Series In Order » Authors » C.P. James

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