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Cate Quinn Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of The Revolution Spy Books

as C.S. Quinn
The Bastille Spy(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Scarlet Code(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Thief Taker Books

as C.S. Quinn

Cate Quinn
Cate Quinn—and C.S. Quinn—are the pseudonyms of an English author Catherine Quinn whose birthplace is Colchester, UK; her birthday is October 12, 1979. She is a resident of Devon, England. Between 1997 and 2000, Cate pursued Bachelor of Arts in English and History—she has a postgraduate degree in the same—at the University of Leeds. She has been a freelance journalist since 1999. For instance, between 1999 and 2011, she worked as a freelance writer for the Guardian Group. She has had stints with other notable publications. She is a copywriter at The Copywriting Company. The long-time blogger is also a food writer at The Food Explorer website.

Cate Quinn’s influences include the late: English author Christopher Booker, especially his 2004 book writing guide The Seven Basic Plots, American author Blake Snyder’s 2005 storytelling guide titled Save the Cat!, and American writer Sydney Alvin Field’s 1979 film-writing guide Screenplay: The Foundations of Screenwriting. Cate also referred from the British Library.
Cate Quinn’s niche is fiction, ranging from adventure and historical to crime and mystery. Her UK book market is represented by agents Piers Blofeld and Gaia Banks of Sheil Land Associates, while her North American book market is represented by Shana Drehs of Sourcebooks. Her U.S. film rights are represented by Joel Gotler of Intellectual Property Group.

Book Series Written
The first book under the penname Cate Quinn is titled Black Widows, which has 10+ editions. Orion released the earliest English formats, a 419-page Kindle edition and a 320-page hardcover edition, on January 27, 2021. Other formats: a 419-page hardcover and a 455-page Kindle editions that were released on February 9, 2021 by Sourcebooks Landmark, which also released another 432-page paperback on November 2021; a 416-page paperback and a 445-page ebook Dutch version titled Drie weduwen that Boekerij released on September 7, 2020.

Black Widows is about three co-wives—first wife Rachel, alongside her two co-wives Tina and Emily—who have been fingered as murder suspects in their husband Blake Nelson’s death during a fishing expedition near their off-grid Utah home. The secretive household’s domestic rivalry among the co-wives who also have had troubled pasts are motives, wherein they seek to clear their names.

Cate Quinn has also released several series using the penname C.S. Quinn. An example is The Thief Taker series, whose earliest book is also called The Thief Taker; its earliest format is a 432-page paperback and 433-page Kindle editions that Thomas & Mercer released on September 9, 2014. More formats: an audiobook that Brilliance Audio released on September 9, 2014; a 344-page hardcover Czech version Lovec zločinců: Klíč, vrah a tajemství… that BB/art released in 2016; and 470-page Kindle and paperback editions whose German versions are titled Der Diebesfänger (Der Diebesfänger #1) and were released on June 16, 2015.
The Thief Taker is set in the mid-1660s burning and plague-laden London, where bounty hunter Charlie Tuesday—alongside a victim’s sister, Anna-Maria—is closing in on a serial killer that is posing as a medic.

The second book in The Thief Taker series is titled Fire Catcher whose formats include: a 568-page Kindle and a 566-page paperback editions from Thomas & Mercer, and an audiobook from Brilliance Audio—all dated November 10, 2015.

The early September 1666 fire of London is the basis for Fire Catcher, where bounty hunter Charlie Tuesday—alongside spy Lily Boswell—is tracking a murderer who is fuelling the fire, in an investigation that reveals the then London’s dark side.
The Thief Taker book has an epilogue titled Death Magic, which is listed as listed as The Thief Taker #1.5. Death Magic’s formats include an 82-page Kindle edition dated August 16, 2015, and another 82-page paperback edition dated September 1, 2015.
In Death Magic, Charlie Tuesday is investigating the real murder of superstitious housemaid Nancy so as to absolve her employer’s religious wife Elizabeth of an alleged involvement.
Another book series under the penname C.S. Quinn is the Revolution Spy series. The first book in the series is titled The Bastille Spy whose formats include: a 357-page Kindle edition and a 432-page hardcover edition that Corvus released on August 1, 2019; and an audiobook that Audible Studios released on June 16, 2020.

The Bastille Spy is about English secret agent Attica Morgan’s involvement—alongside pirate Captain Jemmy Avery—in the French revolution of the 1790s, where their investigation associates Queen Marie Antoinette with a rebel’s murder.

The second book in the Revolution Spy series is called The Scarlet Code. Its formats, released by Corvus: its 330-page Kindle was initially released on June 4, 2020; its 432-page hardcover edition was released in August 1, 2020; and its 400-page paperback edition was released on October 1, 2021.
In The Scarlet Code, agent Attica Morgan and pirate Jemmy Avery are investigating a French Revolution-inspired serial killer Robespierre whose targets are the French ruling class; Marie Antoinette is now in the hit list of the revolutionary-turned-assassin, prompting Attica and Jemmy’s efforts to foil the high-profile assassination.

Cate Quinn: Awards
In August 2020, Cate Quinn’s book The Bastille Spy was among those shortlisted for the Historical Fiction category of the HWA Gold Crown award.
Film Adaptations of Cate Quinn’s Books
Cate Quinn’s book Black Widows has an ongoing film adaptation.

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Book Series In Order » Authors » Cate Quinn

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