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Charles W. Lamb Books In Order

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Publication Order of AL:ICE Books

Publication Order of Dowry Books

The Dowry(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sword and the Medallion(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Ranger Books

The Lost Ranger(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon's Teeth(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dark Paladin(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wizard King of the North(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Charles W Lamb is a paranormal, fantasy and science fiction author that is best known as the author of the “AL:ICE” series of novels. While he has become quite a notable author, he was never one to crave a life as an author. During his earlier years, all he wanted was to study engineering design and work in the military.

He also wanted to work in the making of things that filled a need or performed a particular function. This informs his trip to Quantico Virginia, where he was a USMC Officer candidate and engaged in the typical military activities that come with being in such a program.

Lamb graduated with a Mechanical Engineering bachelor of science degree and he decided that he would become a Facilities Engineer in Tustin and MCAS El Toro. At the facilities, he worked for Scuba Pro for which he designed some iconic SCUBA gear for IMSA and Scuba Pro.
He also did some critical Indy Car work for the likes of Dan Gurney among several other companies.

After working as a designer of Scuba gear for several years, Charles W. Lamb found himself in the world of computers. Before long he was designing standing up computer systems, implementing databases and applications and designing networks.

The good thing that his new career provided was that he always had more to learn given that there are always new challenges as one attempts to keep up with the technology. Previously, Lamb never imagined he would find the time to explore writing, which was a curiosity that was forever growing at the back of his mind.

At his position, he was required to write extensive technical reports. Over time, he was asked to make use of his exceptional writing talents to record the interworking of the technical staff in the company. It was at this time that he decided that he should probably try his hand at writing fiction.
Charles already has an idea of combining artificial intelligence and artificial life in the writing of a new series. Three years later, he combined computer science and military science to produce “AL:ICE,” the debut novel of his flagship series.

Lamb did much of the work in secret with his wife, the only person who knew of his fiction writing project. He did not want to be the guy who tells everyone about their project to never finish it. As such, it was a huge surprise for everyone when he finally published the bestselling novel “AL:ICE” in 2014.

While it does seem that Charles W. Lamb had quite an easy road to publishing, nothing could be further from the truth. He would get a lot of thanks but no thanks from publishers since he was a first timer with no name. After too many rejections, he decided to try his hand as an Indie author to test how receptive the market was.

He surprised himself when he published on Kindle and his numbers kept rising with each passing day. It was not long before he had enough money to hire real editors and cover artists and even converted some of his works into audio format.

Today he has more than three series and several standalone works to her name. He has also branched into cyberpunk, science fiction, paranormal romance and fantasy to keep herself busy and stretch her imagination.

Charles W. Lambs’ novel “AL:ICE” is an interesting novel that introduces Captain Jacob Thomas. The divorced combat veteran is on a quest to get his life back on track and is back with the Marine Corps. Initially, he had tried to reconcile with his wife but this had proved futile.

When he goes back to the army, he is one of the volunteers in the DARPA experiment where he is catapulted into the future in which 200 years of technological innovation has been stripped from an Earth devastated by the loss of half its population.

He gets the help of a faceless benefactor named Artificial Life: Intelligent Computing Environment or AL:ICE in short. This allows him to escape the gloomy abandoned lab as he goes on a path to recovery.

His quest begins in the central California farmlands and ultimately, he finds himself in orbit having to face up to the evil that triggered it all.
This is a wonderfully written story that combines guns, suspended animation, women, artificial life, wild west style women, sex aliens and burnt earth spaces that would make for a great Amazon or Netflix series.

“AL:ICE-9” by Charles W Lamb is set in a future earth where the earth is still recovering from an attack a century and a half earlier. The human population is slowly recovering despite being attacked again and again.

Major Jacob Thomas has been having a lot of success with the help of his ALICE systems that he has successfully beaten the hostile NeHaw several times already. He is also fortunate enough to have access to several female recruits that he used to further his agenda of returning the Earth to its former glory.
Meanwhile, he is working to cobble together a space fleet from constructed and captured vessels to deal with increasing aggression from the NeHaw, even as terrestrial challenges continue to increase in number and intensity.

They may have to fight a war on two fronts if the troubles in Washington, Maine and California are not resolved soon.

Charles W. Lamb’s novel “AL:ICE Resurrection” still follows the life and times of Colonel Jake Thomas who finds himself with a huge mess on his hands. Klinan has experienced some significant losses that have left a short staffed defense force even worse.

The people are now mobilizing and massing their resources preparing for a possible direct attack on earth. Combined with Sara’s erratic behavior, Jake is at a loss at what to do.

Meanwhile there have been all manner of bizarre transmissions from Europe and the situation is made worse when an alien visitor whose motives are unclear makes an appearance.

Could the transmissions from Europe indicate aliens waiting to be discovered or a sign of even more challenges to be dealt with.
It is a light and quick read that is an excellent continuation of the series.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Charles W. Lamb

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