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Christopher C Tubbs Books In Order

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Christopher C. Tubbs is a historical and science fiction novelist who is best known for the “Dorset Boys” series of novels.

The author is descended from a long line of clay miners from Dorset and can trace his ancestry right back to the Isle of Purbeck in the 16th century.

He was just sixteen when he left school to go become an Avionics apprentice. He has also been a public speaker for years and during the 1990s, he founded a very successful games company.

In his sixties, Tubbs moved to the Antilles in the Netherlands and finally started penning the stories that had been swirling in his head for years.

He found much of his inspiration from fantasy authors and the Great Sea, as he published “A Talent for Trouble” his debut novel in 2018.

He has said that he does not apologize for writing for himself, even though he is often surprised by the turns and twists in his stories.

Most days, he can be found writing his novels with his dogs, which often find their way into his works.

Tubbs was born and brought up in clay mining country in Dorset, where he lived for the first ten years of his life.

His house was the last of the row of houses on Furzebrook Road, near a former clay pit, where there was no post office, pub, or shop, and he had to go to school miles away in Stoborough.

Both Stoborough and Furxebrook are featured in some of the first novels in the “Dorset Boy” series of novels.

His fondest memories growing up are running wild across the woods and heath with Spot his Jack Russel terrier and Marty his neighbor.

He had some very carefree days as a child and since television was still very new his main way of getting entertainment was through books.

During this time, he read the “Jag and Tiger” comics but also learned science through “Look and Learn.” He was just eight years old when he started designing the next British main battle tank.

He penned his first creative piece as a poem in primary school and the work got a lot of praise which was the start of his writing journey.

Christopher C. Tubbs began writing when he got a bad bout of arthritis in his shoulders. This made it impossible for him to engage in outside activities that he loved so much.

He began thinking of publishing after he was done writing the manuscript for “A Talent for Trouble,” his debut work that he would then publish in 2018.

It was at this time that his sister-in-law had also penned a novel and was looking into Amazon KDP publishing. KDP seemed like a very interesting concept since he never fancied working with agents and trolling around publishers.

But it was not until he was done with the second novel and began writing the third that he got serious with KDP publishing. He never believed anyone would be interested in his novel and initially just penned stories for himself.

He was vacationing with his wife in a small town in Italy when he took the plunge and pressed the button to publish his first work and the rest is history.

Christopher C. Tubbs’s novel “A Talent For Trouble” is a work set in the 18th century. It was a time and place where you had to fight for survival, even though life was cheap.

The lead is a twelve-year-old named Martin Stockley who is an undersized and underfed kid and the youngest in a miner’s family from Dorset.

Broken and worn out ever since he was very young, he believed that he was doomed to die in the Dorset clay mine. However, he proves to have a sharp mind and learned to write and read, do math, and has developed an obsession with maps.

By a stroke of good fortune, he leaves behind his destiny and goes on a ship. Working in the Royal Navy, he is made Under Steward and Ship’s Boy to the Captain in “The Falcon,” the Royal Navy’s Frigate.

What follows is his story as he gets into a lot of trouble at Gibraltar, fights against the Barbary pirates, and the siege of Toulon.

He has a lot of courage coupled with luck, and this results in many beautiful adventures including a beautiful Contessa, guts, blood, and prize money.

What more could a young man from Dorset ask for?

“The Special Operations Flotilla” by Christopher C. Tubbs is a fascinating work of fiction that follows the lead, who was introduced in the debut work of “The Dorset Boy” series.

Martin Stockley is now a fifteen-year-old Midshipman who is back on “The Falcon” and is on another tour on the sea. While coming back from a trip to Norway as part of a crew looking for a prize, he is unexpectedly called to the Admiralty.

He then has to meet with William Wickham and Admiral Lord Hood and this takes his career in the Navy in a very different direction.

His talent for stirring trouble suddenly comes into high demand and combined with the fact of the introduction of a beautiful widow, you have the recipe for a derring-do, adventurous story with a lot of romance.

Martin then finds himself back in Toulon with Linette the beautiful French spy where he is charged with finding out what Napoleon is planning, as he has been amassing hundreds of ships and thousands of ships on the coast of the Mediterranean.

Christopher C. Tubb’s novel “Agent Provocateur” is the third of the riveting “Dorset Boy” series of novels.

Martin has become a lieutenant at a very young age as he does jobs that a gentleman and officer would never be caught doing. He is descended from peasants and he is therefore dispensable, young, and willing.

This makes him very valuable to Admiral Hood and the spymaster of Britain William Wickham who head the British security apparatus.

Meanwhile, the Admiral runs “The Special Operations FLotilla” and the “Dirty Jobs” branch of the Navy in secret.

Throw in Lady Caroline Canod the love of his life and Marty leads a passionate, deadly, and exciting life.

When there is some suspected treachery in the Batavian Republic, he goes on an undercover operation deep in France and has some mixed results.

When he is back home, there is an unexpected development that sees Caroline and Marty’s relationship take a big step forward.

All in all, it is an exciting, passionate, and explosive life.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Christopher C Tubbs

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