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Clayton Lindemuth Books In Order

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Publication Order of Angus Hardgrave Books

Nothing Save the Bones Inside Her(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sometimes Bone(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Baer Creighton Books

My Brother's Destroyer(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mundane Work of Vengeance(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Pretty Like an Ugly Girl(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Outlaw Stinky Joe(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blunt Force Kindness(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Men I Sent Forward(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Destroyer(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Integrity(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Virtue is a standalone which Baer is in but is not the protagonist.

Publication Order of Shirley F'N Lyle Books

Shirley F'N Lyle(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
One at a Time, Boys(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Totally Sunshine and Love(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Clayton Lindemuth
Clayton Lindemuth is a fiction writer known for his dark humor and gruesome writing. The author has over ten novels to his name and has a way of bringing both his characters and scenes to life, creating stories that stay with you long after you are done reading. Even though little is known about Lindemuth’s personal life, there is no doubt that he is a talented author.

My Brother’s Destroyer
My Brother’s Destroyer is the first book in the Baer Creighton series. The book features Baer Creighton, a talented distiller known for his fruited moonshine. Baer also comes with an extraordinary power that enables him to detect the slightest hint of deception having been lied to by the people he trusted most. For his peace of mind, Baer spends most of his time in the woods right next to his home. His dog Fred is the only company he enjoys during those long nature walks. Baer’s life is perfect until his dog goes missing.

Still, in mourning, Baer watches as some headlights approach him from the woods. When the truck gets close enough, the driver tosses Fred into a ditch. Baer swears to avenge his dog by killing all the people who participated in the fight ring most cruelly. What Baer doesn’t know is that he will be up against hardened men who are thirsty for violence. Tension escalates first, and Baer is forced to reflect on his painful past to get the courage to push through with his revenge mission.

It turns out that Fred was stollen by Joe Stipe or one of his men so that he can participate in a fight circle. Joe is a local thug who is used to getting away with everything. Even though the fights are illegal, some of Gleason County’s prominent people, including the police chief, attend them. Baer’s brother Larry is also a regular. The pain that Larry has caused Baer in the past comes back when he picks an almost dead Fred.

This story comes without fillers, and every word is impactful while helping build the plot. The author uses a unique tone and relatable characters to tell this story. With a blend of sarcasm, humor, and a hint of darkness, the author lets you into Baer’s life and his revenge mission. Baer is a lovable character. Even though he is a little rough around the edges, he has a big heart, and his need for revenge is understandable. All the other characters come with depth, and they will all be competing for your emotions. You can expect to fall in love with some personalities while hating others in equal measure.
My Brother’s Destroyer is a perfect choice if you are looking for an intense and action-packed thriller. This story is also ideal for dog lovers. The book tells the haunting tale of a man who loves his dog. It also highlights the ways he deals with those who dare to interfere with this friendship. Join Baer on his revenge and see the extreme lengths a man is willing to go for his best friend. There will be enough twists and turns in the story, but you can be sure that this is one of those books you cannot stop reading, but you don’t want the story to be over.

Cold Quiet Country
Cold Quiet Country features Sherriff Bittersmith. On his last day in office, the Sheriff is called to a crime scene. Here, he is confronted by a dead farmer killed by a pitchfork that went right through his neck. The Sheriff is quick to notice the two sets of tracks coming from the barn where the body is discovered. The farmer’s wife is frantic, and she reports that her daughter is also missing. Bittersmith is convinced that the farmhand Gale G’Wain is responsible, and he follows the footprints from the barn to the farmhouse.

Gale is sheltering in an empty house just three miles from the barn. The young orphan is half-naked and only one step away from the grave thanks to an accident where he fell on ice. Gale knows all too well that the town will blame him for his master’s death, and he is determined to defend himself to the end. In a city where corruption reigns, the young man knows his life will be over when the Sheriff or his dead boss’s sons get a hold of him. He waits in the farmhouse in silence with a cocked gun, ready to shoot anyone who comes through the door.

Gale’s life has been tough. From growing up in an orphanage after being abandoned by his mother to not knowing who his parents were, the young boy had been through enough. When he becomes of age, Gale requests the orphanage for details about his parents. All the information he gets is that he is a product of rape, and the man responsible for this is one powerful man who lives in Bittersmith town. Determined to trace his roots, Gale heads to this small town only to find a place filled with corruption and a girl in need of a savior. How does he confront a father who will not show even the slightest remorse for his actions? Is it even possible for Gale to go against such a powerful man?

This book is set in Wyoming in the 1970s. On this day, blizzards are threatening, and the snow is close to 20 inches thick. The whole story unfolds in a single day, with the main focus being the faceoff between a young man and a sheriff who is corrupt to the core. If you love gruesome novels, Cold Quiet Country will offer exactly that and so much more. The story will draw you in from the first page, and the ending will leave you feeling all warm inside. The author is clever in his descriptions and successful in bringing the scenes to life. It is sad to imagine that some people still live in so much misery, with no one to defend them. Gale is a lovable character, and it is easy to fall in love with him and wish him success in this fight.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Clayton Lindemuth

6 Responses to “Clayton Lindemuth”

  1. Helen Slagle: 3 years ago

    My husband accidentally found these on line ( the Baer Creighton series) and ordered the first three. I absolutely fell in love with the way they were written, and we both ‘inhaled’ the stories. He ordered the final four, which I couldn’t put down. Yes. These captured my (and my husbands) heart. Good outweighs evil – we want more. . . ❤️❤️❤️

  2. Coleen Fahie: 3 years ago

    I very much enjoyed Cold Quiet Country that a pal lent me. I’m looking forward to reading all the rest of Clayton’s books. Having trouble finding them at my local library!! Excellent writer.

  3. Charles Welch: 3 years ago


  4. cynthiea reynolds: 4 years ago

    i am so looking forward to book 7. so enjoyed the first 6 books. i have actually enjoyed everything i have read by this author.

  5. winfield mccaskill: 4 years ago

    Looking forward for the 7th novel of the Baer Creighton series.

  6. ray weekley: 4 years ago

    Am anxiously awaiting the 7th novel of the Baer Creighton series. Wish I had a bucket of gold and a talking dog.


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