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Daco S. Auffenorde Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Cover Your Tracks(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Forgotten Girl(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dirty Martini(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Daco S. Auffenorde
Daco S. Auffenorde was born at the Naval hospital in Bethesda, Maryland and raised in Huntsville, Alabama, which is also known as Rocket City for its role in building the rocket that took astronauts into space.

Daco has an MAS and a BA from the University of Alabama in Huntsville and a JD from the Cumberland School of Law.

She’s a member of the Mystery Writers of America, the Romance Writers of America, the International Thriller Writers, Society of Children’s Book Writers and Illustrators, Alabama State Bar, and Alabama Writers’ Forum.

For as long as Daco can remember, she has wanted to be an author. She started writing her first novel during her first year of law school after she read a John Grisham novel. Life took over and she set it aside. In the year 2007, she chose to pick up her pen again.

The idea for “Cover Your Tracks” had been building up for a few years. The idea came to her after being totally drawn in by “The Fugitive”, which is still one of her all-time favorite films. She knew that when she began working on her first all-out thriller that she wanted the book to begin with a catastrophic event.

Daco alternates between painting, writing, and watching her favorites on the television. Of course, there’s always that pesky treadmill lurking down the hall. She writes when the pull is just so strong the chair starts talking back to her if she doesn’t sit down.

She loves writing because it’s one of the best ways she has of expressing herself. Daco also loves painting, which is another sort of expression that’s just as important. She finds that the key to creativity and happiness is having a diverse set of interests. She loves art museums equally as much as bookstores, which both serve to fill the well.

Daco loves seeing contemporary art exhibits, and she may even get caught interacting with some of the works. She is the one that the docent tells to take a step back.

Daco finds travel to be lovely. It provides her with ideas and pictures to use in her stories. It allows her to experience different cultures, hear some of the languages spoken firsthand, and truly see just how diverse and rich the world is. It for this reason that she studied Sociology in her time as an undergrad. The computer allows her to travel and she loves that. Her favorite part about being a writer is the real freedom of speech and mind.

Daco’s mind is always spinning with book ideas. Characters, plots, action scenes, and conversations. Quite often, stories just come to her in a flash. The entire thing. It is sort of like being struck by lightning. Books can take very little time to execute, while others will take years. For her, this is just the editing process. She has many ideas for some new stories, but has to find the time to get them written down.

Daco’s written many novels that she keeps in the hopper. They range from espionage to literary fiction. She’s even done a romantic comedy. She gravitates toward suspense and thriller, she believes an author should follow their heart and just write whatever speaks to them. A bunch of authors very rarely venture outside of their lane. She likes playing things a bit dangerous.

For the most part, she writes on computer, but she will still scribble down a word or two on a side sheet just for a rough outline. Sometimes, she’ll make pictorial diagrams that just make sense to her and her only.

Her computer has slowly become her best friend, and if her house was on fire, that’s the thing she would run back for. Obviously, after everybody was out safely.

Daco’s debut novel, called “Cover Your Tracks”, was released in the year 2020. Her work is from the thriller genre.

“Cover Your Tracks” is the first stand alone novel and was released in the year 2020. Margo Fletcher, who is eight months pregnant, journeys by train from Chicago to Spokane, Washington, her childhood home. As she passes through one isolated portion of the Rockies in blizzard conditions, the train brakes unexpectedly. Up ahead, deadly snow from this massive avalanche plummets on down the mountain.

Despite the conductor’s order that every passenger remain seated, ex-Army Ranger Nick Eliot insists that survival depends on their moving to the back of the train. Margo is the only one that believes him. They go and take refuge in the last train car, which Nick uncouples heroically just in time to avoid the avalanche. The other cars get hurled down the mountainside and quickly gets lost forever within a blanket of snow. Nick and Margo, the only survivors, get stranded in this snowstorm without any heat, food, or water. Rescuers may not show up for days.

The weather turns violent again, the pair has to flee the shelter of the passenger car and run for their very lives into the wilderness. They have to fend of the lethal cold and predatory wild animals looking for food. Eventually, Nick takes Margo to some shelter in a watchtower atop a mountain. While there, you learn that Nick and Margo have got secrets that brought both of them together and threaten to destroy each of them.

This is a tale of hate and love, the will to survive, and nature’s devastating power.

Daco delivers a fantastic story about the will to survive and just how far we’re willing to go in order to keep those we love safe. Nick and Margo are both interesting characters and it’s interesting to watch their respective stories play out. The parts in the wilderness where they have to escape from avalanches, fight off some coyotes, and attempt to find shelter were intense moments, even the scenes showing Nick’s service in Afghanistan were intense.

This is a novel that is difficult to set down and one you don’t really want to end, and is sure to make readers eagerly anticipating anything Daco comes out with next. Well crafted action sequences keep the tension and the energy cranked up.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Daco S. Auffenorde

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