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Dan Rather Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Camera Never Blinks Books

with Mickey Herskowitz
The Camera Never Blinks(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Camera Never Blinks Twice(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Palace Guard (With: Gary Paul Gates)(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
I Remember (With: Peter Wyden)(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Deadlines and Datelines(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
The American Dream(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
America at War(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rather Outspoken(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
What Unites Us: Reflections on Patriotism (With: Elliot Kirschner)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of World Citizen Comics Books

Fault Lines in the Constitution (By: Cynthia Levinson,Sanford Levinson)(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
What Unites Us: The Graphic Novel (With: Elliot Kirschner)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Born in the USA: The Story of Immigration and Belonging (By: Lawrence Goldstone,James Otis Smith)(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Dan Rather is an award-winning American author of biographies, Memoirs, and nonfiction. He has earned his position as one of the world’s best-known journalists. The author has interviewed every president in the U.S since the time of Eisenhower, and since then, he has covered almost every significant event in the U.S and all over the world.

Dan Rather is a former CBS news anchor and has won numerous awards, including the Emmy Trustees Award and Paul White Award winner.
Stories of a Lifetime

Stories of a Lifetime is a fascinating memoir that any reader can enjoy. Dan Rather talks about how he found himself in the news business by highlighting prominent people and occurrences in his journey.

Having worked in the journalism and broadcasting department, the author shares information about his career and the numerous events. As a news journalist, he kept his emotions under the blanket to do the job well.

Rather talks about his unforgettable stage performance about his stories of a lifetime through the most critical moments of his life, which includes being a survivor of a devitalizing disease as a child.

He also covers stories about the monumental times in American history, such as the assassination of JKF and the Watergate and Civil Rights movement. Stories of a Lifetime novel is a celebration of the power of the free press and serves as a reminder of the reason why it’s so important.
The book is both relevant and inspiring as the reader gets acquainted with full stories about Dan Rather’s job. Some of the stories cover the civil rights era, Vietnam War, Kennedy assassination, and in them is both sobering and heartbreaking times, but the author explains through them gently.
He concludes with crucial remarks regarding the current situation leaving the readers with a few practical steps to follow to keep the communities safe during the modern crazy times.

What Unites Us
In the book, Dan Rather explains how far America has come from while pointing out the rights which all people deserve as he feels that many people are going backward.

Some of the things that made the country strong again are the ones that are dividing it now. Fortunately, people currently live in a place where they are granted freedom, the right to speak, and dissent.

Rather’s thoughts are presented in chapters as he explains the importance of books, arts, and staying focused. He reminds people of the values and principles under which the United States was founded, how they are one and what it means to be an American.

The book is divided into five parts –community, freedom, responsibility, exploration, and character. It also includes essays on Rather’s observation of the world today, how it reached where it is now, and what people can do to move forward.

He interweaves many years of experience like a great journalist as he reminds people of America what makes the country great. All Americans should adhere to higher values and stand as one. The book is written engagingly with a high level of honesty and full of inspiration, wisdom, sentiments, hope, and some lessons to learn.

He defines patriotism as opposed to nationalism and concludes with what it means to be a citizen. Rather’s life certainly shows the great opportunity that Americans have been blessed with.

He’s grateful for acquiring knowledge, his love for art and theater, and the rich memories of the people he met due to his lifetime curiosity.
During a crisis due to national identity, Dan Rather emerges with a voice of integrity as he passionately writes about what it means to be an American. With the use of authentic essays, he reminds people of the principles on which America was founded.

Dan Rather Lists the freedoms that define the people, values transformed from empathy to service inclusion, and institutions that sustain people. He also points out the traits that contributed to the formation of the country.

He brings to light his many years of experience in the frontline of the world’s major stories. Rather is a living testimony to historical change and gives a closer view of history while tracing where it started so that people can have a way forward and heal from bitterness.
What Unites Us is a fundamental book of hope with some inspiration as it reminds people to be united.

Rather Outspoken
Dan Rather is a man who traveled in search of the truth, and he uses the knowledge he acquired to illustrate how TV empire ratings controlled the content in this novel. In a case where the stories are controversial and contrary to Washington’s line, the truth was edited.

While Dan was the chief Whitehouse correspondent for CBS, he knew some presidents, and in this book, he tells the story of Richard Nixon. He narrates how Nixon tried to deport John Lennon while his Watergate men, Liddy and Hunt, planned to assassinate columnist Jack Anderson.

He was so desperate to see Rather get out of Washington because, being a journalist, he used to get information from the white house as a journalist. On another occasion, Rather was attacked in Manhatten by a killer who later murdered an NBC correspondent.

In the second chapter, the author gives a full investigation and explanation of events that followed a report on George Bush’s time in the Texas National Guard in the Vietnamese war.

Dan Rather writes in lyrical style as he applies his knowledge of the phrase on air. The vivid descriptions of his feelings and frankness will make you like him. There is no dispute in that he is a talented and unique storyteller who knows how to catch the reader’s attention.

In this book, he narrates why he was asked to leave CBS News after the controversial story on President George Bush’s National Guard service. Some of the documents about how Bush had neglected his duty could only be proved by documents that were ‘discredited’ in the blog. After an independent investigation led by a lawyer connected to the Bush family, the higher management backfired and failed to back up the anchor.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Dan Rather

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