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Dante Alighieri Books In Order

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Publication Order of Poetry Books

Publication Order of Collections

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

De Vulgari Eloquentia: Dante's Book of Exile(1305)Description / Buy at Amazon
The De Monarchia(1313)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of La Divina Commedia Books

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Dante Alighieri was a poetic writer who was born and raised in Florence in 1265 and later
passed away in 1321. He was one of the most famous and significant poets in the Italian
language. He saw the woman he would later be the love of his life at the age of nine while the
woman was some months younger.

The lady got married to another man instead, who died when Dante was twenty-five. Their
relationship existed only in Dante’s fantasy world, but she played a vital role in his poetry
journey. He attached all the Godly virtues to her soul and imagined in his work that she is his
angel who pushed him to look for salvation.

In the divisive atmosphere in Florence, Dante rose to a position of leadership. In 1302, when he
was in Rome on a diplomatic job the Blacks in Florence seized power with the help of the
French. Dante was exiled by the Blacks, who seized his goods and ordered him to be burned if
he set foot in Florence.

Dante never got back to Florence and went from one city to another. Between 1302 and 1304,
most exiled Whites made some attempts to retrieve their position in Florence; however, none
succeeded. Dante felt contented and hoped for a new, powerful Holy Roman Emperor who
would bring the country together and end the conflict.

Henry VII became the emperor in 1308 and laid siege to Florence in 1312 but later was
defeated and died the following year, crushing Dante’s hopes. Dante went from one court to
the next, writing political and moral epistles and completing his comedy, which contains
Inferno, Purgatorio, and Paradiso.

In Inferno, Dante doesn’t only judge sin but also tries to understand it so that the reader can as

In the Inferno, Dante walks through Hell guided by Virgil, the famous poet who wrote the
Aeneid, who is directed to him by Beatrice, Dante’s devoted love interest who resides in
paradise. The hell setting is influenced by Christian theology, philosophy, and the past literary
works of Virgil, Homer, and Ovid, among others.

Dante’s Hell is funnel-shaped and has nine tiers that punish nine different sins. At the base is
Lucifer. The nine circles of hell include Limbo, which is a place where souls are punished to
wander in restless existence. The second is Lust, which is surrounded by erotic representations.
Those who overcome it are forced to watch and experience disgusting things. The third is

Gluttony, which is a living abomination, a hellish digestive system showing horrible faces with
mouths ready to consume the gluttons for eternity.

The fourth is Greed, which is a domineering place meant to punish the greedy. The fifth is
anger, where the souls are trapped in the swamp, where they can’t move and can show their
frustration, making them angrier.

Heresy is where the giant demon watches over his fire pit, dragging the new arrivals into the
hot lava. Violence, on the other hand, is a place of immense torture where the hellish drum
beats forever accompany the horrible screams of the damned. Fraud is where the demons
enjoy changing the shape of souls. Treachery is the last tier where Lucifer lies chained by the
angelic seal, keeping him in captivity in the frozen place.

The translator provides an introduction, endnotes, and appendices that contain Dante’s most
vital sources, from Virgil to Saint Thomas Aquinas and other Catholic theologians, and skillfully
illuminates them.

It's intriguing to see how the author has invented the different tiers of hell, the sins that are
punished in them, and the types of punishment. The punishments start lightly in the first tier
and get brutal as you go down the tiers. Some of the characters, i.e., sinners in Hell, include the
real-life people that Dante knew.

The book's translator, Anthony Esolen, successfully blends sense with sound and poetry with
meaning while capturing both the poem’s line vigor and its allegorically and exacting structure
to create an inferno that will be general to readers.

The Divine Comedy is an epic poem talking about heroic deeds with some history elements of
Florence. The poem is unique from the rest in that the narrator is featured in the story.
Elements of Christianity are also introduced in the course of the story.

The poem is divided into Hell, Purgatory, and Heaven, which symbolize the Holy Trinity. The
hero finds himself in a forest, which symbolizes a life of sin. When he tries climbing a mountain,
he is attacked by wild beasts.

Poet Virgilius comes to his rescue and convinces the narrator to follow him on his journey to
Hell in search of salvation. Purgatory is the second part following Inferno and preceding
Paradiso. The poem was crafted in the early 14th century, telling how Dante climbs up the
mountain of Purgatory.

After surviving the misfortunes of Hell, Dante and Virgil ascend out of the underground to the
mountain of Purgatory on the far side of the world.

The mountain is situated on an island, the only dry land in the Southern Hemisphere. It formed
as a result of the displacement of rock that came about after Satan’s fall, which created hell. It
has seven terraces, which correspond to the seven fatal sins.

The classification of sin is more psychological, primarily based on motives instead of actions. It’s
basically drawn from Christian theology rather than from classical sources. However, Dante
provides illustrative examples of sin and virtue in classical sources, the Bible, and contemporary

According to Dante, sinners get rid of their sins through repentance for their sins on earth.
Unlike in the Inferno, purgatory deals with sins that are more psychological than physical, with
many tiers punishing the sins of the mind and not of the body.

Purgatorio is more influenced by Christianity, mythology, theology, philosophy, literature, and
Dante’s own political and religious views. In The Inferno, Dante uses his skills of philosophical
and theological argument, poetry, and the Christian church to show the readers the
punishments that they’ll face once they don’t change their way of life. However, in Purgatory,
he shows himself to be wiser.

Dante shows his skills in combining classical and Christian myths to create stories of sin and
redemption. The reader doesn’t need to be a Christian for them to feel the force in his

Book Series In Order » Authors » Dante Alighieri

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