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Darklight Books In Order

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Publication Order of Darklight Books

Darklight (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkthirst (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkworld (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkblood (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darktide (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkbirth (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkfall (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkwilds (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Darkhunt (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
This series is not currently available for purchase on Amazon.

Darklight is a fantasy series by Bella Forrest starring Lyra, a young lady with a good head over her shoulders, and Dorian, the vampire. These two are fighting a common enemy, bloodthirsty creatures that destroy everything on their path. Vampires have been keeping these creatures in check for centuries. However, since they went into hiding after humans attempted to eliminate them, things have gotten out of control. Lyra and Dorian will go through loads of adventures in this series, and each installment will leave you yearning to see what happens next.

Darklight comes first in the Darklight series. In this story, the human government has already discovered vampires and hunted them to extinction. It has been a while since the vampires were sighted, but there seems to be another supernatural threat to humanity. The giant and bloodthirsty creatures known as the Redbills are becoming harder to deal with, and the destruction they leave behind can no longer be ignored. Once again, Lyra has to do everything in her might to keep the world safe. Is this a challenge that Lyra can win? What plans does she have for these creatures that lurk in the shadows, waiting for nightfall before they can attack their victims?

Lyra celebrated when the vampire went extinct. After years of senseless and brutal murders, Lyra and her colleagues at Occult Bureau looked forward to a life without these creatures. After a lot of hard work and numerous cover jobs, the task was done, and Lyra thought she could now sleep at night and not worry about another killing. Things remain calm until the Redbills show up. Currently, Lyra, barely 21 in age, is involved in the fight against another set of supernatural beings. Then Dorian Clave, a vampire, enters Lyra’s life most dramatically and turns it upside down. It turns out Lyra knows nothing about the world of the vampires.

Through Dorian, Lyra learns that the only thing vampires devoured is the darkness inside humanity. These creatures from the immortal realm were responsible for hunting evil in the world. Dorian showed Lyra that there is no way light would survive without darkness. Trying to fight the balance with the immortal creatures would come with dire consequences for the humans and the universe as a whole. Dorian requests Lyra to help him ensure that the vampires do not go extinct. This is the only way the mortal realm will be saved. Will Lyra take up this offer considering what is at stake? How can someone who hated vampires so much agree to partner with one to ensure they do not go extinct?

Darklight is an enjoyable read with a loyal, strong, and smart main character. It is admirable how Lyra doesn’t rush into situations or trust people blindly. She is careful with her decisions and mostly relies on her gut instinct. Dorian is another great character, even though some of his actions will piss you off. Bryce and the rest of the secondary cast give a lot of depth to the story, and with the unique storyline, you cannot help but get hooked. The action, developing relationships between characters, and adventure keep this story interesting to the end. There are also some lessons on why humans can be more accommodating and humane.

Darkthirst comes second in the Darklight series. Lyra and Dorian are already in hiding and working to stay a step ahead of the Bureau. They are both faced with hard choices and struggles and cannot figure a way out considering what is going on around them. Worst of all, they have to deal with betrayal at their lowest. They have no choice but to turn to friends, family, and each other to fight the beast, which continues to penetrate the human kingdom. Lyra and Dorian also have to deal with hatred, bigotry, and a human faction led by Lyra’s uncle Alan. How can these two succeed in making humans understand that vampires are not the threat they always thought they were? Allan and the board have depraved things planned, and there is no telling how far their reach has grown.
Because of the frequent searches by the Bureau, Lyra and Dorian must always be on their toes. Despite the developing feelings between them, they know that letting their guard down would be disastrous for the vampires and humans. Unrest is also starting to affect relationships in the vampire ranks, and Dorian has to move fast before things get out of control. Can this duo succeed in their fight, considering all that is working against them? How long will it take before the Bureau discovers their hiding place and executes its evil plans? What will Lyra and Dorian do about the growing attraction between them that is now becoming hard to ignore?

Join Lyra and Dorian on this epic challenge. Some lives will be lost in this story, but things do get a little messy with the entire race’s existence at stake. This story will keep you riveted to the end. The premise is intriguing, and the cast enjoyable. Lyra will be doing a lot of self-reflection, and even though she makes a few mistakes, she remains level-headed. As a couple, Lyra and Dorian work great, and it is impressive how they handle the many challenges they encounter in their hiding. The main focus in the novel is on the culpability and the conflicts at the Bureau. It will become clear why this organization wanted the vampires dead so much and explain why Lyra’s uncle will not listen to her or Dorian.

Darkthirst is an enthralling read packed with action, mystery, and a bit of romance. Picking from where the first book ended, the author takes the reader out of the military compound to Lyra and Dorian’s hiding place. Here, you get to interact with other vampires and read more about their realm. The world-building is outstanding, and the characters get even more interesting. If you read the first book, you will be happy to meet new characters and enjoy getting to know the old ones better. This book is over 500 pages, making it a perfect choice for a lazy weekend.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Darklight

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