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David Lender Books In Order

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Publication Order of Sasha Del Mira Thrillers Books

Publication Order of White Collar Crime Thriller Books

Publication Order of White Collar Crime Thriller Collections

Rudiger Stories(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

The Gravy Train(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon

An American novelist focusing largely on financial thrillers, the writer David Lender is an author who has really found his niche. Creating engrossing and engaging stories filled with suspense and character driven drama, he has a loyal audience of readers from all across the world. Setting up a number of series as well, he really has managed to build a brand that is highly respected throughout the industry as a whole.

Early and Personal Life

Born in America, the future novelist to be David Lender would grow up with not only a fascination in reading and writing, but the finI ancial sector as well. Both of these in years to come would inform one another, as he would go on to have successful careers in both areas. It would also be his background in the finance sector that would come to inform a lot of his writing, providing him with a large amount of material throughout the years.

Attending the University of Connecticut he would go on to graduate with a Bachelor of Arts in English, along with a minor in Art History too. Later he would also go on to graduate from the Kellogg School of Management at Northwestern University with an MBA. This would then see him go into a career in finance, something that would come to form the basis of his writing career later on.

Working in finance he would gain twenty-five years of experience working on Wall Street as an investment banker. Getting an insiders knowledge of major companies such as Merrill Lynch, he would gain first-hand experience of how they operated. This would then give him the insight required for taking his career forwards, allowing him to provide a more informed take on the financial sector.

Now currently living in northern New Jersey, he continues to write to this very day, as he lives with his family and his pitbull called Styles. Always on the lookout for new and exciting ideas, he’s constantly putting his past experience back into his work. Not showing signs of stopping anytime soon either, he has plenty more to come yet, as his writing career carries on into the foreseeable future.

Writing Career

It was in 2011 that David Lender would go on to make his debut as an author of fiction, writing the novel ‘Trojan Horse’. This is what would make his name as a writer, allowing him to establish his brand as a novelist of suspense filled financial thrillers. Taking his knowledge of the financial sector, the book would also become the first in the ongoing ‘Sasha Del Mira’ series of novels.

Known for a variety of series too, he has managed to create a backlog of franchises, all of which continue in this vein of suspense. These include the ‘White Collar Crime Thriller’ series along with the ‘Sasha Del Mira’ novels as well, whilst also including his many stand-alone titles. All of these combine to create some of the most suspense filled arcs of his date, as they are still ongoing series with more to come.

Not only creating a number of long-running series, but he’s also garnered critical acclaim too over the years. This has seen his receive critical as well as commercial attention, as he garners attention from both his many peers and contemporaries alike. Achieving success worldwide, he’s received awards from all corners, along with creating a number of bestselling novels too.

Working with Merrill Lynch in the past along with the Rothschilds, Lender is no stranger to the world of high finance. It is this that gives his work a certain degree of authenticity and realism, allowing it to come essentially come alive for the reader. Using ego driven personalities as the basis and driving force of many of his narratives, he also uses real-life events to help inspire his stories too.

Still writing to this very day, he continues to regularly maintain a strong presence both online as well as off. Establishing a worldwide brand he continues to attend events and speak about his work, whilst always searching for new material. With a lot more to come, his writing career will carry on growing from strength-to-strength for a long time yet.

Arab Summer

Brought out through the ‘Thomas and Mercer’ publishing outlet, this would mark the third installment of the ongoing ‘Sasha Del Mira’ series of books. Released on the 22nd of January in 2013, this would continue on from where the last left off, taking the action up to an even higher level. Continuing the arc of its central eponymous protagonist, it manages to retain what made the first work, whilst providing some twists and turns along the way.

Believing that her tragedy ridden past in the CIA is all but left behind her now, Sasha Del Mira is looking towards her new marriage. That’s when her husband is abruptly murdered and all the clues point to Saif Ibn Mohammed, her once lover now turned Muslim terrorist leader. Returning to a life in the CIA she vows to take revenge on the man that has caused her so much misery, going undercover in order to find him. Will she be able to though? Can she have her revenge? What will become of the Arab summer?

Spin Move

Released through the ‘Thomas and Mercer’ publishing label once again, this is the fourth book in the ongoing ‘White Collar Crime Thriller’ series of novels. Whilst many of the titles work as stand-alone novels connected mainly by themes, there are still some recurring characters. Allowing readers to pick the series up at any point, they make for an ideal casual read, whilst providing fans with an overall arc too.

Hiding out in Antigua, John Rudiger is a fugitive financier looking to evade the law at all costs, as he maintains his cover by bribing local officials. Recently they have started asking for more though, and, not only that, but his old girlfriend Katie has take his last thirty million dollars and fled to Cape Verde in Africa where there are no extradition laws. Despite all this Rudiger still wants to get back together with Katie, whilst the US attorney Charlie Holden is set on capturing the both of them. Will they get away? Can they get the money off the Swiss banker that has now duped Katie? What will be their next spin move?

Book Series In Order » Authors » David Lender

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