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Deborah Chester Books In Order

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Publication Order of Anthi Books

as Jay Blakeney
The Children of Anthi(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
Requiem for Anthi(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Operation Star Hawks Books

as Sean Dalton
Space Hawks(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Code Name Peregrine(1990)Description / Buy at Amazon
Beyond the Void(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Rostma Lure(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
Destination Mutiny(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Salukan Gambit(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Time Trap Books

as Sean Dalton

Publication Order of The Ruby Throne Trilogy Books

Publication Order of Alien Chronicles Books

The Golden One(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Crimson Claw(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Crystal Eye(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Sword, Ring and Chalice Books

Publication Order of Dain Books

The Queen's Gambit(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The King Betrayed(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Queen's Knight(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The King Imperiled(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Pearls and the Crowns Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

A Love So Wild(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
French Slippers(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Sign of the Owl(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
Royal Intrigue(1982)Description / Buy at Amazon
Summer's Rapture(1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hearts Desire(1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
Burning Secrets(1984)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sweet Passions(1985)Description / Buy at Amazon
Omcri Matrix (As:Jay Blakeney)(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Captured Hearts(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Goda War (As:Jay Blakeney)(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

The Fantasy Fiction Formula(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fiction Formula Plotting(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Earth 2 Books

Earth 2 (By: Melissa Crandall)(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Puzzle (As: Sean Dalton)(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
Leather Wings (By: John Vornholt)(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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Deborah Chester is American author of fantasy, science fiction books and historical fiction. The author began her writing career writing romances and eventually shifted to writing other genres including, science fiction, adult fiction, and fantasy.

Reign of Shadows

Reign of Shadows is the first book in The Ruby Throne Trilogy by Chester. It introduces the readers to Caelan E’Non the son of a most powerful healer who is expected to follow his father footsteps. However, Caelan feels a burning desire to follow a different path, one that is different from his father’s career for he possesses a magic that he does not understand.
Then there is Elandra Albain, a girl who has been brought up as a worker in her father’s house. She has a sister, Bixia who has been loved, pampered and is thought to be the only sisters destined for greatness. However, Elandra has a destiny all her own.
The Emperor Kostimon has presided over the land for as long as Elandra or Caelan can remember. For nine centuries, the emperor has managed to sustain his life. However his source of immortality is linked to the source of evil itself, and as Kostimon’s 10th and the last lifetime begins the countdown, the shadow god becomes restless.

Reign of Shadows is a fantastic series debut. As the story begins, we first meet Caelan and his cousin Agel attending a school for the healers. Agel is pleased about the school and his future as a healer. On the other hand, Caelan is not happy with the idea. So while in school, Caelan regularly fights against the rules of the institution which finally gets him expelled and from that point life gets harder for him. First, he witnesses the brutal killings of his father and their household staff and then he is taken into slavery where he trains to be a gladiator.

On the other hand, Elandra kicks off as being a slave in her father’s home. Her sister is getting ready to marry the Emperor. However, soon Elandra discovers that she is the one destined to marry the emperor and not her sister, Bixia. Her aunt gets angered by the fact that Elandra just stole her sister’s destiny and as a result, she inflicts spell blindness on her.
Each single experience in life teaches us a lesson; sometimes the lessons learned are only applicable to ourselves and our own lives only. However, for others lessons learned from their experiences could potentially affect the whole world and so does the characters in the Ruby Thrones trilogy. For Elandra and Caelan, some of the life lessons from their experiences in life include- magic, deception, demon, servitude, and beatings. Fortunately, the two can withstand the horrors of their lives with the qualities that epic heroes possess: courage, stubbornness, honor and their inherent belief in the rightness and trueness of their intended actions.

In Reign of Shadows, we get to have a better understanding of Caelan as the greater part of the novel focuses on Caelan experiences while at school, as soon as he is expelled and also his experiences four years later. We also get to know about Elandra while living with the Penestrican and during her Cinderella period. The indications of their struggles come via Caelan meeting with Haggai and also Elandra’s meetings with Hecati. Through Caelan and Elandra, we are introduced to the baddies of Emperor Kostimon with the biggest of them all baddies being Lady Mael and Lord Beloth.

Shadow War

In the second book in the trilogy, the Kingdom of Imperia is threatened by an evil that only Caelan E’non the champion of the gladiator possesses the courage and the power to combat it. The book picks up from where the Reign of Shadows left off, and we find Caelan still a gladiator owned by the prince. He is becoming weary from the debut novel, but this is not surprising given the environment in which he has lived in.

By the time Shadow War begins, Elandra and Caelan have a suffered and survived their share of challenges and even about to face more danger. Elandra’s sister, Bixia has vanished completely after her passionate threat of bringing down Elandra.

While Caelan is now a gladiator, Elandra, on the other hand, is on her way to becoming Empress Sovereign. Even though their lives are quite different, Caelan and Elandra have one similarity, they both depend on another person’s approval to stay alive, and they admire their captors but still worry about the control their masters have over their lives. Elandra has some hopes of regaining control; Kostimon is training her to take the duties and the responsibilities of Empress Sovereign so that he ensures that he does not rule alone during his final days on the throne.
On the other hand, Caelan greatly admires the prince and thinks that he holds him in particular regard, one who could finally win his freedom. However, could Caelan be far from the truth? However, as long as he holds good value to Prince Tirhin, he will remain a slave. However, for how long is Caelan going to let himself fooled the prince false promises?

Realm of Light

Realm of Light is the last installment in The Ruby Throne Trilogy by Chester. The emperor Kostimon has died resulting to the unleashing of dark and evil gods upon the lands of Imperia Kingdom, and the only people capable of saving the once flourishing kingdom are the warrior Caelan and the Lady Elandra. On their journey through the hidden ways, Elandra is made to drink her cup of veiling while Caelan chooses to see the world of Lord Beloth for what it is.

Elandra and Caelan are fantastic characters, and you will adore spending more time with them as they undergo experiences in life that enable them to defeat evil gods plans. The relationship that exists between Caelan and Elandra is full of emotions, and tension. The prophecies and the shadows that follow them are some depth to these characters. The action is non-stop; there are plenty of surprises that will keep you at the edge of your seat, anticipating the characters next moves.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Deborah Chester

One Response to “Deborah Chester”

  1. MaggieMayok: 6 years ago

    Deborah, Martha here. I am recommending your writing style be reviewed by some blogger comrades. I hope the tadpole I caught in Mayberry whose writing just needs a bit of your red ink, old friend and mentor, shows up and buys your “how to” books.


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