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Deborah Harkness Books In Order

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Publication Order of All Souls Trilogy Books

A Discovery of Witches(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shadow of Night(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Book of Life(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Time's Convert(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Black Bird Oracle(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of All Souls Non-Fiction Books

The All Souls Real-Time Reading Companion(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The World of All Souls(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

John Dee's Conversations with Angels(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Jewel House(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon

Deborah Harkness is an American novelist who was born in the year 1965 in a town called Philadelphia in the state of Pennsylvania. Harkness father was born in the United States, but her mother was born in Britain. She went to school in Philadelphia and also grew up in this town. Apart from the fact that she grew up in Philadelphia, Harkness have also got a chance to stay in several other places. For example, she has lived in the western parts of Massachusetts, Northern California, upstate of New York, some areas in Chicago and the Southern parts of California. This means that, out of five time zones available in the United States, Harkness has lived in three of them. Also, Harkness have lived in the United Kingdom where she lived in the cities of London and Oxford.

She was able to complete her college education well at Mount Holyoke College, where she graduated with a Degree in Bachelor of Arts in the year 1986. After completing her Degree education, Harkness proceeded with her Masters education at Northwestern University where she graduated in the year 1990. She further continued with her Ph.D. education at the University of California where she graduated in 1994. Generally, Harkness is a scholar who also got a chance to study abroad at Oxford University. She dedicated the first thirty years of her life being a student and a scholar of history. During her education life, Harkness majorly did research on the history of science and magic in Europe. Her research concentrated on the period between 1500 and 1700.

Deborah Harkness is currently a professor of history at the University of Southern California in Los Angeles. She mainly teaches about the European history and the science history. As a history professor, she has been able to publish two historical non-fiction books. She published her first book known as “John Dee Conversations with Angels: Cabala, Alchemy and the End of Nature,” in the year 1999. The second one is called, “The Jewel House: Elizabethan London and the Scientific Revolution,” which she published in the year 2007.

Apart from being a professor, Harkness have worked in several libraries. Some of the libraries she has worked in include the All Souls College Library, Oxford’s Bodleian Library, the Henry E. Huntington Library, London’s Guildhall Library, the Newberry Library and the Folger Shakespeare Library. During all those time she was working in the libraries, she was able to prove that she knows her way around computers and card catalogue. As a result of the experience of working in the libraries, she acquired a deep love of books, and this is why she has a lot of respect for librarians.

In the year 2006, Harkness entered into the world of blogging and Twitter and, as a result, she created a wine blog of her own. The blog mainly enables other people to search for the best available wines at affordable prices. Her blog has received the American Wine Blog Awards and has been applauded by Wines & Spirits Magazine, Food & Wines Magazine, and

Deborah Harkness fiction writing began in 2008 when she wrote the book “A Discovery of Witches.” The book was ranked 2nd in the list of New York Times bestseller and was a bestseller in Germany, France and UK.

Descriptions of Two Early Books of Deborah Harkness

A Discovery of Witches

This was the first book Deborah Harkness published. The book was published in the year 2011 and was the first novel in All Souls trilogy.

An unwelcomed intrusion of magic is represented by Diana Bishop ordinary life, who is a historian, the moment she opens a bewitched alchemical manuscript. Diana found the manuscript in Oxford’s Bodleian Library. By her family’s legacy, Diana is confidence to remain untouched even though she descends from a long line of witches. She disposes the manuscripts but later finds it hard to hold the magic world at bay any more.

As a result of the witch’s discovery, the interest of destructive, creative daemons and old vampires is enhanced in knowing about the discovery. In fact, they believe the manuscripts contains information about their past and the future and would love to know how Diana was able to get hold of such a manuscript.

Mathew Clairmont, who is a vampire, is one of the first creatures who gather around Diana. Mathew is a geneticist with a passion for Darwin. After some time, Dian and Mathew come to an agreement to work together with the aim of understanding the manuscript’s secret. They realize that the relationship existing between the ages-old vampires and spellbound witch threatens to disclose the fragile peace that the humans and creatures have always had. As a result of this, Diana’s world is also transformed.

Shadow of Night

This is the second novel in the series and was published on 15th July, 2015. The novel talks about Diana Bishop, who is a reluctant witch and Oxford scholar, and Mathew Clairmont, who is a handsome geneticist, introduces A Discovery of Witches. Because of the manuscript known as the Ashmole 782, Diana and Mathew find themselves in the middle of the battle entailing supernatural, over the same enchanted manuscript. Diana and Mathew decide to work together irrespective of their longstanding taboos, and Diana’s spellbound power pursuit.

The book takes Diana and Mathew into Elizabeth London, which is a world of subterfuge & spies, and Mathew’s old friends’ coterie, known as the mysterious School of Night. Their primary aim is to find someone who can teach Diana how to perform the witches spells and also find Ashmole 782 traces. However, due to the tightening of the net of Mathew’s past, their objective suddenly changes and, as a result, the get into the heart of an old vampire’s (1,500 years old) secrets and shadowed history. Mathew thinks that time travelling is not a simple matter as Diana also realizes that her search to understand her legacy is hard.

The Shadow of Night book clearly brings the rich and magnificent alchemy’s tapestry, its magic and also its history. It takes us back to the looping of time that makes us understand the story as it delivers a remarkable story that entails a tale of passion, blood and the knotted strands of the past.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Deborah Harkness

5 Responses to “Deborah Harkness”

  1. Leona Adams: 7 months ago

    Love Deborah Harkness ‘Trilogy’. Wish she would contiue on after the ‘The Book Of Life’ which was fantastic. It seems there is a great many books to be written with the legacy to continue with new generation. So looking forward to seeing more from Ms. Harkness. Also does she have them on audio, I have a friend who only listens to audio. Great service.

    • Dolores Henneberry: 6 months ago

      I have macular degeneration and have been very pleased with all of Deb’s books on Audible. Just listened to Oracle this month. It came out July 16th.

  2. Pamela Wood: 2 years ago

    Loved the All Soul’s trilogy as well as Time’s Convert. I hope there are more books planned.


  3. Christopher John Starr: 3 years ago

    Will Ms Harkness publish a further novel in the Discovery of Witches “trilogy” please. I would most definitely buy it.

  4. Rolande St-Jean: 4 years ago

    Merci pour ces moments de lecture très appréciés. Je vais chercher la suite du «Livre perdu des sortilèges» car l’écriture est fluide et l’intrigue bien menée. Merci


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