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Denise Jaden Books In Order

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Publication Order of Living Out Loud Books

Publication Order of A Mallory Beck Cozy Culinary Caper Books

Murder at Mile Marker 18(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder at the Church Picnic(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mystery of the Holiday Hustle(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder at the Town Hall(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder in the Vineyard(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder at the Montrose Mansion(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder during the Antique Auction(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder in New Orleans(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder in the Secret Cold Case(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Tabitha Chase Days of the Weeks Mysteries Books

Witchy Wednesday(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Thrilling Thursday(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Frightful Friday(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Slippery Saturday(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sinister Sunday(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Morbid Monday(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Writing With A Heavy Heart(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fast Fiction(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Story Sparks(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Denise Jaden is a Canadian author of cozy mysteries, young adult, and nonfiction books. She began her writing career with her first novel, Losing Faith, which she completed in just twenty-one days during NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) in 2007. She enjoys engaging with fellow writers and students, discussing methods for generating story ideas and her rapid drafting approach to reach the end of a story quickly.

Her collection of young adult novels includes titles such as Never Enough, A Christmas Kerril, Foreign Exchange, and Avalanche. Additionally, she has authored nonfiction books tailored for writers, including Writing with a Heavy Heart, Story Sparks, and the well-received guide popular during NaNoWriMo, Fast Fiction.

Besides writing, she dedicates time to acting while also being a member of a Polynesian dance troupe. She lives in Vancouver, British Columbia, where she resides family.
Never Enough follows the story of Loann Rochester, a high school junior overshadowed by her popular and attractive older sister, Claire. Claire is part of the popular group in school; this leaves Loann feeling insecure about her appearance with her curly, frizzy hair and her body shape, which she perceives as less than ideal.

Loann’s world turns upside down when her closest friends, Shayleen and Deirdre, betray her, leaving her isolated. Amidst this turmoil, Loann strikes up a friendship with Marcus, a loner who often faces bullying from the jocks. They bond, and Loann wonders if Marcus shares similar feelings for her as she does for him.

Complicating matters, Loann has always harbored a secret crush on Claire’s boyfriend, Josh, who is part of the jocks’ group. When Claire and Josh end their relationship, Josh starts showing romantic interest in Loann, creating tension and confusion in their dynamic.
Loann makes a mistake by getting involved with her sister’s ex-boyfriend, Josh, breaking a cardinal rule of not dating your sibling’s former partner. Even though she acknowledges her wrongdoing and believes she deserves some consequences, she feels used and discarded after their encounter. Rumors about her relationship with Josh spread, leading other boys from the popular crowd to approach her, expecting similar intimacy, which she finds unwanted and distressing.

As Loann grapples with these changes, she notices alarming transformations in Claire, her sister. Claire begins exhibiting worrying signs: she becomes excessively thin, refuses to eat protein, and her once-lustrous hair loses its shine. Despite Loann’s concerns and attempts to intervene, Claire insists on hiding her problems, warning Loann to stay out of her affairs to avoid revealing Loann’s involvement with her ex-boyfriend.

By the time their parents start to comprehend Claire’s deteriorating health, it’s already at a critical stage, leaving Loann feeling helpless and regretful for not being able to prevent the situation earlier.
The core focus of Never Enough revolves around Claire’s eating disorder, but what sets this story apart is that it’s narrated by Loann, not Claire. This narrative choice allows readers to witness the impact of an eating disorder through the eyes of an outsider, providing a unique perspective.

While Claire’s struggle with an eating disorder is the primary plotline, Loann’s narration introduces various subplots that enrich the novel. Loann grapples with complex issues involving friendships and relationships, particularly the betrayal she faces from her friend Shayleen. Additionally, her parents’ strained relationship becomes another significant challenge in her life. Loann’s friend Marcus unveils yet another tough issue: parental abuse. Marcus’s experiences shed light on the presence of abuse within families.

Loann’s father is depicted as an absent figure, self-absorbed, and unaware of the family’s turmoil, leaving her mother, Beth, to manage the household and handle disciplinary matters alone. His avoidance of familial problems by staying away from home exacerbates the family’s issues, adding to Loann’s emotional burden.

Loann’s narration acts as the cohesive thread weaving together the plots, subplots, issues, and relationships in Never Enough. Regardless of the chaos in her life, Loann remains a reliable narrator, offering candid and genuine insights. She expresses her emotions and desires fearlessly, presenting an honest perspective throughout the story.

The narrative is laden with intense emotions, particularly Loann’s authentic portrayal as a relatable and genuine character. Despite societal expectations of envy towards her more attractive sister, Claire, Loann’s admiration and pride for her sibling are unmistakable. The concern for Claire’s well-being weighs heavily on their mother, Beth, who grapples with feelings of failure for not recognizing the signs of her daughter’s illness.

Never Enough takes readers on an emotional roller-coaster ride, addressing various challenging topics like peer pressure, cliques, sexuality, and eating disorders (specifically, bulimia and anorexia). Additionally, the story introduces a subplot involving Marcus’s family, shedding light on the parental abuse he faces.

For fans of Laurie Halse Anderson’s work and those seeking brutally honest narratives, Never Enough is highly recommended. It confronts challenging themes head-on, offering a compelling and candid exploration of teenage struggles and complex family dynamics.
Published in 2010, Losing Faith, the readers are introduced to Brie, whose life takes a dramatic turn. With her sister’s passing, her parents emotionally distant, and facing betrayal from her boyfriend and best friend, things seem bleak. Instead of succumbing to despair, Brie, our resilient protagonist, takes charge.

She proves to be resilient and determined. Rather than dwelling in misery, she embarks on a quest for truth. Shedding toxic relationships with her boyfriend and former best friend, she delves into unraveling the mysteries surrounding her sister’s death and the involvement of a fervent religious cult.

During her investigation, Brie befriends the unconventional goth, Tessa, and the amiable Alis, whose family holds secrets linked to Faith’s demise. Their sleuthing escapades, at times humorous, unveil the truth behind Faith’s passing, leading Brie on a journey of self-discovery.

Losing Faith delivers a compelling narrative, adeptly capturing teenagers’ authentic voices. Brie emerges as a solid yet imperfect character, realistically portraying struggles and intelligence. The storyline maintains a steady pace, emphasizing a slow and tender romance while incorporating a fresh perspective with the inclusion of the religious cult angle. As the story progresses, tension mounts, building anticipation for a gripping climax.

This book offers an emotional roller-coaster, exploring themes of grief, loss, betrayal, humor, self-discovery, friendship, and budding romance. The characters are vividly developed, each with intricate and believable relationships with one another.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Denise Jaden

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