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Dennis Foon Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Longlight Legacy Books

The Dirt Eaters(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Freewalker(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Keeper's Shadow(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Plays

The Windigo: A Play(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
Raft Baby: A Play(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
Heracles: A Play(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Short Tree and The Bird That Could Not Sing(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mirror Game(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
Skin and Liars(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Instant Applause II: 30 Very Short Complete Plays(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
Little Criminals(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Seesaw(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Chasing The Money(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Kindness(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
War(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Canadian Kid & Invisible Kids(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Am I the Only One? (With: Brenda Knight)(1987)Description / Buy at Amazon
Rick(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon

Dennis Foon is a renowned American-born Canadian screenwriter, novelist, playwright, and producer. He is well known for his young adult, fantasy, and fiction novels and plays and some nonfiction work. Foon is also widely popular for writing stories for films. As a novelist, he gained immense success for his debut series called The Longlight Legacy. This series and its first book of the same name are still the highlights of his novel-writing career.

Before turning his focus towards writing novels and screenwriting, Foon served as the Green Thumb Theater’s artistic director for a period of 12 years. It was in 1986 that he turned to write for films and TV for the first time. Throughout his film-writing career, Foon has penned screenplays for a variety of dramas.

Foon worked on a personal project called Little Criminals that came out in the mid-1990s. This project found great success throughout Canada and overseas. Author Foon was born and brought up in Detroit, Michigan, the U.S. He moved to Canada in 1973 and has worked and lived there since then. The country has found a special place in his heart so much so that he now considers it his real home. Some of the well-known and prestigious awards won by Foon for his excellent work in different fields including the Sheila A. Egoff Award, Chalmers Award, Leo Award, Hopwood Award, Career Achievement Award, Red Maple Honor, Writers Guild of Canada, Scott Newman Award, British Theater Award, Writers Digest Award, Robert Wagner Award, etc.

The popular plays penned by him include Skin, Hindsight, War, Kindness, Liar, ‘Feeling Yes, Feeling No’, New Canadian Kid, Children’s Eyes, Seesaw, Raft Baby, Zaydok, Mirror Game, and several others. After starting with Little Criminals in 1995, Foon moved on to write for a few widely successful films such as Terry, Indian Horse, White Lies, A Shine of Rainbows, Torso, Life Above All, Long Life Happiness & Prosperity, Scar Tissue, Society’s Child, and Sawah. As a child, Foon was raised on Detroit’s northwest side. He studied at Winship Elementary school and was a good enough student. He considered himself good because, in the ten years at the school, he suffered the unusual and cruel punishment of Miss Fiddler only once.

Foon’s initial interest in writing started at Winship when he was tasked with working on his school’s paper. He maintained an advice column there under which he gave counsel to the ones in need. But, as there wasn’t a response from the students, he used to compose the questions and responses himself. This way, he helped himself become an excellent storyteller. Later, Foon joined Cooley High School. There, he was exposed to a different kind of atmosphere. Among the three thousand or so kids at the school, most were of European or African-American descent. Foon’s time there was quite difficult as racial tension was always at the back of his mind. There were days when teachers and students were involved in life-threatening attacks.

Most of the time, kids used to fight on the front lawn in gangs of black and white. Foon felt that the racial discrimination and subsequent fights were uncalled for as all those involved were blind to reality. He somehow managed to graduate with all the parts of his body intact and went straight into religious studies at Michigan University’s Residential College. The creative atmosphere at the college allowed Foon to meet real writers, live artists, and performers. He received enough encouragement to start writing fiction.

It was not before his first story won him a Hopwood Award and his first several plays received a motivating response from the audience that Foon began thinking about making a career as a writer. Soon after, he relocated to Canada and joined the University of British Columbia for a two-year course in Theater. Foon got attached to the theater scene in Vancouver so much that he never left Canada. He immersed himself completely in developing plays and never looked back. After deciding to settle down in Canada, Foon shifted his focus towards writing for films and gained wide success there as well. He spends the bulk of his time writing and wishes to continue doing so for as long as he lives.

A mind-blowing book series written by author Dennis Foon is known as The Longlight Legacy series. It consists of three books, released between 2003 and 2006. In each book, Foon has described a story of the young adult, fantasy, and science fiction genres. Some important characters created by him for this series include Roan, Alandra, Lumpy, Stowe, Darius, and a few others. The debut novel of this series is entitled ‘The Dirt Eater’. It was released by the Annick Press in 2003. This book introduces the lead characters of Roan and Alandra. Initially, it is described that following the perishing of Roan’s parents and Longlight’s people in a raid, he gets filled with too much rage. Roan feels torn between his inherited legacy of peace and the deep desire to take revenge.

When a sect of courageous warriors take him in, he learns and hones his fighting skills under their mentorship. It doesn’t take him long to realize that he has exceptional fighting talents. Later, he begins to see visions that he does not understand. After committing his first violent act, Roan feels disgusted and runs away into the wasted lands called the Devastation. There, he comes across a strange girl named Alandra. Being around her makes him understand the true purpose of his life and the real reason behind the destruction of the Longlight village. With this novel, author Foon has given a disturbing and immensely powerful look into a wasted world. He has shown through Roan’s character that a renewed life’s promise and hope are a possibility if one is ready to do whatever it to achieve peace.

The second volume of the series is called ‘Freewalker’. It was published in 2004 by Annick Press. This novel opens by mentioning that a period of one year has gone by after Roan and Alandra escaped the clutches of the Brothers with the children of Longlight. They have now shelter in Newlight, where Alandra has taken up traveling to Dreamfield to explore the children’s potential. To her utter shock, the children mysteriously fall into comas. When Roan learns about this tragic incident, he sets off to look for a cure with Lumpy. When Roan learns that his lost sister named Stowe might have a solution to the problem, he approaches her in the City. But, she doesn’t that she has become obsessed with threatening powers.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Dennis Foon

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