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Diana Marik Books In Order

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Publication Order of Seven Deadly Veils Books

Diana Marik
Diana Marik grew up in New York City and has her MA in English literature from Hofstra University. Before she became an author, she worked different jobs, including as an educator, as a counselor at a mental health facility, and as a clerk at a cosmetics conglomerate.

Among her many passions, traveling is her favorite. She has visited South America and Europe, but her favorite place to visit is the American Southwest but considers New Orleans to be her home away from home. Her lifelong love of history is prominently featured in each and every single one of her books, in some way.

When Diana’s not busy with writing she loves discovering libraries and museums in whichever city she happens to be visiting. In her leisure time she enjoys hanging out with her friends and going to see a movie.

She has been a lifelong fan of romance novels, especially paranormal romance. Being a former health care professional and educator, she’s taught and cherished classical literature for several years.

After years of watching action, sci-fi, and horror movies, along with reading countless paranormal romance stories, she thought it may be fun to show her friends exactly how her overactive imagination works. In the beginning, it was only for fun, but turned into hard work. She strives to make her friends proud of the work she does and mostly to entertain them all. They are a tough audience, yet they’ve been her support system and her source of inspiration.

For Diana, it takes her around three or four months to write a novel, with added time to revise and edit.

“Veil of Shadows” is the first novel in the “Seven Deadly Veils” series and was released in 2016. Lord Valadon is the leader of New York’s vampires and the CEO of ValCorp. He has become fascinated with Miranda Crescent, a human female with these powers that only Elementals have. While his enemies continue to conspire against him, he becomes further drawn to her, however knows that any involvement with her is just going to endanger her life since within the human population is the Human Order of Light, this powerful hate group, that would see all vampires be eradicated.

Miranda is an authenticator of rare pieces of art that is unafraid of danger. Her best friend is the Were Queen and her mentor is a vampire ancient. So at firsts, while resistive to Valadon’s charms, she’s going to risk her own life to get him the information that he needs in order to stop his foes.

However Valadon’s second, the sarcastic and sexy Remare, believes that Miranda’s actually a member of the HOL and working on destroying his lord. The chemistry between both of them escalates fast while they search for those that plot against Valadon. Miranda and Remare, setting aside their mistrust of one another, work hard to learn who’s trying to kill the high lord. However Remare’s first loyalty is to his lord. He cannot allow himself to start caring for anybody that Valadon’s marked as his own. Or can he?

“Veil of Mists” is the second novel in the “Seven Deadly Veils” series and was released in 2017. Miranda travels to Paris so she can procure a rare Degas painting for Valadon. She is unknowingly being used to lure his enemies out into the open, Miranda’s going to garner an invite to the home of one of the most notorious vampires in all of Europe, named Vivienna, who’s become most intrigued by Valadon’s love interest.

Miranda quickly learns that Vivienna has got knowledge of the vampire elders that are conspiring against Lord Valadon and is going to attempt to acquire the information for the darkly handsome lord, however Vivienna’s no easy prey. She’s lived for centuries now and enjoys a spirited game of cat and mouse. Years prior, she was Remare and Valadon’s paramour until she betrayed each of them, a choice she’s regretted ever since. Is she now going to offer aid to Valadon, or will history repeat itself?

Remare, Valadon’s second, is going to use all of his resources in order to track the traitor down that was trying to have his lord and friend killed. He’s sworn to never love another after being betrayed by the gorgeous Vivienna. But his feelings for Valadon’s potential lover Miranda, are getting tougher to deny. He quickly realizes that his quarry is in Paris, and foes long silent are going to surface yet again to threaten what Remare holds most precious. After Miranda almost died at his enemies’ hands, he’s sworn never to endanger her life and is going to stop at nothing to keep her safe. Even if that means defying the High Lord himself.

“Veil of Darkness” is the third novel in the “Seven Deadly Veils” series and was released in 2018. Nicholas Valadon, the High Lord of New York’s nephew, vanishes among other vampire abductions by the Human Order of Light, the task of locating Nick is Remare’s. Known as a merciless yet sexy investigator, Remare contacts the Elemental, his ex-lover, Miranda, to aid him in the hunt. While working together, his desire increases to the point where he’s going to defy the devil himself in order to have her. Despite the punishment that’ll be meted out. Death.

Miranda, who was forsaken because of Remare’s fealty to the High Lord, she mistrusts the dashing vampire that she once fell for, even though she still yearns for the man’s sensual touch. During their search, she’ll learn secrets about her Elemental origins and ancestry which might threaten her status at House Valadon.

But burning desire is not denied easily and feelings long buried only intensify to searing heights. In a world that’s turned chaotic by the HOL, Remare and Mirand are going to risk the High Lord’s vengeance in order to be together and discover this world of passion that neither one of them has ever known in the past. However passion comes with secrets and a price that no matter how well guarded, never do stay hidden for too long.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Diana Marik

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