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Dion Fortune Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Publication Order of Collections

The Secrets of Dr. Taverner(1926)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Sane Occultism(1920)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Return of the Ritual(1922)Description / Buy at Amazon
Psychic Self-Defense(1930)Description / Buy at Amazon
Through the Gates of Death(1930)Description / Buy at Amazon
Glastonbury: Avalon of the Heart(1934)Description / Buy at Amazon
Practical Occultism(1935)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Mystical Qabalah(1957)Description / Buy at Amazon
Esoteric Orders and Their Work(1961)Description / Buy at Amazon
Applied Magic(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
Aspects of Occultism(1962)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cosmic Doctrine(1966)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Esoteric Philosophy of Love and Marriage(1974)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dion Fortune's Through the Gates of Death and Spiritualism in the Light of Occult Science(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mystical Meditations on the Christian Collects(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Magical Battle of Britain(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Esoteric Orders and Their Work and The Training and Work of the Initiate(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
An Introduction to Ritual Magic(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Circuit of Force(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Principles of Hermetic Philosophy (With: Gareth Knight)(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
What Is Occultism?(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spiritualism And Occultism (With: Gareth Knight)(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Principles of Esoteric Healing(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Training and Work of an Initiate(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dion Fortune's Book of the Dead(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Arthurian Formula (With: Gareth Knight,Wendy Berg)(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Machinery of the Mind(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon

Dion Fortune is the pen name used by Violet Mary Firth Evans. The British author and occultist was inspired to use the pen name from “Deo, non fortuna”, her family motto. Translated to English from Latin, it means ‘by God, not fate’.

She was born December 6, 1890 and would pass away January 6, 1946. In addition to being a novelist and occultist, she was also a ceremonial magician. She served as a co-founder for the occult group the Fraternity of the Inner Light. The group promoted things that Violet claimed had been taught to her by Ascended Masters. She also wrote several articles in addition to books on the occult and wrote a total of seven novels, many of which are about the occult.

The author was born to an English family that was wealthy upper middle class. She grew up in North Wales in Llandudno. The Firths had made their money in the steel industry, specializing in gun production. The family was nouveau-riche, and her grandfather came up with the “Deo, non Fortuna” to describe their status. She would later use it as part of her pen name.

Her teen years were spent living in the West Country of England. There she wrote two books of poetry. One was called Violets and the other was titled More Violets. She would then attend a horticultural college, but after attended the University of London studying psychology and psychoanalysis, then working at a psychotherapy clinic as a counselor.

When the first World War Started, she established a soy milk company as well as joined the Women’s Land Army. She also first became interested in the topic of esotericism through the Theosophical Society. After that, she joined an occult lodge.

She also believed that the Ascended Masters were contacting her, including Master Jesus. She would go through trance mediumship in an attempt to try and channel the Masters’ messages. She claimed in 1922 along with Charles Loveday that the Masters contacted them and provided them with a text, The Cosmic Doctrine.

Dion Fortune was named president of the Christian Mystic Lodge of the Theosophical Society but split from it as she believed they were not interested in Christianity. She left to form the Community of the Inner Light, which later was named the Fraternity of Inner Light. There along with Loveday, she was able to create bases in Glastonbury and Bayswater as well as issue a magazine, give lectures to the public, and promote growth.

During the time of World War II, she actively organized a meditation and visualization project to protect Britain. She also was planning for the post-war Age of Aquarius, but unfortunately passed away due to leukemia not long after the war had ended.

She is known for being one of the time’s recognized occultist and ceremonial magicians. The fraternity that she founded actually lasted after her passing. It also influenced a bunch of related groups that were based on her teaching. Her books would have an influence on different groups today, including Wicca.

She would study from January 1911 to December 1912 at the Studley Agricultural College in Warwickshire. This horticultural institution was advertised as being a good fit for girls that had psychological problems. She was so good with poultry that she became a staff member in 1913 from January to April, but would later leave after having a mental breakdown due partly to mental manipulation (or so she claimed) by the college warden.

To get over this experience, she began to study psychotherapy. She was first interested in Freud and Adler, before moving on to Carl Jung. She studied psychology and psychoanalysis at the University of London. She then was hired at a Brunswick Square psychology clinic. She worked there for two years until 1916 and found that many of the cases she was dealing with were dealing with coming to terms with sexual urges found to be ‘taboo’ in society.

Fortune also gave a series of lectures that would be published as The Machinery of the Mind in 1922. While at the clinic, she would attend Theosophical Society lectures held during lunchtime, following up on her interest in the esoteric. She was also becoming more interested in occultism, which led to her becoming dissatisfied with psychotherapy and its effectiveness at the time.

When the United Kingdom entered into the first World War, she joined the Women’s Land Army first placed on a farm on the borders of Essex and Hertfordshire and then relocated to the Food Production Department, where she conducted experiments in producing soy milk. She would even found the Garden City Pure Food Company and publish writing on the benefits of the soy bean in “The Soya Bean: An Appeal to Humanitarians”.

While working there, Fortune had a spiritual experience and became even further interested in Theosophical literature. She had claims to seeing Ascended Masters, including Master Jesus and Master Rakoczi. She also gained a magical mentor in the Irish occultist Theodore Moriarty, who was also a Freemason. She also became an acolyte of his lodge in Hammersmith and became one of his community of followers living in Sortford. He also talked about Atlantis a lot, which became a topic that she also became interested in. He would later become immortalized through Fortune’s own fiction as the “Dr. Taverner” in many short stories penned by the author that were collected into 1926’s The Secrets of Dr. Taverner. The character would carry out exorcisms to try and protect people from etheric vampire attacks.

She is the author of The Demon Lover, published in 1926, The Winged Bull, published in 1935, The Goat-Foot God, published in 1936, The Sea Priestess in 1938, and Moon Magic, released in 1956. Her fictional book The Secrets of Doctor Taverner came out in 1926.

The Demon Lover is Dion Fortune’s earliest books to come out. A woman named Veronica is hired by a man to become his secretary. However, the last thing that she would have ever suspected is that she was going to become his trance medium.

Every time she tries to escape, it gets foiled. Lucas is on a voyage for power and Veronica is attached to him as though by an invisible chain. Can she or will she ever get away? Get a copy of this book to find out for yourself!

The Winged Bull is a book written by Dion Fortune. When a magician wishes to free his sister from a dangerous ritual, he summons an old cult to help him out from it.

Can the Winged Bull cult get into the Black Mass and save his sister from a fate worse than death? Read this interesting and unique book to find out and see magical practices described in great detail too.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Dion Fortune

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