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Dragonriders of Pern Books In Order

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Publication Order of Dragonriders of Pern Books

Dragonflight (1968)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonquest (1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonsong (1976)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonsinger (1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Smallest Dragonboy (1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The White Dragon (1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragondrums (1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern (1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
Nerilka's Story (1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonsdawn (1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Renegades of Pern (1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
All the Weyrs of Pern (1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall (1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dolphins of Pern (1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
Red Star Rising / Dragonseye (1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Masterharper of Pern (1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Skies of Pern (2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Gift of Dragons (2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon's Kin (2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Beyond Between (2003)Novella found in Legends II anthology.
Dragonsblood (2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon's Fire (2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon Harper (2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonheart (2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon Girl (2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon's Time (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sky Dragons (2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon's Code (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Chronological Order of Dragonriders of Pern Books

Dragonsdawn(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Chronicles of Pern: First Fall(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonsblood(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Red Star Rising / Dragonseye(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon's Kin(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon's Fire(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon Harper(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonheart(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon Girl(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon's Time(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sky Dragons(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Moreta: Dragonlady of Pern(1983)Description / Buy at Amazon
Beyond Between(2003)Novella found in Legends II anthology.
Nerilka's Story(1986)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Masterharper of Pern(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonflight(1968)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonquest(1971)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonsong(1976)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragonsinger(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragondrums(1979)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dragon's Code(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Smallest Dragonboy(1977)Description / Buy at Amazon
The White Dragon(1978)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Gift of Dragons(2002)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Renegades of Pern(1989)Description / Buy at Amazon
All the Weyrs of Pern(1991)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Dolphins of Pern(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Skies of Pern(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon

Dragonriders of PERN is a science fiction series which got initiated in 1967. Beginning the series in 2003, Ann and her child Todd McCaffery have written pern novels both individually and jointly. And since 2011 she has been able to write a total of 22 novels with short stories included which have been incorporated either in one of the volumes or in the two volumes.

Overview of PERN series

The setting of PERN features an ancient society consisting of the harpers teachers, lords, dragons and holds (entertainers and musicians). The technology used is high referring to the instruments such as: telescopes, powerful microscope, chemical fertilizers, telegraphy and flamethrowers. The people involved come from four distinct groups: the Holders living in the holds (farms, towns and cities), the Weyrfolk living in the weyrs and riding Dragons, the Holdless (displaced holders, brigands and traders) and the crafters, those who work as crafts and live in crafthails.

In Dragonsdawn, the planet PERN is depicted as paradise to its colonialist, the agrarian activities are being carried out here. Kitti Ping Yung a genecist and the granddaughter Blossom wind manages to engineer lifeforms of biological nature. However, this lifeforms are affecting the Thread and he story rotates on the way the humans try to coexist with newly formed lifeforms designed to correlate well and assist the society. The story becomes more exiting when Sean Connell and Sorka Hanrahan among other humans get to discover the technique of riding the dragons.

The Chronicles of PERN, the First Fall story describes a period before the humankind set foot on the southern continent. Generally, this plot entails reorganization and relocation of the colonies from the southern region. The Redstar’ and Firstpass’ cause biological disruptions which fall in thread form.

The Dragonsblood features a point in time when there is loss of technology. This is as a result of firelizards banishment, which were formerly used to relay massages. Drums replace them as they are used to relay long distance information which has shifted the kind of living to oral tradition where use of teaching songs becomes rampant. Kitti ping the genecist trains Windblossom and with the Eridani tradition, that of passing to the descents the responsibility of watching genetic changes, it becomes a surprise when Wind Blossom resists the idea, even though the tradition is still played when Tieran marries her daughter Emorra and after that it is implied strongly that Lorana becomes their descendant.

Dragonseye or Red star rising comes after The Skies of PERN, the Dolphins of Perna and all the Weyrs of PERN events. At this time, Thread is perceived to be of less threat. This story line focuses more on the care of the newborn dragon which is not emphasized in the previous series. The riding of green dragons by the men is more explored in more detail within the story. Clisser, Chalkin, K’vin (Telger,weyrleader), lantine(journeyman), Zulaya (Weyrwoman0, and Debera (green rider) are the main characters.

Moreta, Dragonlady of PERN storyline features a deadly disease that almost sweeps the whole of the Pernese community. The main character Moreta, the Fort Weyre weyrwoman sets out on a mission to save the human population which is quickly diminishing. She uses the measures such as quarantine and as a result the ways in which diseases are spread through the modern means of transport are depicted.

Menolly is the protagonist in the Dragonsong, she is fifteen and lives in a fishing hold’ in PERN fictional world. This story starts 7 years after the Dragonfight. Menolly who is a daughter to a fisher always dreamed of learning the craft, she is a talented musician but this dream dies when she gets punished by her father for concentrating on music most of the time. A life with no music forces her to run away when it becomes unbearable. After escaping, Menolly is approached by a falling thread and is forced to seek refuge from a cave. Inside, she gets firelizards in the process of hatching. It is then that she decides to take care of the young dragons, and as she goes on with life, it becomes easier, she becomes more independent and resourceful. This miraculous discovery is just but a start of her new life.

The dolphin of PERN storyline comes after Dragonsdawn, it focusses on the present nature of land previously brought by the colonist. There are two characters and it is during this time when Dolphicrafthal is born. Readis who is the son to Lord Holder gets saved by dolphins while swimming during his young age. It is then when he becomes enthusiastic about dolphins, also Bronze the Dragon boy develops some interest for the dolphins after having an encounter at some point. The two boys end up as friends and they defy their families more. It is after then that they spend more time with the dolphins, and as time passes they learn to communicate with dolphins and this comes as a shock to the others around. This is a new beginning, a time when humans and dolphins coexist with each other.

A Gift of Dragons is a 2002 story depicting Keevin, who is referred as the smallest dragon boy’. He is short, and more often gets teased by the bully Beterli who by chance had not been chosen inspite of the many impressions he tried. Keevin on the other hand tries to work hard despite being limited by his size in regard to performance, he later overhears the fellow dragon riders discussing about the person they should drop from the impression. After this he assumes that he is the one to be sacrificed. The next day while shoveling coal, Keevin gets into a fight with Beterli and he gets severely injured, at this time he is threated of being dropped. Later, Lessa assures him of other future hatchings. This comes to pass when the eggs hatch. At the same time he finds his way up impressing Heth a bronze Dragon.

PERN series depicts the supernatural and mysterious myths regarding dragons, their coexistence with the repulsive humans and the struggles young protagonist go through when bringing this lifeforms closer to the society.

Book Series In Order » Characters » Dragonriders of Pern

4 Responses to “Dragonriders of Pern”

  1. Sumonuno: 8 months ago

    Anyone know the best place to find these to buy? I miss reading them.

  2. Anne Papworth: 2 years ago

    There is also a short story Beyond Between published in the anthology Legends 2 ( edited by Robert Silverberg). It comes at the end of Moreta and I don’t think has been published elsewhere although I think it is on the internet somewhere. I looked at this list to see if there was anything similar I might have missed

  3. Myrdin: 6 years ago

    The events of Dragon’s Eye (or Red Star Rising) do NOT happen After the events of All the Werys of Pern. They happen between the events of Dragonsdawn and Moreta. It explains the origin of the stones used to predict the imminent arrival of Thread and shows the end of their technology (until Avis is rediscovered hundreds of years later). Similarly, Dolphins occurs just before, during and after the events of All the Weyrs and depicts the Reinvention of Dolphincraft, NOT a tale from early Pern. You also have Many more mistakes in your chronology. Did you even read these books? Because if you did, your comprehension was dreadful.

    • Graeme: 6 years ago

      Hi Myrdin,

      I do apologize for that. I haven’t read the series myself so I relied on the help of a reader to compile the chronological order. The list was compiled years ago and I must have just trusted them as opposed to verifying it for myself. That’s my bad.

      I’ve went through the list from scratch to attempt to get the correct chronological order. Would you be able to take a look and let me know your thoughts? The issue I had was some websites seemed to differ in regard to how they list the books chronologically (some had Chronicles of Pern first), while other lists were incomplete.

      I’d appreciate your feedback on this. Thanks.


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