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Dyrk Ashton Books In Order

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Publication Order of Paternus Trilogy Books

Paternus: Rise of Gods(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Paternus: Berserker (Short Story)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Paternus: Wrath of Gods(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Paternus: Deluge (Short Story)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Paternus: War of Gods(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon

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with David Estes

Publication Order of Anthologies

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Dyrk Ashton is an American author of fiction. He was born in Ohio. His name is not a pen name but his real biological name given to him by his parents, although he has been told that it sounds like a very exotic name.

During his childhood and teen years, Dyrk spent a lot of time outside having a normal childhood. The things that he did included climbing trees, exploring the woods and rivers, hanging out in ditches and haymows, wrestling, riding, and playing soccer and engaging in BB gun wars.

He was an avid reader and some of his favorites included the Stuart Little series as well as gradually more complex and established adult authors that included Arthur Conan Doyle, Edgar Allen Poe, H.P. Lovecraft, J.R.R. Tolkien, and more. He read a lot and even though he generally was not as attentive to his learning and school as he could have been, he somehow received great grades anyway except for Algebra.

Regardless, Dyrk continued to do well as a student. Once he graduated high school he want to Ohio State University, where he earned his B.F.A. as well as his masters degree in the field of film making. He would go on to work in Columbus, Ohio, doing film production. Dyrk worked his way up from his gig as the production assistant to doing grip and then eventually working as a production manager.

He eventually moved on to working as a producer of commercials, low budget features, and industrial films. Dyrk Ashton moved to Los Angeles and worked there pitching scripts that he wrote. He did all sorts of jobs– everything from working as a producer to actor and editor.

Ashton spent a long time working as an actor but didn’t appear in anything mainstream. While he didn’t get that much screen time, he did get the opportunity to travel, which included an 8 week trip to Sri Lanka that he really enjoyed. He found that living on the west coast and Los Angeles in particular was very expensive and he scraped by for six years until he realized that he was going to be just fine if he never landed a part in a large Hollywood film.

Dyrk returned to the Midwest and while he was at it, went back to school too. He received his PhD in the field of film studies from Bowling Green State University. He also managed to write about the LOTR movies and penned a dissertation for which they handed him a diploma and then hired him later as a professor.

After four years teaching and being on track for tenure, Dyrk began to teach online. Then he found out that he actually all of a sudden had the time in his life to actually be able to read books of all genres. It was a nice change from picking up textbooks and reading academic journals. Shortly after, he found out that he also had the time in his life to write and pursued it avidly. Thus he was able to write out some of the ideas that he had thought of over the years.

Dyrk Ashton came up with the first book of a trilogy, titled Paternus, as a result. The debut novel is one of three and a contemporary mythic fantasy adventure book for the modern times (as well as an adult audience, instead of being in the young adult reading category). He had always wanted to write novels but never had and once he started, discovered that he truly loves writing.

Paternus: Rise of Gods is the debut novel in Ashton’s trilogy. When it comes to this first book in the series, you can rely on a fantastical fictional story that takes you into a new world entirely! If you are a fan of H.G. Wells, this is definitely the type of book you might enjoy.

The majority of myths that are handed down have legends attached to them– but not all legends may end up being myth. Fiona and Zeke are present at a hospital when the building is invaded. Strange men are attacking them and the two act quickly to save Peter, a catatonic man. The two run with the older man between them for their very lives as creatures dog their every move.

The two are on the run and need a safe place to stay, which they find with Uncle Edgar. He’s Fiona’s uncle but the two find that the more that they have questions that need to be answered, the more questions they are digging up. Nothing is turning out to be what it seems and now the two may find that they cannot trust anyone.

Even Peter and Edgar may not be the safe places that they thought that they had. With real monsters and creatures that could only have been true previously in stories coming to life and threatening them, Fiona and Zeke really have to act quickly. But what do you do when the monsters and villains of myth come to life?

Fiona and Zeke are in for the adventure of a lifetime– if they can survive to tell the tale. They’re going to have to make some allies if they want to combat an evil that may be older than anything they could have imagined. With another epic battle of the oldest war in the world versus good and evil starting up, the two need every bit of help they can get.

Can Zeke and Fiona win this battle, or are they destined to find out that messing with the myths and legends of old– even if accidentally– is a horrible idea indeed?

Paternus: Wrath of Gods is the second novel in a trilogy. When the reader last left Fiona and her friend Zeke, they were rescuing a man named Peter from an attack on a hospital that was quite unexpected. Now they are joining their friend on a mission.

Together they will attempt to discover the intentions of their energy and gather up the old warriors for an epic battle. Along the way, they will find out that they both are stronger than they ever dreamed they could be. What will happen? Pick up this exciting second novel in the Paternus trilogy to find out!

Book Series In Order » Authors » Dyrk Ashton

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