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Edward P. Jones Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Known World(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Collections

Lost in the City(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
All Aunt Hagar's Children(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of New Stories From The South Books

New Stories from the South (By: Shannon Ravenel)(1988)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 1992 (By: Shannon Ravenel)(1992)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 1993 (By: Shannon Ravenel)(1993)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 1994 (By: Shannon Ravenel)(1994)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 1995 (By: Shannon Ravenel)(1995)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 1996 (By: Shannon Ravenel)(1996)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 1997 (By: Robert Olen Butler)(1997)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 1998 (By: Padgett Powell)(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 1999 (By: Tony Earley)(1999)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 2000 (By: Ellen Douglas)(2000)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 2001 (By: Lee Smith)(2001)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 2003 (By: Shannon Ravenel)(2003)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 2004 (By: Allan Gurganus)(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South, 2005 (By: Jill McCorkle)(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
Best of the South: From the Second Decade of New Stories from the South (By: Shannon Ravenel)(2005)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 2006 (By: Allan Gurganus,Kathy Pories)(2006)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 2007 (By: Allan Gurganus)(2007)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 2008 (By: Z.Z. Packer)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 2009 (By: Madison Smartt Bell)(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
New Stories from the South 2010 (By: Amy Hempel)(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Art of the Story Books

A Sportsman's Notebook (By: Ivan Turgenev)(1852)Description / Buy at Amazon
The General Zapped an Angel (By: Howard Fast)(1970)Description / Buy at Amazon
In the Garden of the North American Martyrs (By: Tobias Wolff)(1981)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Essential Tales of Chekhov (By: Anton Chekhov)(1998)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Garden Party and Other Stories (By: Katherine Mansfield)(2004)Description / Buy at Amazon
Wild Nights! (By: Joyce Carol Oates)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Continent (By: Jim Crace)(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tunneling to the Center of the Earth (By: Kevin Wilson)(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Monstress (By: Lysley Tenorio)(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Essential Tales Of Chekhov Deluxe Edition (By: Anton Chekhov)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mr. and Mrs. Baby (By: Mark Strand)(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Vanishing Princess (By: Jenny Diski)(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
We Are Taking Only What We Need (By: Stephanie Powell Watts)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Unclean Jobs for Women and Girls (By: Alissa Nutting)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Catastrophe and Other Stories (By: Dino Buzzati)(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Here's Your Hat What's Your Hurry (By: Elizabeth McCracken)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hue and Cry (With: James McPherson)(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Hurly Burly and Other Stories (By: Russell Banks,A.E. Coppard)(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Loss of Memory Is Only Temporary (By: Francine Prose,Johanna Kaplan)(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
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Publication Order of Anthologies

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About Edward P. Jones

Almost an institution in of himself at this point, the American writer Edward P. Jones is well-known for his creative and immersive fiction. Speaking to real-world truths, he instantly grabs the reader from the outset, articulating his perspective in a clear and straightforward manner. Writing both short and long-form fiction, he immediately gets to the heart of the matter, delivering his work in powerful and striking style. Letting his subjects essentially speak for themselves, he highlights realities that may not have otherwise been highlighted if it weren’t for him.

Receiving numerous plaudits for his work as well, he’s also a recipient of a Pulitzer, among countless other awards and prizes. Highly regarded by both his peers and contemporaries alike, he’s also hugely successful commercially, with readers from all over the world singing his praises. Knowing his audience well, he delivers his work in a clearly accessible manner, while also saying precisely what it is that he wants to say. Often focusing on subjects such as The Great Migration that was from the rural South of America, he’s brought the era to life upon the page.

Creating long-lasting characters who have also stood the test of time, many of his protagonists have also left a powerful imprint on readers far and wide. It’s also been the case that a few of his characters have returned over subsequent books, as they make a strong impression. Readers from around the world continue to discover his books every day, as he also inspires numerous writers to follow in his footsteps as well. With more writing and work to come, he’s a writer who has created a lasting legacy that will carry on being heard for years to come.

Early and Personal Life

Born in Washington DC in 1950 on the 5th of October, Edward Paul Jones was raised there as well, growing up with a fascination in literature. Attending and studying at Cardozo High School, he would also go on to later graduate from the College of the Holy Cross as well. Following this he also went on to graduate from the University of Virginia, before going on to make a name for himself as a writer.

Starting out writing short-stories, he would soon progress to writing novels, with much of his fiction concerning itself with first-generation immigrants. Establishing a name for himself, he would fast rise in prominence as an author, saying something quite different in the process. As a visiting professor of George Washington University in Spring and Fall semesters in 2009, he would later join the English department in Fall 2010, where he continues to teach creative writing to this day.

Writing Career

Starting out back in 1992, Edward P. Jones would write and publish his first book titled ‘Lost in the City,’ which was a collection of short-stories. Looking at issues of immigration and the Great Migration, he’d cover a range of topics centered around the African-American working-classes. His second novel, ‘The Known World,’ was released in 2003, and would win a Pulitzer Prize for Fiction 2004, along with an International Dublin Literary Award in 2005.

In 2006 he would go on to publish his third book, which was called ‘All Aunt Hagar’s Children,’ and many of the stories would be connected to his first book. Becoming a finalist for a PEN/Faulkner Award in 2007, many of its stories were previously published in ‘The New Yorker Magazine.’ Many reviewers have sung his praises over the years, and he continues to find readers around the world, with his profile growing both online and off.

All Aunt Hagar’s Children

Loosely connected to ‘Lost in the City,’ this is another collection of short-stories in a similar vein, published through the ‘Amistad’ imprint of HarperCollins on 29th of August in 2006. Although these books don’t need to be read in order, each story is connected chronologically with the stories in the previous books, all in the same order. So returning readers will get something from reading them together, as it provides an ongoing arc between the two of them.

Looking at the men and women all caught up in the old ways of the South in America, Jones casts a light on the truth of them and their lives. Giving them a complex range of emotions, he shows how they deal with all the daily trials and tribulations faced in every day life. Coping with the temptations of the city, they must make moral decisions in their day-to-day lives that allow them to move forwards. Not only that, the spectre of slavery looms heavy in their recent past, as they face the future uncertain of what it may hold for them.

It’s a powerful testament to the lives of real people living and surviving in the American South, while coping with its difficult history. Facing hardships and pulling through, the book accounts for many difficulties dealt with, while overcoming the past and looking to the future. The prose throughout is fantastic, really bringing the subject matter to life, while also making it a true joy to read.

The Known World

Originally brought out through the ‘Later Printing’ publishing imprint, this book was first released in September 2003. It would be a stand-alone and would take a look at the contentious history of slaves being owned by black people in the American south. Set in the fictional Manchester County, the story itself is based in reality, using historical accuracy to help underpin its central message. The book itself would be met with huge critical acclaim, reaching scores of readers from all over the world far and wide.

Telling the story of the former slave Henry Townsend, this book follows his life as a black farmer living and working. From his time working under William Robbins, Manchester County, Virginia’s, most powerful man, he’s sure to never circumvent the law. Then he unexpectedly passes away, leaving his wife, Caldonia, a widow, as she must keep the estate in order, with chaos underway. Taking an unflinching look at slavery, this historical epic charts a difficult period in time, looking back into America’s past and what actually happened.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Edward P. Jones

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