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Elicia Hyder Books In Order

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Elicia Hyder is a self-published author that writes paranormal and urban fantasy novels. Elicia is best known for the Soul Summoner Series.


The first book in the Soul Summoner series started as a joke. This was long before Elicia Hyder ever made a splash as a celebrated indie author. Elicia had a friend who thought it would awesome to have a main character that could make people appear by simply talking about them.

Elicia spoke to her husband about the concept. They happened to talk about a high school friend of theirs that they hadn’t seen or heard from in years, and to their surprise, that same friend sought them out on Facebook.

While that occurrence did not lay the concept of the Soul Summoner out for her, it definitely planted the seeds that Elicia would use to craft the series.

Elicia Hyder is an American author who admits that she was a bit of an accident. Her parents had birthed their last child eleven years prior to Elicia coming around. The name given to her was supposed to set her apart as a blessing but the author knows she was a pleasant accident.

And because Elicia was the youngest of her siblings, she tended to rebel. Her fun-loving, outgoing, selfish tendencies meant that she spent her formative years getting into all sorts of trouble.

Elicia was fortunate because she had plenty of intelligence. She always excelled academically. However, that intelligence couldn’t extinguish her wild spirit. No one was surprised when she discarded her studies in favor of living in a tent in the national forest with her dogs.

Elicia was down for a long time but she found the courage to turn her life around. The author’s big break came in the 1990s. Elicia Hyder was in rehab. She met a prophet there who told her that she would write a book one day.

That particular word gave Elicia a goal for which she could aim. And the fact that she eventually became a celebrated author with multiple books under her belt gave Elicia renewed faith in the prophetic word.

Elicia Hyder has a husband and five children. Despite abandoning her studies at an early age, Elicia is proud of the fact that she eventually finished her College studies at the American Military University where she pursued literature and creative writing.

The author specializes in contemporary romance and paranormal fiction.

+Literary Career

As a child, people could never keep Elicia Hyder grounded. She was always stuck in her imagination dreaming up crazy worlds with ludicrous characters. Her teenage years were spent fantasizing about what she wanted her life to be like.

Elicia was already an avid reader. But when the fantasies grew too heavy for her head, she began to write as well. The author was fortunate to have friends who shared the same passion for reading and writing.

And they took great joy from writing stories and sharing them with one another. It was Elicia’s first ever writers group. It was during those years that Elicia penned her first few novels.

She remembers going through an Ann Rice phase and writing tales so heinous she hopes they are never discovered. The author started her journey to publishing success in the contemporary romance genre.

She also wrote a lot of women’s fiction. However, it was the Soul Summoner books that put her on the map. The series, which is paranormal in nature, was a great departure from the works for which she was best known.

The first few stories fell within the same lines as Elicia’s earlier novels. And they definitely emphasized the romantic aspects above everything else. Elicia was never a fan of fantasy.

She remembers reading and liking ‘Wizard’s First Rule’ by Terry Goodkind, but the genre held no appeal for her. It wasn’t until she wrote additional novels in the Soul Summoner series and began to tackle darker and more twisted elements that her fascination for fantasy and the paranormal was finally sparked.

Now Elicia Hyder is known more as an author of paranormal and fantasy than anything else.

Indie publishing isn’t the easiest field within which to thrive. But Elicia loves it. She has to do everything herself to prepare a book for publishing. That normally means working 12-hour days.

But even with all the stress, Elicia believes she’s living the dream. Most of her work gets done in the daytime while everyone else is either at work or at school. The author tries to keep her work and her family life separate.

But sometimes her family has to understand when she has to forego spending time with them in favor of answering an urgent email or two. Elicia tries to fit all her writing into very short time periods.

When the author is working on her first draft, all she does is write. She won’t eat for ages if it means pushing her novel out in the next few weeks or even days. She doesn’t operate on a schedule. Her mind is simply programmed to prioritize writing until she completes her projects.

After that, she’s willing to take it a little easy.

+The Soul Summoner

Sloan Jordan is a 27-year-old girl with a secret. Sloan can see into the souls of others. She has a connection to them she cannot quite explain but which allows her to see the best and worst of people.

Sloan has managed to keep her ability under wraps for years. But then eleven women die in the mountains of North Carolina and she is given little choice but to help Detective Nathan McNamara catch a deranged killer.

Even more of a mystery than the killer at hand is a stranger that shows up at Sloan’s doorstep into whose soul she is unable to see. With two irresistible men by her side, Sloan is in for one hell of an adventure.

+The Siren

The case is coming to a close. For a while, a killer preyed on the young women of North Carolina. Now all his missing victims have been found; but not Rachel Smith. The FBI has evidence proving that Smith is alive and well in Texas.

It begins to occur to Sloan Jordan that she and Warren Parish might not be the only people on the planet without souls.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Elicia Hyder

One Response to “Elicia Hyder”

  1. eva attaway: 3 years ago

    I really like you books, keep up the good work!


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