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Emily Larkin Books In Order

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Publication Order of Baleful Godmother Books

Unmasking Miss Appleby(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Resisting Miss Merryweather(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Trusting Miss Trentham(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Claiming Mister Kemp(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ruining Miss Wrotham(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Discovering Miss Dalrymple(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Fey Quartet Books

Publication Order of Garland Cousins Books

Primrose and the Dreadful Duke(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Violet and the Bow Street Runner(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Midnight Quill Books

The Countess's Groom(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Spinster's Secret(2013)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Baronet's Bride(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Pryor Cousins Books

Octavius and the Perfect Governess(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Decimus and the Wary Widow(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Earl's Dilemma(2008)Description / Buy at Amazon
My Lady Thief(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Lady Isabella's Ogre(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Story Collections

Emily Larkin is a USA Today bestselling writer from New Zealand well known for writing historical romance, fantasy, and fiction novels. She has written multiple book series in her career, including the Fey Quartet series, Baleful Godmother series, Garland Cousins series, and the Midnight Quill series. Larkin’s Baleful Godmother books have a huge fan following and are labeled as vastly entertaining, sexy, ridiculously wonderful, and extraordinary. She particularly writes historical romance stories under her original name and uses the pen name Emily Gee for writing fantasy books. Whenever Larkin is not busy with her writing works, she likes to go on hiking. Larkin is a great lover of traveling and considers herself a globe-trotter. She has lived in North America, Europe, Sweden, Middle East, North Africa, China, etc. Author Larkin has worked in different career fields before becoming an author, such as being a field assistant and working as a waitress. For these two particular jobs, Larkin has stayed in Antartica and Isle of Skye.

Larkin has been a finalist for the RITA Award from RWA and has also been nominated for the Booksellers Best, National Readers Choice, Koru, the Australian Romantic Novel of the Year, and Sir Julius Vogel awards. Larkin says that she was brought up in a house that was full of books and words. Her father worked as a writer, while her mother was a proofreader and a librarian. She used to see her dad going down to a small room that he had made for himself under his house, where he would sit and work on his latest stories. He used to read out the manuscript of his children’s books to Larkin and her sister. According to her, those were the best times of her life. Taking inspiration from her father and being influenced by the works of Georgette Heyer, Larkin began writing a number of stories during her primary school days. However, she completely stopped writing when she moved on to secondary school because by then, English had become her least favorite subject. She even ended up dropping the subject later.

As Larkin had no intention of taking up writing as a career, she didn’t go for English at the University level. Instead, Larkin obtained a degree in science and was all set to get a job in that field. But, before starting any job, she went on a solo trip overseas. The fantastic experience enabled her to take up another trip soon after. And before Larkin realized, she had already spent a few years traveling to different countries. She even took up some odd jobs in between to make up for her livelihood and traveling expenses. The idea of writing struck her mind when she was traveling in a bus on her trip to Syria. An idea of a story came to her mind that quickly turned into a manuscript. As Larkin continued to explore other similar ideas, she successfully completed several manuscripts and published them with considerable success. This made her realize that she has found her true interest and that dropping English in university was a big mistake on her part. During her frequent travels, Larkin has served as a postie, technical assistant, field assistant, rehabilitation instructor, waitress, etc. But, she has enjoyed being a writer the most and hopes to continue doing it for many more years to come.

A very popular series of historical romance, fantasy, historical fiction, paranormal romance, and regency genres written by Emily Larkin is known as the Baleful Godmother series. It is comprised of a total of 4 books and 2 novellas released between 2016 and 2017. Each book of this series features different primary characters, who are shown exploring the special gifts that don’t initially know they have. Some of the exciting characters mentioned by author Larkin include Charlotte Appleby, Lord Cosgrove, Barnaby Ware, Miss Merryweather, Icarus Reid, Letitia Trentham, Lucas Kemp, Thomas Matlock, Eleanor Wrotham, Mordecai Black, Alexander St. Clare, Georgina Dalrymple, etc. The debut book of this series is entitled ‘Unmasking Miss Appleby’. It was self-published by Larkin in 2016. The book opens by describing that Charlotte Appleby’s Faerie godmother gives her an unusual gift on the occasion of her 25th birth anniversary. This gift is the ability to change shape, which Charlotte already possessed, but was not aware of.

As she is orphaned and penniless, Charlotte Appleby decides to take the shape of a man and move to London to earn a fortune for herself. She comes cross Lord Cosgrove in London, who hires her as his personal secretary. Charlotte finds work of a secretary quite challenging, especially when Cosgrove is around. When Charlotte learns that Lord Cosgrove’s life is in great danger and someone is looking to destroy him, she uses her special ability to find the culprit. Charlotte delves into the brothels and backstreets of London to look for Cosgrove’s persecutor and hunt him down. It is only later that she realizes she has put her own life in danger. But, what troubles her the most is her growing attraction for Cosgrove. Charlotte knows she has developed feelings for him in her heart, but tries to hold back herself because of her special abilities, which make it very difficult for her to have a normal life and a family.

The next installment of this historical romance series is called ‘Trusting Miss Trentham’. It was also released by Larkin herself in 2017. The central characters of this novel include Letitia Trentham and Icarus Reid. Initially, Letitia Trentham is introduced as an heiress, but she doesn’t know that she is much more than that. She is noteworthy for 3 different reasons. Letitia Trentham is extremely wealthy and she has turned down every proposal for marriage. The reason for which she is particularly well known is that she is able to distinguish between truth and lies. This is probably the reason why Letitia has never accepted any proposal so far. She is easily able to find out the men coming to her with proposals are liars and they only want to inherit her wealth by marrying her.

Later, Letitia comes across a man whose proposal she is not able to refuse. Icarus Reid approaches Letitia Trentham to ask for her help in finding the man who had betrayed him in the battle against the French. Reid doesn’t show any intent of marrying Letitia and only asks for her special talent to uncover who has been lying to him all along. But, Letitia becomes so much attracted to Reid that she ends up doing things that no one would expect her to do. Not only she helps Reid find the traitor, but also uncovers the secret that has been haunting him throughout his life.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Emily Larkin

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