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Emma Morgan Books In Order

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Publication Order of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Books

Jedidiah & Abby(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Joshua & Beth(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
John & Catherine(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Jonathan & Sophia(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Judah & Lindsay(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Josiah & Tabitha(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Jeremiah & Ruth(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

A Love Story for Bewildered Girls(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
An Unwanted Bride and Baby Saved by the Bachelor Logger(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mail Order Bride Saved from the Bandits by the Angry Indian(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Bride For The Bounty Hunter(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
An Accidental Bride for the Guilt-Ridden Farmer(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Twelve Mail Order Brides Of Christmas Books

A Pregnant Christmas Bride for the Bad Mannered Brick Layer(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Emma Morgan is a British author. She was born in Guernsey and attended school at the Liverpool University and also the Essex university taking a theatre course. Emma moved to Spain to teach English for five years. She has worked for BBC local radio as a support worker. Currently, Emma lives in Liverpool.
The author was taken in for the first bunch of The Penguin Random House WriteNow Scheme. The initiative finds new writers and helps them to make their publications for the countries that have been underrepresented in this industry. She created her first book A Love for The Bewildered Girls under this initiative.

A Love Story For The Bewildered Girls

A Love Story for The Bewildered Girls is the first publication by the author detailing the life of three women and their love life. This is a moving and funny story of love, heartbreak, and sex for the three as they rescue themselves from the snares of life.

Grace to her friend has that perfect life, she is single and lives a funny and exciting life with no kids and not married.

Grace’s friends have lived to envy the kind of life that she has which seems enjoyable and almost stress-free. But under this life which looks perfect and highly admired by her friends is a lady who has always yearned for love. Her yearning is overly strong such that the moment she finally gets her desires it swipes her off her feet and almost crashes her like a storm would do to you out in the sea. While at a party, Grace meets with a beautiful woman with whom she falls deeply into love. It is sudden, and things seem to take her unawares as she is led by her heart keeping her mind at bay.

During the same party, Anne who is a lawyer meets the man who she believes is her what would be called a perfect match. To Ann, the man fits her mother’s description of a man with excellent table manners. Violent is mesmerized by the discovery that she is falling in love with a woman which at first seems to contradict with her inner self but love has already taken her past this, and she engages deeply with grace.

First love is always dangerous, and many people end up falling into the negative side of this feeling instead of enjoying the moment. Grace has ever lived a conserved life keeping away from the issue of love. Meeting with Violet takes her by surprise, and though she has always yearned for this moment, it is highly disastrous for her and almost crashes the first-time lover. It is funny how she has always kept up a face of a perfect and satisfied lady to her friends, but deep inside her, a yearning to love and be loved is eating deeply into her soul. Meeting with the young and beautiful woman at the party quenches this fire.

Ann has always yearned for a woman who would meet both her standards and those of her mother and meeting the handsome and well-mannered girl solves this part of her life. She instantly falls with this man and believes that she has finally gotten that piece of her life that was missing. She slowly falls into love and cannot rescue herself as she gradually drains into the emotions that come with love. It is a feeling that seems to take her to a world that she has lived to yearn for and that which she feels like she would live forever in keeping everything else away. Her heart is satisfied, but there is more to just having a feeling and spending time with this person that took her heart. The big question is-will she manages to hold the emotions associated with this state or will the same end up pulling her down?

The life of violet is funny as falling in love with another woman is something that had never crossed her mind from the first instance but it is here, and she has to deal with the present. Fighting off the feeling will only make her think more of the woman she is falling in love with and make her yearn for the new lover more instead of forgetting. The discovery that she loves a person of the same sex at first is distracting, but gradually she accepts the fact that she cannot change the point and they develop a mountain of love progressively.

The two lovers cannot get away from each other as their hearts would be broken and hurting and separating would be impossible. At first, the situation becomes tricky, but with time it becomes something that cannot be overlooked or ignored as the more they think about each other, the more the two become close.

The book gives a parallel of love stories for three women who have always had a sincere desire to be loved and loved. This feeling is sometimes unprepared for but the moment it sets in, it becomes completely unavoidable, and the results can either be fulfilling or end up causing a distraction and even hurt. Grace and Anne get their hearts accomplished but Grace is somehow not sure of what she wants, but deep inside her it is clear that it is already there and cannot be denied. As the story ages, each of them gets so deep that it feels as though they have been there for a lifetime.

Emma Morgan brings out the issue of love and life in general. A lot can be learned from this novel, and the most outstanding one is that portrayed by the character of Grace. It is funny how people are quick to judge from the outside but never know the emptiness and hunger that is on the inside of a person. She also expands on the theme of love with her characters fitting perfectly on the same. Emma Morgan sets a precise example of what happens in real life for many people today in their secret worlds. Her style is incredible with bits of romance and sex making the book an excellent read for any romance reader.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Emma Morgan

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