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Erin Morgenstern Books In Order

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Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Night Circus(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Starless Sea(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Collections

Flax-Golden Tales(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Flax-Golden Tales is a free collection available on her website.

Erin Morgenstern is one of the recent and upcoming authors from America, who had gained a wide popularity right from her debut novel based on the fantasy genre. Her first fantasy novel, titled The Night Circus, became very much popular all over the world and helped her to become an overnight star author. Author Erin was born on July 8, 1978, in Marshfield, Massachusetts, the United States. She was brought by her parents in her hometown, Marshfield. Her deep interest in the arts and theater lead her to study studio art and theater at the Smith College, located in Northampton, Massachusetts. The parents of author Erin saw her keen interest in these fields, and therefore, they allowed her to pursue a career in theater right after her graduation from school studies. Author Erin completed her graduation in studio art and theater in the year 2000. Other than being a popular author, she also went on to become a well known multimedia artist in America. Along with spending time in writing her fantasy novels and being busy with her multimedia art works, author Erin also likes to paint. Mostly, she likes to paint in acrylics. Her favorite painting is the Phantomwise tarot deck. During the initial days of her writing career, author Erin was rejected by as many as 30 literary agents. But she did not lose hope as she had full faith in her writing work and believed that her stories will definitely become successful someday. After a few more rejections, she signed with the Inkwell Management in the year 2010. Soon after, she received an offer from the Doubleday publication for one of her stories and did not think twice before accepting it. Eventually, her first novel, The Night Circus, was released in the year 2011. This novel not only became highly successful all across the world, but also won the Locus Award in the category of the Best Debut Novel.

The book was also translated in over a dozen foreign languages in the year 2013 and re-published. Its popularity did not decrease even after a couple of years of its initial release. The novel became equally successful in the non-English speaking countries as well. Author Erin used to participate in the National Novel Writing contest since the year 2003. This leads her to write the story of The Night Circus for the first time in the year 2005. Recently, author Erin has moved to the New York City, along with her 2 fluffy cats. The shift of home is proving quite beneficial for her as she has successfully written and released the second book of her writing career. She has even started the plot development and character descriptions of the third novel of her career. Author Erin believes that all her stories are fairy tales in one or the other way. The Night Circus is also written by her in the form of a fantastic tale of romance and fairy magic. It is set in London during the historical late 19th century. This book is often compared with the popular Harry Potter series and with the famous works of authors Ray Bradbury, Steven Millhauser, Susana Clarke, and Neil Gaiman. Even though the novel is not meant for the young adults, it has been recommended for the teens. Author Erin sold the first printing of a total of 175,000 copies in 30 countries of the world. In one of her interviews given to the School Library Journal, Erin has described the self-contained and short chapters of the book as recapitulating the tents of a circus, and the white/black combined with red motif splashes as showing the dangerous passions lying below the surface. The American Library Association awarded the book with the Alex Award. It went on to spend a total of 7 weeks on the bestseller list of The New York Times.

The debut novel of author Erin Morgenstern, The Night Circus, was released by the Doubleday publishers in the year 2011. It shows the main characters in the form of Celia Brown, Penelope Aislin Murray, Bailey Clarke, Tara Burgess, Tsukiko, Lainie Burgess, Hector Bowen, etc., and takes place in New York City, New York, during the time of the year 1873. Author Erin has described in the plot of this book that the circus comes without any warning or notice. It just arrives with it black and white tents and utterly unique feast for the masses. The audience can easily get lost in the various entertaining events hosted by the circus members. However, behind all the joyful and friendly atmosphere, a fierce contest happens between a couple of young illusionists named Marco and Celia. Both of the have been trained for years to participate in a game, to which they have been bound by their masters. Celia and Marco know how the game is played, but they seem to be unaware of the fact that only one of them remains standing in the end. Thereby indicating that the circus only a stage for a deadly battle of will and imagination. As it travels across the world, magic continues to gain new heights at each stop. Due to this, the lives of all the players seem to get swept by the wake of the charms and spells. When Marco and Celia come to know that they are each other’s adversary, they begin to see the game as a means to collaborate rather than a competition. Eventually, they end up falling in love with each other. But, their masters still try to force them to play the game and this results in serious consequences. In the end, the novel seems to be a seductive and playful one, showcasing a mesmerizing love story described by author Erin.

The other book written by author Erin Morgensten in her career is titled as ‘Flax-Golden Tales’. This novel was released in the year 2014. This book is based on the 10 sentence stories that are inspired by the photographs taken by one of the friends of author Erin, named Carey Farrell. All the photographs have been archived in the book and are available to read with the help of the links attached to it. Author Erin started writing the stories in the book for her own birthday, so as to make her blog appear like that of an actual author. After writing for a period of 5 years and completing a total of 261 stories in the book, she stopped writing the novel. As of now, author Erin is working on the 3rd book of her writing career.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Erin Morgenstern

2 Responses to “Erin Morgenstern”

  1. Gary A. Medrow: 2 months ago

    To me Ms. Erin Morganstern is the BRST AUTHOR ON THE PLANET, PERIOD!!! And I’m speaking of THE BRST AUTHOR ON THE PLANET, MALE OR FEMALE AS WELL!!! Ms. Morganstetn writes flawlessly (to me it was like reading beautiful, meaningful POETRY !!! ) and I was ultimately addicted to raptly turning page after page of this marvelous literary work of art to see what happens next,etc., etc.!!! I totally love this book, and I totally loved Ms. Morgenstern’s second novel “The Statless Sea” as well!!! Can’t wait for her third novel to be published!!! Great work, FROM A GTEAT AUTHOR!!! LOVE YOUR WORK & ERITING TALENT TO THE MAXIMUM!!!

  2. Dennis: 2 years ago

    Words would not describe how nightcircus reacted with my soul


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