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Eva Dolan Books In Order

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Publication Order of DI Zigic and DS Ferreira Books

Long Way Home(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tell No Tales(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
After You Die(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Watch Her Disappear(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Between Two Evils(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Half Truth(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

This is How it Ends(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

The British author Eva Dolan has been a well established copywriter for many years now, as well as a poker player. Writing crime novels, she came to prominence when she was just a teenager, making a name for herself when she was short-listed for an award. Making her début as a fictional novelist in 2014, she marked herself as a definite author to watch in the years to come.

Early and Personal Life

Hailing from Essex where she was born and raised, the British author to be Eva Dolan grew up with a strong passion for the written word. With a number of interests throughout her life, her prime focus was always writing, with her love for both reading and writing continually prevailing. Taking in inspiration from the world around her, she would always be on the lookout for new story ideas, whilst constantly working on both her style and her tone.

Listening to conversations, she would take in characters that she came into contact throughout her day-to-day life. One such example was when she was in a small country pub in the UK when she overheard two men discussing an aggressive gangmaster with admiration and decided to explore the subject further through her own work. This is something that she has continued throughout her own lifetime, as she has educated herself in English and literature too, creating a more fully round voice.

Working as a copywriter as well, she has managed to make a fulfilling living from both her and her writing over the years. Articulating herself and what she wants to say, she has also been a somewhat successful Poker player during the course of her life as well. All this has allowed her to clarify herself as a writer with something to say, as she puts everything back into her work.

Still writing to this very day, she continues to put out work at a regular pace from her home in Essex in the UK. Enjoying a career as a successful writer now, she has written a lot of thriller based novels on the subject of crime. With a lot more to come on the horizon, it doesn’t look like she’s stopping anytime soon either, as her writing career grows from strength-to-strength.

Writing Career

Releasing her first novel back in 2014 she has come a long way in a relatively short amount of time, with a number of releases since. Bringing her out the novel ‘Long Way Home’ she made her debut onto the literary scene with the first in her series of ‘DI Zigic and DS Ferreira’ titles. This then established her as someone to definitely watch, as she has built a sizeable audience that’s been growing since then.

Over the course of her writing career she has produced a number of titles in the series, with four so far and counting. Featuring the leading protagonists of ‘DI Zigic’ and ‘DS Ferreira’, it sees them solve cases, with a different mystery each novel. Set in Peterborough in England, it’s a location that Dolan knows only to well, creating a more realistic environment for her characters to inhabit.

Focusing on crime novels, she tends to use the genre to tackle larger more contemporary issues in the wider world. Featuring such topics as immigration, she is not afraid to deal with these subjects head-on, facing up to them with her stories and her characters. This has seen her gain critical acclaim from both her many peers and contemporaries alike, with a high degree of commercial success as well.

Whilst she may base many of her stories within England, she has also managed to reach an international audience as well. Readers worldwide are discovering her work, something which is largely due to the universal themes within her work. This is not to say that they don’t have an idiosyncratic and local feel to them either, as Dolan makes the most of her locations throughout.

Maintaining a strong presence on the publishing scene, Eva Dolan remains a strong advocate for both her and her craft. Continuing to write, she holds a bold profile both online and off, with more and more discovering her work everyday. This looks set to continue on into the foreseeable future, as it appears she will be writing for many years to come.

After You Die

Initially published on the seventh of January in 2016, this was set to be the fourth title in her ongoing series of ‘DI Zigic and DS Ferreira’ novels. Continuing in much the same vein as the previous books, it manages to pick-up from where the last left off, whilst also allowing newcomers into the franchise as well. With the characters and the premise already firmly established, it works at developing them for the now loyal readers.

Two bodies are discovered, a mother and daughter, as DI Zigic and DS Ferreira arrive with the Hate Crimes Unit to discover what happened. The teenage daughter was severely disabled with the mother looking after her, so it is up to them to determine who the killer was after. Holly Prentice, the mother, had already informed the police that she was being harassed following the tragic attack, so it would seem that someone out there had a grudge against them. Will they find the killer? Can they stop them striking again? What happens after you die?

Watch Her Disappear

Brought out through the ‘Harvill Secker’ publishing label this time, as opposed to the ‘Random House UK’ label, this marks the fourth title in the ‘DI Zigic and DS Ferreira’ series of mysteries. Creating a whole new story from the world and the characters, it also manages to provide some twists and turns along the way. Continuing in her ever engaging style Dolan manages to expand upon her premise, building it even further than before.

Finding a body in a spot that’s popular with runners, it seems that there’s a killer on the loose once again. With DI Zigic and DS Ferreira on the case it appears that they have a serial rapist to contend with, as they attempt to stop them from continuing to strike. It soon transpires, though, that the victims of the attacks are trans, as it appears that this could indeed be a campaign of violence against trans women. What are the killers motives? Where will they strike next? Who will watch her disappear?

Book Series In Order » Authors » Eva Dolan

One Response to “Eva Dolan”

  1. Mike Fogg: 3 years ago

    Hi Eva,

    I have just listened to “one half truth” on Audiobook and really enjoyed it. I can’t image how you conceive such twists and turns in the plots.

    Looking forward to the next one



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