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Evie Harper Books In Order

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Publication Order of You Loved Me Books

You Loved Me At My Darkest(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Loved Me at My Weakest(2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
You Loved Me At My Ugliest(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Portland Street Kings Books

Evie Harper is an Australian author that writes romantic suspense novels. She is best known for the ‘You Loved Me’ series.

Evie Harper has been reading for as long as she can remember. The habit formed when she was fairly young. And as she matured, she realized that her passion for reading was driving her to also write.

So she gave in to the compulsion. So much of Evie’s time is spent writing. Her stories are suspenseful, heartbreaking tales. There’s also plenty of love thrown into the mix. For all the action and the adventure that sometimes liters her books, Evie is a romance writer above all else.

And she almost always sets out to give her characters happy endings. The author doesn’t stray too far from the tropes of the romance genre. Her heroes are alpha males. They are strong and competent, and they will do anything to protect the heroine.

This isn’t always a deliberate act on their part. Rather, something about the heroine always ensnares them. She overcomes their defenses, worms her way into their heart and drives them to act in ways that do not always benefit them.

In fact, more often than not, they are forced to act in ways contrary to their interests. Yet once love ignites in their hearts, they can do little more than follow its leading, even when it draws them into danger.

The heroines definitely fit the role of damsel in distress. A significant number have been hurt physically, mentally, and emotionally. But they’ve refused to let their past wounds keep them down.

Even as the trouble mounts and assaults them, they never stop fighting to stay afloat. And even when they encounter the hero, realizing that he has the power to protect them, they are not always willing to surrender their hearts to his embrace.

There are readers who think Evie Harper’s writing is a little too dark, delving into the seedy and unsavory aspects of human existence. But there are also readers who believe that the sweetness and the heartwarming nature of her protagonists’ love make the depressing bits of her books worth it.

Evie is inspired by her life. She reads a lot of books, primarily romance, though she isn’t afraid to mix things up on occasion. The author also watches television and listens to music.

She doesn’t have anyone guaranteed source of ideas. She merely allows her mind and her senses to follow whatever medium gets her creative juices flowing. Many of Evie Harper’s books are not plotted beforehand.

The author is a pantser, in that she writes by the seat of her pants. However, she has always desperately wanted to be a plotter. And she always makes a concerted effort to plan her books out beforehand.

However, whenever she begins to write, her plans go out the window. Her stories always veer away from her outlines, sometimes differing so drastically from what she initially had in her mind that her outlines and the novels she eventually writes often feel like completely separate stories.

But even though Evie isn’t a natural plotter, that hasn’t stopped her from trying. She normally uses OneNote to create and organize her ideas. Evie also deploys Pinterest from time to time, using the platform to manifest her concepts in picture format.

The average Evie Harper book begins with a scene. Evie tries to focus her attention on the scene with the biggest conflict. Once she begins to see it vividly in her mind, she branches out from there, crafting the ending, and then the beginning, and then everything in between.

The process is messy and Evie admits as much. But it gets the job done. Evie spends a lot of time trying to empathize with her characters. Unlike some authors, she doesn’t listen or talk to them.

She tries to take a detached point of view, watching the events of her story play out as though it were a movie. But when it comes to the more heartfelt moments, the essential conversations, Evie Harper tries to put herself in the shoes of her characters. She tries to imagine what she would feel if she experienced the things they saw, how she might react.

That helps her inject authenticity into her work. Evie, it should be noted, is self-published.

She took the indie publishing route because she realized that it gave her greater control over the stories she told, specifically their length, and the art she used for her covers. There is a business to indie publishing and while some authors might balk at the work involved, Evie embraces it.

She spends a decent amount of time promoting her novels, either creating competitions for giveaways or engaging with fans on social media. Evie encourages every aspiring writer to approach the publishing arena with a sense of determination.

They should never stop writing or publishing or designing or marketing. Evie says that those who persist will receive immense satisfaction along the way.

+You Loved Me at my Darkest
Lily and Sasha are sisters who suffered horribly. What started as a dream holiday ended in kidnap. Lily was added to an exotic collection of women while Sasha went into slavery. But they never stopped fighting to reunite with one another.

Jake had only one job: to watch and protect Lily on his employer’s behalf. But Lily made things difficult. She was too unruly. And yet Jake couldn’t help but assist her in her efforts to find her sister. Lily was unaware of the hidden agenda that drove Jake.

+You Loved me at my Ugliest
Alexa Kingsley lived an isolated life, having lost everyone she ever knew. For a while, Joey, the boy next door, walked with her. Despite the abuse he suffered, Joey clung to her, and Alexa vowed to protect him.

But eventually, even Joey left, and for a while, it seemed like Alexa would never recover.

But then Joseph came into the picture. Joseph’s father trained him to be a villain, and he was good at being ugly and corrupt. But then he met Alexa and she began to ignite in him something he never knew he had.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Evie Harper

2 Responses to “Evie Harper”

  1. Roxanne: 11 months ago

    I have been waiting for reckless for years please tell me I will find out what happens

  2. Wendy Schwagerman: 3 years ago

    Hi Ms Harper
    I have read and loved the king street series
    and would like to know when the last book reckless
    will be available on kindle to purchase. Please let me know
    I can’t wait to see how the series ends. Thank you Wendy


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