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Franklin Horton Books In Order

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Publication Order of Borrowed World Books

The Borrowed World(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ashes of the Unspeakable(2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Legion of Despair(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
No Time for Mourning(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Valley of Vengeance(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Switched On(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Ungovernable(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Blood and Banjos(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Resurgent(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Reset Roadhouse(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Endarkened(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Defeated Creek Books

Publication Order of Locker Nine Books

Publication Order of Mad Mick Books

The Mad Mick(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Masters of Mayhem(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
Brutal Business(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Northern Sun(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Punching Tickets(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ultraviolent(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Death Dealer's Manual(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
American Oligarch(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
Shift Point(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Dislocated(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Hostile Takeover(2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Ty Stone Thriller Books

Publication Order of The Way of Dan Books

Burning Down Boise(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Path of Water(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Boondock Pilgrims(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Oracle(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Note: Note: Locker Nine, The Borrowed World and The Mad Mick all take place within the same universe.

The author has noted on his website that the first time Mad Mick appears, is in Grace Under Fire. So prior to reading Mad Mick, be sure to read up to the 2nd book in Locker Nine so that you can get the back story.

The book Ultraviolet in the Mad Mick series, has characters from The Borrowed World and takes place between Blood and Banjos and Resurgent. So it’s recommended to read that between those two.

Author Franklin Horton writes work from the genres of thriller and post apocalyptic fiction; he has written some stand alone novels, and “The Borrowed World” series. He lives and writes in southwestern Virginia’s mountains. He went to Virginia Commonwealth University and Virginia Intermont College.

During his spare time, he does outdoor activities with his two kids and wife. Interests of Horton’s include: kayaking, mountain biking, camping, backpacking, and shooting.

“The Borrowed World” is the first novel in the “Borrowed World” series and was released in the year 2015. Operatives of ISIS have attacked America’s infrastructure during a night of terror. The life that Americans once knew is stopped when the electrical grid is ruined, networks for communication are damaged, major fuel refineries are set on fire, and important dams and bridges are wrecked beyond repair.

The government decides to stop selling fuel to members of the public. Jim Powell winds up in a horrible predicament as he is five hundred miles from his home with some of his coworkers.

There are thousands of other travelers stranded and little law enforcement to speak of. It makes the miles between him and his family a series of trials, and the rules of the civilized society are no longer in effect.

Once things really get going in the book, things really get moving quickly. Fans of the novel found this to be a realistic account of what can happen after an apocalypse. The fact that some of this is even possible was enough to make it that much more scary and creepy to them. Readers found themselves flying all the way through the book quickly. The novel hooked people right from the start and pushed them to read the second book right away.

“Ashes of the Unspeakable” is the second novel in the “Borrowed World” series and was released in the year 2015. Jim and the group he is with struggle to get back home. Only a few days have gone by since the first attack, and already things have become vicious and chaos reigns over the landscape. Nothing is easy in this world.

They battle to get closer to their loved ones. They are unable to avoid the rising number of folks that understand they are able to get away with anything they can. This is a world where there are no legal consequences for someone’s actions.

Jim’s family has been forced into a lock down because the jail released inmates, which increases the amount of extremely violent in the valley. A stranger wants to drive some of the families out of their home and take their stuff. Jim tries to speed back home, and Ellen (his wife) fights to protect her family. Each and every night, one of their neighbors gets their house burned down.

Here is a book that makes you wonder what you would do if this sort of thing happened, and makes you fear that you are not ready for it to happen. It also shows some of the real monsters that exist in the world. Fans of the novel found this to be a book that was well done, and worth the read. It is a real story that has characters that you will either hate or love. It is this character development that adds quite a bit of drama to the story. It makes you care a lot more about each one of the characters. Some cannot wait to see how these heroes deal with the things that they have walked right into.

“Legion of Despair” is the third novel in the “Borrowed World” series and was released in the year 2016. The nation is just about to descend into anarchy. Jim Powell has made it back home and is trying to put together a place for his family to be safe.

Co-workers of Jim’s, named Alice and Gary, are not doing so well. Gary has been hoping for a nice reunion with his family, but finds them under attack when he gets back home. He has to figure out if they need more numbers and a location better suited for survival or if the family’s plan is a good one. Either way, it is a tough choice. Even though his homecoming is not all sunshine like he hoped, at least he is back with his family.

Alice wakes up and she is in a basement on some concrete floor in Bluefield, Virginia. She is chained and bound to a column. Alice has no idea if she will ever see her husband and son ever again. She only knows this man has killed her friend Rebecca and did so pretty brutally. She knows that if she cannot get out, she will be the next person this guy kills.

Fans of the novel found this to be full of hard lessons the heroes have to learn, action, and suspense. Readers found this to be another well written installment in this series. The book shows that the author’s writing is improving and the characters get more development in this. Readers have become just so involved in these characters’ lives, and it feels like you are there with them as they are going through what they are doing. Some cannot wait to get into the next book in this great series.

“No Time For Mourning” is the fourth novel in the “Borrowed World” series and was released in the year 2017. Jim and his family prepared and armed for what came. It made them able to live without both fuel and power. What is going to happen, however, when the qualities that brought Jim to come back to his home in an isolated valley start attracting another group with arms that is looking for a place to lie low from the starving nation’s unrest?

Fans found themselves devouring the entire thing in just a single evening and were not disappointed by anything that happened in the book. Some readers got impatient simply waiting for this book to be released, just so they could find out what happened next. The series gets better with each book, and hope that there are more books coming after this one. It has some great characters and an awesome story.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Franklin Horton

6 Responses to “Franklin Horton”

  1. Barry: 4 months ago

    I feel the same way. I was searching the internet looking for the book I missed. O’ reading in the prologue that Charlie had to leave the tribe, and I’m like “WHAT?” . I didn’t read that book.

  2. Robert Conger: 7 months ago

    I have read every one of Mr. Horton’s books and have enjoyed them all. My favorite is the Mad Mick series. When I discovered Mad Mick, the first 8 or 9 books had already been written. Now I find myself waiting forever for each new book/adventure. Not fair! Can’t you write a little faster and still keep the same quality of riveting story? I would sure be grateful.

  3. Dee Hinds: 3 years ago

    I have read all of Mr Horton’s novels and have taken away a great deal of information. The way the world is today, I believe the books are telling us a very strong SOMETHING. I’m ready, as I hope all of “you” are ready. Please Mr Horton, double-down and write more to all of the series. I absolutely loved them all.

  4. william guthrie: 3 years ago

    I’ve read several of Franklin Hortons books and loved all of them. Go into them with an open mind and enjoy the results, you’ll love it!

  5. Keanan: 3 years ago

    Hello! Wanted to say I truly love the series, I’ve been eating the borrowed World Series nearly a book a day for the last week or so, and have just finished book 8, and started onto book 9. I noticed at the end of 7, there was a snippet of the Mad Mick series which I intended to start after I’d finished this one, however after reading book 9’a prologue I find myself absolutely lost as to how Mad Mick suddenly came into play and feel that I’ve missed something. I’m wondering if this is due to having not read Mad Mick yet? Is the missing pieces in that series? Did I read something of the 2 series out of order some how? I’m so absorbed into it now that I feel a responsibility to read it as the author intended the two series to intertwine but just can’t figure it out myself. Should I finished borrow world first or head to Mad Mick for the fill in, if there even is one. Just don’t wanna miss anything. Again, love the books! Big fan! Thanks

    • Ben: 3 years ago

      I think I understand why you missed some of the story around the mad Mick. I had the same problem the first read through. But the. It donned on me. You have to open your ideas when you read!! I felt so stupid for about 2 seconds. And then I drank a beer.


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