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Gerald Elias Books In Order

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Publication Order of Daniel Jacobus Mystery Books

Devil's Trill(2009)Description / Buy at Amazon
Danse Macabre(2010)Description / Buy at Amazon
Death and the Maiden(2011)Description / Buy at Amazon
Death and Transfiguration(2012)Description / Buy at Amazon
Playing with Fire(2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
Spring Break(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Cloudy With a Chance of Murder(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Murder at the Royal Albert(2023)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Mister E's Mysteries Books

Mister E's Mysteries: Volume 1(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mister E's Mysteries: Volume 2(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mister E's Mysteries: Volume 3(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mister E's Mysteries: Volume 4(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mister E's Mysteries: Volume 5(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mister E's Mysteries: Volume 6(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

Dances with Death: Devil's Trill & Danse Macabre(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

Maestro, the Potbellied Pig(2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Prince of the Leaf Cutters(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Collections eclectic anthology of 28 short mysteries to chill the warmest heart.(2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Non-Fiction Books

Symphonies & Scorpions: Ramblings of a Wand’ring Minstrel on the Boston Symphony’s Far East Tour of 2014(2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

+ Click to View all Anthologies

Gerald Elias is a Yale graduate with an extensive background in music, though his foray into the literary arena has garnered him quite the reputation as well.


Gerald Elias is, first and foremost, a violinist. Elias graduated from Yale after which he began to pursue music with quite a passion. If you have never heard of Gerald Elias, it is probably because he gives himself to music more than anything else.

Those with a hand in musical circles might know of him, though; as far as Boston Symphony Violinists go, Elias has made a decent enough name for himself that fans of classical music will probably hear of him from time to time, especially those individuals living in Boston.

Gerald Elias has taken great strides as a violinist, becoming an Associate Concertmaster of the Utah Symphony in 1998.

He can also boast about his Adjunct Professorship of Music at the University of Utah. Those that are especially in tune with the world of classical music will also know him as the first violinist of the Abramyan String Quartet, this along with fulfilling the role of Music Director of the Vivaldi Candlelight Concert Series.

A performer, director, and a composer, there is no reason to believe that Gerald Elias might have another side to him as an author, primarily because it doesn’t seem possible for one man to juggle so many roles and still find the time to write novels.

Yet, Gerald Elias can definitely add ‘Author’ to his resume. As a child, Gerald cared very little about writing or even music. People like asking him which of the two, writing or music, he gravitated towards as a child.

However, it was sports that filled Gerald’s imagination. If things had gone his way, Gerald would have preferred to play first base for the Yankees. But that particular dream didn’t pan out, and he needed other ways to bring home the bacon. And that is where music came into the picture.

As a violinist, Gerald is extremely busy, far busier than the average musician. So it is curious that he found time to write. According to Gerald, it was a simple matter of cutting back on football.

Once he took that passion off the table, slipping writing into his schedule wasn’t that difficult. Additionally, when he began pursuing his career as a writer, Gerald saw fit to cut back on his work as a full-time orchestral musician, which is why his fans had to acclimate to only seeing him at festivals every few months.

Gerald has suggested that his work as a writer is far harder than the rigors of music. For Gerald, music can get isolating, especially for composers who have no one else to rely on other than their own minds.

Writing gives authors a chance to work hand in hand with editors who keep then honest.

Gerald began his writing career by inventing Daniel Jacobus, the protagonist of many of his novels. He has described Daniel as an old, blind and cantankerous violin teacher whose desire for seclusion is often shattered by the complexities that keep emerging in the world of music.

His uncanny ability to seek out the nefarious elements populating the music arena makes Daniel an invaluable resource to those who know him. Gerald has admitted to basing his protagonist on the late, great chamber musician Alexander Schneider. Gerald worked with Alexander a long time ago, and his days as a student under Alexander made quite the impression on him.

In crafting the blind aspects of Daniel, Gerald looked to his friend Myra Ross, while those crotchety elements of his personality Gerald has imputed to himself.

The fact that his books haven’t reached the upper echelons of the literary arena doesn’t bother Gerald. An Award-winner, Gerald has still managed do well for himself, writing about the dark corners of the classical music world.

And even if he isn’t breaking sales records, his books have certainly garnered the critical acclaim a professional of his kind appreciates. Outside of his novels, Gerald Elias has also written essays and stories which you can find in numerous online journals and anthologies.

+Devil’s Trill

As far as violin teachers go, Daniel Jacobus is quite unique. A crotchety, recluse, Daniel has exiled himself to rural New England where he spends his days smoking, listening to music and taking on new students.

His decision to attend The Grimsley competition at Carnegie Hall draws Jacobus back into a world he thought he had left behind. The person who wins the competition will have an opportunity to play an amazing three-quarter-size violin known as the Piccolino Stradivarius.

This is one instrument that has brought misfortune to all those that have possessed it, its curse stretching several centuries back. However, before the competition’s young winner can play the Stradivarius, it is stolen, and all eyes turn to Jacobus as the prime suspect.

Enter Nathaniel Williams, a former student of Jacobus who, along with his sidekicks, leaps into action to help Jacobus prove his innocence.

Because this is a mystery novel written by a professional violinist, Devil’s Trill naturally bears Gerald Elias’ enthusiasm for music. And that is going to turn some people off. Too much effort is expended in explaining tiny and nearly irrelevant details about music and musical instruments.

For the most part, these detours on Gerald’s part tend to bring his story to a halt, and that can be annoying for some. Other readers might appreciate the depths of music into which Gerald chooses to drag them.

Gerald isn’t an especially great writer here, so this book is more likely to appeal to music fans than anyone else.

+Danse Macabre

When beloved violinist and humanitarian Rene Allard is brutally murdered, all eyes fall on his young African American rival. BTower is a crossover artist who was seen hovering over Allard’s contorted corpse, his hands bloody.

Btower is naturally convicted of the murder and sentenced to death, partially because of Daniel Jacobus’ testimony. Soon Jacobus finds that he is facing mortal peril when he is dragged kicking and screaming into a case he thought was closed, forced to follow a trail of broken lives and violins in his efforts to discover the inexorable truth.

Danse Macabre allows Jacobus to grow on Gerald’s readers. Gerald Elias makes him quite distinct from the average hero, and the fact that he is always so reluctant to dive into the thick of things adds some tension to the story.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Gerald Elias

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