Gordon Carroll Books In Order
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Sheepdogs: Keeping the Wolves at Bay | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Hair of the Dog | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Feral Instinct | (2020) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Old Dog New Tricks | (2021) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Sleeping Dogs | (2021) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
A Dog Returns | (2022) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Dog Eat Dog | (2022) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
The Hand That Feeds | (2023) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Silent Dog Still Water | (2024) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Twice Shy | (2024) | Description / Buy at Amazon |
Publication Order of Anthologies
Gordon Carroll is a literary fiction author who grew up in a small town overlooking the majestic Rocky Mountains of Colorado. As an eighteen-year-old, he joined the Marine Corps, serving for more than seven years and rising to the rank of staff sergeant. He then transitioned from the military to law enforcement, becoming a sheriff’s deputy in a tight-knit community in Denver, Colorado. His affinity for dogs soon led him to become a K9 handler and trainer. Over a span of twenty years, he trained three dogs: Thor, a 56-pound Belgian Malinois, JR, a 120-pound German shepherd, and Max, a 90-pound Belgian Malinois. Gordon and his dogs have actively assisted the FBI, the DEA, and various federal, state, and local law enforcement agencies in the apprehension of criminals and detection of narcotics. He has been happily married for more than three decades to his high school sweetheart, and together they have four children.
Gordon first became interested in books and reading in sixth grade, when he read “Call of the Wild” and “White Fang” by Jack London. His love for novels grew, and he soon became a voracious reader, devouring works from Card, Robert E. Howard, Lowry, Steinbeck, Rothfuss, Brand, Hunter, King, Crais, Irving, and Wambaugh. However, despite years of storytelling to his friends and children, he did not start writing until his wife encouraged him to transcribe his tales. Before long, he was writing stories and submitting them to various journals and publications. His works quickly gained recognition in Christian, mainstream, horror, and science fiction magazines. He then wrote one of his most popular works, “Gunwood USA,” a fictionalized compilation of his experiences as a military and law enforcement officer. Gordon is active in writing groups such as the Rocky Mountain Fiction Writers. He has also been on speaking panels and has performed at several annual K9 conferences.
Gordon Carroll’s “Sheepdogs” is the story of a humble man named Gil Mason tackling complicated problems. A blend of Caesar Milan, The Dog Whisperer, and Philip Marlowe gives life to a character with the heart of a Labrador and the courage of a Pit Bull. Gil’s K9 partner Max has his own issues to handle. The relationship between the two is a tenuous love-hate balance, as the dog adores his master but his strong alpha personality compels him to try to take over the pack. Gil then embarks on a mission to locate a missing teenage boy believed to have been abducted by a corporate billionaire, all the while battling feelings of loneliness and guilt over his family’s brutal murder, and contending with the stubbornness of his canine companion. Fists, guns, and intellect merge to form a brilliant lesson in dog psychology.
In “Hair of the Dog” by Gordon Carroll, Max the dog’s alpha instincts intensify, but he still obeys Gil, his master, whom he loves and trusts. Gil is relaxing on his porch when three SUVs drive into his compound filled with security personnel. Out steps Senator Marsh, who requests Gil’s help in locating a missing girl. She has been kidnapped and held captive in an unknown location for over two years, though authorities suspect she is in Colorado. Gil accepts the assignment, but as he delves deeper, he uncovers clues hinting at something more nefarious. Each time he locates the kidnapper, members of the Chicago Bloods gang appear. He suspects they’re exploiting his expertise to track and kill the kidnapper. As the action intensifies, and he manages to rescue the girl and bring her back to Chicago, she is kidnapped again, this time by the senator. This perplexes Gil and the kidnapper, who join forces and journey to Chicago to uncover why the senator wants the girl in his custody and the motivations of the Bloods.
“Feral Instinct” by Gordon Carroll is a thrilling novel that picks up where the second book of the Gil Mason series ended. It immerses readers in the violence of the gangs. Pilgrim, the once-retired dog, is back in action, aiding his master in his work. The murder that occurred in the second novel is somewhat resolved, although Gil still struggles to find peace due to his profound loss. Nonetheless, it’s a compelling and uplifting story as the villains get their comeuppance.
Book Series In Order » Authors »
We’ll just finished TWICE SHY waiting for THE WRONG TREE, it’s Christmas Day and no WRONG TREE so sad good thing you didn’t promise will keep looking for it once you start reading about Gil and the dogs and now a mountain lion hard to wait for next in line. Will not say because don’t want to give out spoilers but great last book. Keep up the great work I’m housebound and live in my bedroom so reading is my way to be in the world. Don’t get me wrong I do have appointments I have to attend and pt so I get out for that. Have a great 2024 Christmas and a happy New Year.
When is your next Gil Mason coming out. Love your books. Can’t wait
I really enjoyed your book Sheepdogs Keeping the wolves at bay. The perspective of Max was amazing. Looking forward to the next one💞.
Hi Gordon, Really enjoy your Gil Mason series. I grew up on Parker RD near Ilif and enjoy it when I recognize streets and areas you mention. You should work the Highline Canal in sometime. I left in 64 for Air Force and never returned and Reside in Washington state. I appreciate accuracy in novels, which you do well. While reading about Gail’s expertise on spaghetti I was impressed that you topped it off with the grated Romano. Well done! Just started book six. God bless you and you family.
I have A Dog Returns, plus the whole series. When is the next in the series coming out. I absolutely love the alpha dog/alpha human relationship and which is evolving in each novel. Also each story is different and refreshing. Please write more …
when will the actual book “A Dog Returns” come out. I do not want the ebook or the kindle version. I want the actual book. I have checked Amazon and all they have is the kindle version.
I see it available on paperback on Amazon
Have loved all your books, can hardly wait for A Dog Returns.
Love your Gil Mason series. Can’t wait til A Dog’s Return comes out!
Let me know when A Dog Returns is out. I love your characters!!!
I ordered your latest book on 10/25 (kindle)and have not received it Can you please check on this for me.
Thanks you
Hi Janet – you should contact Amazon about that if you ordered it via there as they will be the only ones who can assist you.
I’ll do that. Frankly I don’t remember if i ordered it from them or not, but I’ll check.
Hi, Janet
i just checked my store and you did order book 5, Old Dog New Tricks on Oct 24.
My store shows the link was emailed immediately after you purchased it but it might have got caught in your spam folder or filters. I’ll email you a new link right away and I’m sorry for the inconvenience and delay❤️
Absolutely loved this series!!! Can’t wait for the next Gil, Max , and Pilgram adventure!
Just finished first draft of book six, A Dog Returns. Hope to have it out late January❤️
Love your series and can’t wait for book six A Dog Returns. When will it be out?