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Holly Martin Books In Order

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Publication Order of The Apple Hill Bay Books

Sunshine and Secrets at Blackberry Beach (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cottage on Strawberry Sands (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon
Christmas Wishes at Cranberry Cove (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Happiness Books

The Little Village of Happiness (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Gift of Happiness (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Hope Island Books

Spring at Blueberry Bay (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Summer at Buttercup Beach (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon
Christmas at Mistletoe Cove (2017)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Jewel Island Books

Sunrise over Sapphire Bay (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Autumn Skies Over Ruby Falls (2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
Ice Creams at Emerald Cove (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Sunlight over Crystal Sands (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
Mistletoe at Moonstone Lake (2021)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Midnight Village Books

The Midnight Village (2023)Description / Buy at Amazon
Meet Me at Midnight (2024)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Sandcastle Bay Books

The Holiday Cottage by the Sea (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Cottage on Sunshine Beach (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon
Coming Home to Maple Cottage (2018)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of The Sentinel Books

Publication Order of A Town Called Christmas Books

Christmas Under a Cranberry Sky (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Town Called Christmas (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Treehouse Books

The Blossom Tree of Dreams (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wisteria Tree of Love (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of White Cliff Bay Books

Christmas at Lilac Cottage (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Snowflakes on Silver Cove (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Summer at Rose Island (2016)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Wishing Wood Books

The Christmas Tree Cottage (2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Guestbook / The Guestbook At Willow Cottage (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
One Hundred Proposals (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
A Home On Bramble Hill (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon
Tied Up with Love (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
Fairytale Beginnings (2015)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Summer of Chasing Dreams (2019)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Short Stories/Novellas

One Hundred Christmas Proposals (2014)Description / Buy at Amazon

Publication Order of Anthologies

Holly Martin is a British author that writes chick-lit. Martin is best known for ‘The Guestbook’, a novel about the landlady of a cottage and the trials of love and loss she encounters with her guests.


Holly Martin was born in Birmingham. She lived there for the first part of her childhood before making the move to Bedfordshire when she was sixteen. Holly has since lived all over Britain.

The author initially had her sights set on media as a career and she studied the subject in university. However, the results were less than appealing. Rather than the glitzy career she thought she would pursue, Holly Martin found her way into a hotel where she worked as a receptionist.

She eventually escaped the job, using the time to experiment with numerous other forms of employment. This included working in a bank and selling glazing windows. None of them gave her the satisfaction she wanted. And as she watched her friends move on to greater things, it occurred to Holly that it might be time to make some changes.

So she quit trying to squeeze success out of her media degree, went back to University and began her training to become a teacher. She left the institution partly excited and partly terrified to undertake a whole new challenge.

The idea of developing young minds brought with it immense responsibility. But the author eventually came to terms with the task and spent four years teaching. Proving that maybe she was meant to be a writer all along, despite her teaching degree and success as a teacher, Holly Martin still couldn’t settle.

She eventually moved on and took up employment with history workshops where she dressed up as historical figures and gave visitors a taste of life in centuries gone by. The work required a lot of traveling on the part of Holly Martin.

She used the time she spent on trains and buses to create her stories, and once she finally sat down to get her writing done, she had more than enough ideas to fill several books. Success didn’t come easy.

But all the job hunting she had done over the years had created a persistent spirit in Holly. So she could never bring herself to give up. She kept writing and dealing with rejection until someone finally gave in and gave Holly her first big break.

Holly Martin has since become a full-time writer.

+Literary Career

Holly Martin always had an inkling that she was meant to be a published author. She knew this for a fact because regardless of the career she was pursuing at the time, she never stopped thinking up characters and creating imaginary worlds in her head.

When she finally decided to give writing a go, Holly spent years producing manuscripts for stories and sending them to publishers and agents and receiving nothing but rejections.

That was the most trying period of the author’s life because she didn’t know where she was going wrong. She didn’t know if she was getting the cover letters wrong or if her synopsis was lacking or if her writing was merely terrible or whether they simply did not find the time to read her manuscripts.

More irritating to Holly Martin was the fact that she didn’t know how much further she had to go before someone took the bait. Was it just a dozen submissions left or another thousand? Not knowing how much of her trying journey was left meant that she didn’t know how much longer she had to persevere.

But endure she did. Having put so much of her time and effort into writing, Holly reached a place where there was no going back. The author’s prospects began to grow when she entered a short story competition.

She won and got her story published in an anthology. The development was eye opening because it showed Holly that she could actually write. It proved to her that someone out there believed in her, and that was all the encouragement she needed.

Not only did she keep writing but she went ahead and self-published her first book. The reviews she attracted were mostly positive and she used the feedback as momentum to keep self-publishing.

Not long after, the author signed a book deal with a traditional publisher and officially arrived on the mainstream publishing stage.

Holly Martin writes chic-lit. Her books are filled with humor and romance. The author primarily uses her mom as her beta reader. She reads everything Holly writes several times over, helping her determine what works and what doesn’t.

Holly is fortunate to have a family that supports her dreams. Her father takes every opportunity to tell his friends what his daughter is doing. And despite the fact that he has a taste for thrillers, Holly’s father has read every book she has ever written.

+One Hundred proposals

Harry and Suzie are best friends. They are also business partners that operate The service is designed to help clueless grooms create the perfect marriage proposals.

Harry comes up with a great idea that will boost the traffic of their business. He intends to propose to Suzie in a hundred different ways over a period of hundred days, this while documenting the entire experience. The stunt might give their business the PR boost it needs but Suzie can only see the heartbreaks she will endure.

The first book in the 100 Proposals series places Suzie in a dilemma. She has been in love with her business partner Harry for a very long time. However, Harry never seems to see her in a romantic light. In fact, there’s always a revolving door of women coming in and out of his life.

When Harry decides to propose to Suzie in a hundred different ways, Suzie doesn’t know how the stunt will affect their relationship.

+Christmas at Lilac Cottage

Penny Meadows is an ice carver living in the seaside town of White Cliff Bay. She lives in a cozy cottage and spends her days making beautiful sculptures. For all the wonder that manifests in her work, Penny doesn’t feel like she is living her best life, not when her love life is all but nonexistent.

When a father and daughter rent an annex at the same cottage as Penny, she makes it her goal to make the daughter, Daisy, feel welcome. As preparations for the ice sculpting competition and the Christmas Eve ball kick into gear and Penny begins to learn more about Henry –the father—, the ice around her hearts starts melting.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Holly Martin

One Response to “Holly Martin”

  1. william warren: 11 months ago

    After reading of the author’s struggles to find her true vocation I have to say I admire her greatly.


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