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Iris Cole Books In Order

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Publication Order of Victorian Romance Books

Publication Order of Standalone Novels

The Christmas Pauper(2020)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Lost Daughter(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Wretched Needle Worker(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Forgotton Match Girl's Christmas Birthday(2021)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Workhouse Girl's Despair(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Pickpocket Orphans(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon
The Stone Picker's Christmas Promise(2022)Description / Buy at Amazon

Iris Cole is a bestselling author of literary fiction novels that made her debut with the publishing of the highly popular novel “The Chrismas Pauper.”

She published her debut novel in 2020 and has never looked back since. Cole is fast becoming one of the most popular authors in the genre and has shown no sign of slowing down any time soon.
Since 2020 when she published her debut, she has become the author of more than half a dozen titles that have been just as successful as her debut work.

“The Lost Daughter” is the first novel by bestselling author Iris Cole that introduces Clary as the lead. The only thing she desires is to find her mother but she may have to pay a huge price for that to come true.
The place she calls home is the foundling hospital where she was born and brought up. But then there is a terrible tragedy and she gets the blame as she is thrown onto the streets.

Her only possession is what had been left to her by her biological mother. She is later on found by Bill Whitely. He found her beaten up and left for dead in a back alley.
Being the golden-hearted man that he is, he provides a sanctuary for her, even though a shocking discovery forces her to make some dangerous decisions.

Navigating a forbidden world, Clary finds herself in a place where suspicions and secrets are rife, ultimately forcing her to run for her life.

Destitute and alone on the streets, Clary lives in a debauched world, where she will have to fight for her own identity while seeking some very critical answers.
Will she ever learn the truth about her past and will Bill be lost to her forever?

Iris Cole’s novel “The Wretched Needle Worker” is the story of Vera who just found out that her father was a monster who has done some unspeakable things. For years, she had been blind to things that had been right before her eyes.
Following the death of her loving and kind father, her home is taken over by Merritt her ne’er do well uncle who leads the household with deprivation and cruelty.

Working so that her uncle will not throw her out, she soon becomes emaciated in addition to regularly getting beaten by her cruel uncle.

Her father’s brave and loyal stable boy Ralph will not stand by and watch as she becomes skin and bone under Uncle Merrit. Trying to protect Vera, he challenges her uncle and ends up on the street where he needs to earn a living in any way he can.
With Ralph gone, her soul aches and this is made worse as she watches the elderly servants of her father subjected to indignity and cruelty. Desperate to protect them, she only manages to drive him into a rage and gets an ultimatum.
She flees and ends up in the streets alongside Ralph and her new friend Maggie whom she met in the very early days. But their relationship is threatened when Maggie tells her some painful truths about her father leaving her in despair.

Iris Cole’s “The Christmas Pauper” is a work set in the early hours just before Christmas.

The lead is a young girl that has nowhere to sleep on the cold streets of London and resorts to hiding in doorways. However, this is a city that does not look kindly to paupers and orphans and the game of survival can be a very dangerous one.
Luella is an eight-year-old who lives in London in 1881 and finds herself all alone in the world. The icy winds blast her with cold and she seeks shelter shuddering in the doorways.

She is found by Agatha, a streetsmart older girl who shows her how to survive in the backstreets. However, London is a city with all manner of dangers, particularly for a street child.

It is not long before she is forced to forge a new path all on her own and prove that she can survive on the streets. But she still has to keep hidden some shocking secrets that are a threat to her own survival.

As for Frank Smith, he tumbles and sweeps streets as a way of supplementing the money his family makes. But when he meets Luella who does not even have a jacket to keep herself warm, he cannot help but do all in his power to help her.
When she goes missing, he fears the worst. It turns out that she has fled from a gang-infested neighborhood as she had been threatened by a notorious gang.

She had unexpectedly crossed paths with Frank and now he is determined to help her survive no matter what.

Book Series In Order » Authors » Iris Cole

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