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J.A. Cipriano Books In Order

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J.A. Cipriano is a New York Times bestselling author from America, who likes to write paranormal, fantasy, and young adult novels. He is particularly famous for writing The Lillim Calina Chronicles and The Thrice Cursed Mage series. Although author Cipriano grew up to become a noteworthy author, he didn’t like writing at all when he was a child. During his 2nd grade, his teacher gave the class an assignment to list down the things that they didn’t like. The first thing that Cipriano mentioned in that list was writing. And he gave a pretty simple reason for it too, which was his bad handwriting. Later, his academic achievements were good enough to allow him to have a career in the engineering field. However, as the days passed, he started realizing that writing is not that bad and he kind of liked it. And after winning a writing contest a year later, Cipriano became confident about making a career in the writing field. During all of his school years, author Cipriano kept on writing stories and won many contests. When he broke an arm in 7th grade, prominent authors Stan Lee and Dean Koontz had come to sign on his plaster. Most of the writings of author Cipriano were mainly fiction. In the 9th grade, he penned his first book called Revelations. It was a small novel comprising of about 20 thousand words. When he reached sophomore year, Cipriano wrote a couple more books and completed his first trilogy. While studying in the senior year, the author decided to rewrite Revelations, which he says is the best thing he has done in his writing career. However, author Cipriano does not think so and every time he sees the manuscript, he feels like making changes in it.

Author Cipriano got involved in a writing group of fan-fiction. But, he didn’t find it accurate enough. He thought of it as a world based on a famous anime, but things were created for this world. As per Cipriano, the group had become so because every story the people wrote were unique in some or the other aspect. For explaining this aspect, Cipriano gives the example of a Star Wars book set around 1,000 years after its last book. This way, everything that has already happened seems to be a distant memory & a new idea is developed. Author Cipriano wrote close to a million words for the group before deciding to do things on his own. He began writing stories after stories and worked on the ones he thought were capable of turning into full length novels. Eventually, author Cipriano completed the first actual novel. It was called Kill It With Magic. Even though the book was not very well received, author Cipriano feels that with the progress of the series the books keep getting better and better. Since that book, he has penned 6 more books, 4 of which form the part of Lillim Callina book series. The current novel that author Cipriano is working on revolves around werewolves that fight against mummies. The story of this book is set in the Ancient Egypt. Cipriano was born in Huntington Beach, United States. He is very fond of pet animals and has 3 chinchillas at his home. He has also kept a cat, whom he calls Turtle. During his spare times, author Cipriano likes to indulge in some sports activities and relax with his family. Usually, he spends most of his daytime in trying to develop the plots of his upcoming novels.

The Thrice Cursed Mage series written by J.A. Cipriano is comprised of 6 books in total, which were released between the years 2016 and 2017. The first book of this series is entitled ‘Cursed’. It was published as a Kindle edition in the year 2016. Author Cipriano has introduced the main character of this book as Mac Brennan. At the start of the story, it is shown that Mac Brennan does not remember anything about himself except his name. He wonders how did he arrive in the dumpster and woke up there. Mac Brennan does not even remember how his right arm became black and got covered with red colored glowing tattoos. He also does not understand why a death cult is chasing him viciously. Actually, he knows why he is chased by the death cult. Mac thinks that just because he saved a damned girl from it, it made him angry and since then it has been chasing him. At the time of saving the girl, Mac Brennan did not know who the girl was, but he chose to save her anyhow. Actually, he hates it badly whenever he sees any girl getting beaten up badly. He anyone thinks that he is old fashioned in this aspect, he does mind it. Looking at the girl’s devilish eyes, Mac suspects that she is hiding something behind them. He wishes to find out the thing she is hiding and for that, he will have to help her out. In the end, it is revealed that Mac Brennan is a werewolf hunter. He doesn’t have a memory of his own and considers himself as Faust’s different version, who flings hellfire.

Another well known book of this series is called ‘Seized’. This book was also released in 2016. Once again, Mac Brennan is depicted as the lead character by author Cipriano. At the beginning of this book’s story, it is depicted Mac Brennan makes entry into a deal with a deadly devil in order to ensure the safety of his family. After every specified interval of time, the devil visits Mac to get his due. When the devil comes recently for his due collection, he asks Mac Brennan to carry out one last task for him. Brennan thinks of pulling it off so as to return to his family and stay with them forever. The task given to him sounds simple, but turns out to be quite hard for him. Mac Brenna has to save a girl from the clutches of a demon, who has kidnapped her. This demon is known to have his control over the entire New York City. Mac agreed to help the girl because he would consider himself damned if he let a poor girl like her suffer and taken away from her family, after having the power and will to rescue her. Once again, Brennan becomes successful in saving the poor girl by risking his own life. This opportunity also allows him to get close to his own family and keep them safe from the devils in the city. This book was also appreciated very much by the readers worldwide and author Cipriano was highly praised for coming up with such an interesting story of fantasy.

Book Series In Order » Authors » J.A. Cipriano

One Response to “J.A. Cipriano”

  1. Ron Alexander: 4 years ago

    Awesome books


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